Living Proof

5:41 AM

- my hair is its own person. her name is rebecca. (intro pop music) - today we're gonnatry the best anti-frizz products for curly hair. - mines like fine, butyeah, there's a lot. - i wanna say kinky curls. - my is very, very thick. - we're gonna damp our hair. (laughs)

- i don't know about this shiela, listen. - i don't wanna spill this. - (screams loudly) do i look wet? (laughs) - i have a lot of hair. - same. - sorry, i didn't mean ... (laughs) - why is the frizz crossed out? - cause we don't want frizz.

- oh, duh! - it's a really classy bottle. - yeah, it is. - i like the smell. - it smells like roses,it smells like flowers. - when i have like stuffthat smells like skittles, i'm like, i don't want my hair to smell like no damn skittles. (laughs) - here's the thing. i don't like when

they say, use generously. cause that just means i'm gonna haveto buy a new one very soon. - this is so true. - i just know i'm gonna need a lot. - it smells like a rich lady. - it's already, myhairs like absorbing it. - it's not thick at all, which i like. it doesn't feel like there'sa lot of product in my hair. - this is not helpingcreate any sort of pattern.

- it actually seems to okay. and this is like an area of myhair that gets really frizzy. - look, it's likestraightening out even more. so, i can already tell with my hair this wouldn't do well. - i feel like it's givenyour curls moisture, but it's not really giving it that pop. i like how light it feels, i don't like a lot of product in my hair.

because, then it feels likeit's weighing my hair down. - i'm gonna say no to living proof for me, because i feel like a littlewet terrier right now. - i'd probably give this forme, like a two, quite honestly. - i give it a two. - i give this a three. i thinkit's pretty okay average. i don't love it, but idon't hate it either. (pop music) - oh god, it's clear.

- more frizzy. - this is like for me thesignature deva curl smell. - yeah, it smells like childhood. - ooh, i like the waymy curls are popping. - it just doesn't feel likeit's defining anything for me. in order for hair to notbe frizzy, i have to define it with a curl styling creme. - yeah. (laughs)

- i don't know if iactually like the texture of this at all, because itfeels very slimy, like snot. i also don't feel like it'sreally penetrating my curl. i feel like it's justsitting on top of it. - i feel like this onedefines my curl a lot more than the other product, which i like. - i think you putsomething underneath first, and i think you put this over it. - i feel like there'sa lot less stray hairs.

- it's 100% sulfate,paraben ,silicone free. - say that three times fast. sulfate, paraben, silicone free. sulfate, paraben ,silicone free. - i think this is notthe product for my curl. - i think this is for a different person. - i would say three to four, to be honest. - yeah, i would give it a 3.5. - i'd give it a four.

- i'd give it a 3.5. it's abit better than the other one. - caviar cream. - this looks really bougie. - it does have caviar in the title. - caviar. - which i like. - okay, so it's real fancy. - i think whoever isdeciding what these products smell like, is just like on top of it.

- i like the way it feels. - i gotta say it feelsless frizzy, this section, then when i put it it. - this isn't really like de tangling. i feel like my hairs getting knotty. - i do like that it's thick. - i like that it says heat protection, which means you can put this on your hair if you're gonna blow dry it.

- right. - this ones a good go to,i feel like if your ... at the end of the day andeverything's kind of frizzed out, and you just wanna do a touch up. - yeah, that's true. - i give it a 3.7. - i give it a four becauseof the texture of it, i like how thick it is. so, i have a little more faith in it.

- three and a half. - i'd give it a four for me. i like it. - i'd probably rate it afour as well, as the deva. - yeah, i think i'd rate it a four. - my favorite is the living proof. _ i'm gonna go with thecaviar one to start off with, and finish it off with the deva curl. - so overall, i'd say myfavorite would be the caviar. i think it kinda does a lot of things

just for this one product, which is great. - i'm gonna go withdeva curl. just because as much as i did like the caviar cream, i felt like deva curl comesthrough with the smells. and, i'm a big sense person. - if i was gonna use one, i think it would have to be thecaviar one. just cause it's hard to find somethingyou can put in dry hair. did it make your hands really soft?

- ooh, i didn't even notice. - my hand is quite soft. - ooh. - i do wanna say that with my frizz, i actually don't havemuch of a problem with it. i constantly have hair dressers coming up to me beinglike, "i know how to get that frizz right out."i'm like, that's just the way that my hair grows on my head.

- i know we all wanna control frizz. who told us frizz wasbad in the first place. - yeah, that's what i'm saying. if your curl feels good, thenit probably looks good too. - oh, shit! put that on a tee shirt.

Living Proof

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