Livin' Life Not Worryin'

5:41 AM

i hate worrying. it gets in the way. it’sa waste of time. what you should be doing instead of worrying is thinking. if you’regoing to stop doing what you are doing and let you mind get taken over by something,let it be thoughts and not emotions. thoughts are a powerful thing. ask the transcendentalwriters from the 1800s. remember ralph waldo emerson and henry david thoreau? there’snothing more powerful than planned and educated thought. . the very definition of worrying means to tormentoneself with or suffer from disturbing thoughts. that sounds like something i don’t wantto be a part of. so why would anyone worry? usually it’s due to uncertainty. not knowingwhat lies for you in the future. not knowing

where this road in life is going to take you. there’s always going to be points of uncertainty,but there are ways to reduce it or in the best case scenario, avoid it. planning isone of the best ways to avoid uncertanity and worry. if you already have actionablesteps to take towards your future, then it reduces uncertainty. because you have somethingproductive to do. you can keep moving forward instead of just wandering. and i’m talkingabout pre-planning. because you can’t come up with a plan when you are in a negativemindset. this has to be done before problems arise. not everything in life goes according to plan,but you can always course correct and have

backup plans. have you ever wondered abouthow many things you worry about can actually come true? they’ve done studies on this.eighty five percent of things we worry about never even come true. eighty five percent.that means most of the time you’re really worrying about nothing at all. you also have to train yourself to be an executer.when i see other people sitting around i wonder, how could you wait while the world is passingyou by? there’s no time like the present to start taking action. action in the rightdirection is best, but i’ve been known to make bold choices just to move forward. i’drather be trying and failing than not doing anything at all. have you ever heard the expression“failing forward”?

you can’t be worried about failure, becauseit’s bound to happen. no one scores a 10 out of 10 every time. you know what can really eliminate your worry?have a strong support group. surrouned yourself with other people who are also working hardand moving forward in life. they’ll have positive words of encouragement. they’llhelp you find solutions. and they’ll help you snap out of your worrying phase. as you learn to stop worrying and start working,subscribe to the endless motivation channel for more inspiring videos.

Livin' Life Not Worryin'

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