
5:41 AM

guarding an old dream in the empty hall. when opening my mouth,the words don't have their meaning the leaves have already fallen. the love has already burnt to it's full. it is beyond me what i miss is the gracefulness in the night. obviously i dare not touch anymore why does recalling makes my heart ache? no trace was left of that time. leaving into a dream and coming across again despite the tearsdeparting the sprouting trees of the spring the courtyard is profound,but not as profound as the pain. each memory of sorrow or joy turns into a devil half of my life spending clinging onto us it is our fate to abruptly meet and depart, loving and hating like a dream, like a fire, harsh like the wind

deep in the darkness,our mutual embrace will be endless, so i fear. on bustling summer and spring,then on autumn and winter. we are all teased by passion and hatred in our memories the "us" of those yearsis endless chronicle of love episode 25 sir. yun chu, i need your help with something. sir nalan, you can ask me to do anything that might help sister lin lang's case to be reversed. these clothes... how often do they get washed?

once every three days. how come our palace's clothes still haven't been washed and delivered? it's been three days. i know,. they were washed, but they are being detained. detained? why? a guard came and said the investigation results show sister lin lang was being used. someone secretly went to her chambers and left behind a pearl button.

the guards will be searching every palace maid's clothes. everyone with a missing button will be arrested. yun chu. what are you doing here? brother chang qing, i have a very important mission today. i can not chat with you. you should hurry and go back first. what important mission? actually i'm not supposed to tell you this. but i trust you, brother chang qing.

i am helping sister lin lang capture the one who used her. sir nalan has set a trap. we're waiting for them to be caught. what kind of a trap did sir nalan set? i can't tell you right now, but you'll find out in time. time to eat. you'll be a dead person tomorrow, so we'll let you eat well today. you are the king of all. you will surely come rescue me. isn't that so?

- your majesty. - rise. any news? replying to your majesty. no movement there as of yet. you are... sir nalan is clever indeed. you fell into his trap. we cut off one pearl button from each and every one of these clothes. why are you taking away yours? what are you afraid of? she must be the one who set upon sister lin lang. she's guilty. sir, spare my life. it's wasn't i. i was forced to do it.

take her away. it's not me. sir, spare my life. sir, it really wasn't me. where's xiao er? replying to your ladyship, your servant is unaware. i don't know where she went in the middle of the night. she's getting too unruly. reporting to your ladyship, his majesty has summoned your presence to ci ning palace over an urgent matter.

ci ning palace? what urgent matter? greetings to the grand empress dowager, empress dowager and your majesty. grand empress dowager, empress dowager, your majesty, please spare my life. it wasn't me. it wasn't me. it was her ladyship. she had me do it. she said to show lin lang some fright while his majesty is absent from the palace. i didn't dare disobey her ladyship. grand empress dowager, empress dowager, your majesty,

i was just momentarily confused. hating how his majesty treasures lin lang. i just asked xiao er to leave behind the ring. the witchcraft doll really wasn't my doing. that is clearly lin lang's crime. may grand empress dowager, empress dowager, and your majesty please seek righteousness. if i am within half a word of a falsehood, may i be struck dead by lightening. shut your mouth. i knew you had a stubborn temperament.

but you were not malicious. however i didn't realize just how evil-minded you are. your majesty, duan ping is my niece by blood. please consider her immature and grant her mercy. your majesty, please forgive me. i will never dare to do it again. from this moment forward, you are deposed of the title of duan ping. you are sentenced to repent in qiong fang pavilion without the privilege of leaving until i give it. court lady xiao er is to be flogged 50 times and then dismissed from the palace.

thank your majesty for your grace. thank you, grand empress dowager and empress dowager for your grace. your servant pays gratitude to your majesty. your majesty, if it weren't for your undivided devotion to that maiden, this wouldn't have happened. i am... unable to handle this kind of strife anymore. i am exhausted. never mind. the rest if not all is left to your majesty. grand empress dowager, i take my leave.

your son sends off empress mother. imperial grandmother. since this case has been resolved your grandson takes his leave as well. i'll come and greet you another time then. lin lang. wait. you are the emperor of great qing with a golden mouth and emerald word. in front of so many people, you said you gifted the ring to her.

now you are reversing your story. are you now telling everyone the ring was stolen by duan ping? however, imperial grandmother, lin lang was clearly used by others with evil intent. used? how? alright, let's say duan ping put the ring there. does your majesty have further proof

that the witchcraft doll was also of duan ping's doing? in addition, the one who offended filial piety, is wei lin lang, not duan ping. imperial grandmother! don't try to cover her fault. even if stealing the ring is not wei lin lang's crime, her crime of cursing the empress dowager still cannot escape her.

furthermore, the three days i gave you have expired. come. take this serving girl away. imperial grandmother, forgive your grandson's transgression. little de, rong ruo! take lin lang away. who dares! you are the grand emperor of a nation. yet you are so befuddled over one woman? my toil of 20 years were wasted on you.

do you really want the world to curse you as the besotted ruler bewitched by a woman? i can not leave. since the incident is yet to be clearly investigated i can't just leave without clear answers. his majesty is a wise ruler. this servant can't allow his majesty to have his reputation ruined by someone like me. wei lin lang, tomorrow morning, your punishment will be carried out. slowly, gently . . .

slowly slowly gently gently. baby, don't be afraid. close your eyes and don't cry. wolf is here and tiger is here. horse jumps fence and runs away. but baby don't be afraid. mom holds you to sleep. your subject has disappointed your majesty. i failed to investigate clearly and deserve death.

- your majesty.- lin lang. - lin lang. - your majesty. are you all right? your majesty is so good to me. i am already very grateful. also, this, i return to your majesty. when i'm not around, please don't miss me too much.

i thought i could keep you by my side forever. but in this palace, i could not necessarily (protect and) keep you. your majesty. i remember you once said to me, you don't have any other wishes in life. just to be able to leave the palace, after a time, in peace. and live the life you want for yourself.

i've made the decision. i'm letting you go now. after you leave the palace, go as far as you can. if i just leave, i will ruin your good name. as long as you are content, then my love for you hasn't gone to waste. your life, is more important than my honor.

you must leave the capitol before day break. yes, sire. your majesty, you are so good to lin lang. i am so disheartened for your majesty and lin lang. why is it that true lovers cannot end up together? little de. bring me that doll and the month's inventory of goods that came into the palace. hurry.

what is it? reporting to the grand empress dowager, his majesty just went to the punishment office to take away wei lin lang. how ridiculous! rong ruo, put me down. the grand empress dowager's message is as follows. being that wei lin lang is a criminal and sir nalan dared to raid the prison. both crimes are punishable by death. if you dare to resist, you will both be killed without care.

forward! rong ruo! rong ruo, i have a very important matter to entrust to you. rong ruo would be glad to offer his life for his majesty. i entrust lin lang to your care. take her away from here and go as far as you can. i will not betray your majesty's trust. even if i die, i will take her out of the palace.

thank you. take nalan rong ruo away. slay wei lin lang this very moment. no! stop! greetings to your imperial majesty. i have found evidence of wei lin lang was used by someone with evil intent. imperial grandmother, the woven satin on this doll is made of fabric sent from jiang nan.

there were only two bolts sent and they are unique. i had them gifted to ci ning palace and ci ren palace. i don't even have one bolt in my chien qing palace. therefore, how could wei lin lang use any to make the doll in order to curse imperial mother? grand empress dowager, this is the tribute inventory record from the household bureau. may your imperial majesty please review. does your majesty mean i cursed myself in order to have wei lin lang set upon? imperial mother, this is only what the record shows and i don't wish to investigate further.

i just don't want to see someone die wrongfully. alright, if you don't investigate, i will. i will give your majesty and the grand empress dowager a settled answer. alright. since this is where we stand and you have proof of wei lin lang being used, wei lin lang is hereby pardoned from the death penalty. your servant offers deep gratitude to the grand empress dowager. you may all be dismissed.

yes, ma'am. i also take my leave. my grandson.(xuan ye)(by protocol she can't call him by name) your grandmother doesn't wish to see you walk your father's path. all of you hear my words! even if you turn ci ning palace upset down, you must find the responsible person! your servant obeys your command. your servant thanks your majesty, for the grace of saving her life. i cannot lose you.

your majesty! i didn't see a thing! what's the matter? something happened at ci ren palace. empress dowager, i searched ci ren palace by the order of the empress dowager. when i entered mo mo ying's room she had already taken her life. i also found this flower and snowembroidered gold satin in her room. she also left behind a letter

chang qing. read it to me. what exactly does it say? replying to empress dowager, mo mo ying says she knows you don't like the palace maid wei lin lang. so in order to spare the empress dowager the distress, she thought of using the witchcraft doll to implicate wei lin lang. however, she didn't imagine she would cause you to be wronged. she hopes her death

can mend his majesty and empress dowager's relationship. she also says she hopes in her next life she will continue to repay your grace. empress dowager. it's not possible. mo mo ying grew up with me. she wouldn't do such a thing. i don't believe it. the proof is before our eyes.

his majesty is waiting for our response. not possible. may you be consoled. your majesty, theâ punishment office reports it was mo mo ying who serves the empress dowager who implicated lady lin lang. afterwards, she took her own life. she has served imperial mother since young. mother empress must be broken-heart by it. let's not mention this incident anymore. it couldn't be her.

empress dowager seems exhausted. allow me to take fu guei er so you can rest. no need. dismissed. yes ma'am. sir nalan, my thanks to you. i promised you. i would protect you forever. sir nalan,

i already have someone to protect me for life. there's another person who needs your care far more than me. i understand your words. thank you for saving me a second, a thrice, again and again. let our fate just pass whether good or bad. from now on, i wish you and cui jun a happy life. you must live happily as well. i will.

it's my fault for making you worry. it's my fault for not supervising my servants well to allow them the opportunity to tear you and me apart. i know how much you revere buddhism. i brought some buddhist sutras for you. these are the prayer beads father emperor bequeathed me. i know you miss father emperor as well. so i brought this to gift you. a token toward your long-cherished wish.

yes, this was cherished by him. your majesty gifting this to me, makes me so happy. - fu guei er!- be careful, empress dowager. fu guei er. empress dowager, don't run. fu guei er, don't run. empress dowager, be careful.

fu guei er. don't run. i, chang qing, pray to heavens to allow the empress dowager health and long life. i pray for his majesty and empress dowager a harmonious mother and son relationship among a peaceful palace. mo mo ying, this cup of wine, i toast to your spirit in the heavens. when you were alive, you treated me with great fondness. i wish i were the one who died in your place.

so you could be alive once more to serve her imperial majesty well. i plead with the heavens to allow the empress dowager a quick recovery. if the heavens will grant my wish, i am glad to slice my flesh as an offering. may empress dowager have some tea. you're looking pale. are you ill? replying to empress dowager, perhaps i didn't rest well these last few days.

i am an eye sore to you. i am at fault. ah nian. give this medicine to chang qing. empress dowager, your servant dares not. what's there to dare not? drink up. empress dowager, since i was born, no one has cared for me more than you. i shall never forget your grace.

your servant thanks empress dowager for her grace. with mo mo ying dead, i have no one i can trust around me. whether you tell me to be alive or dead, i will oblige without a complaint. so be it. i don't suppose a mere eunuch could do much anyway. your servant thanks empress dowager. maid yun chu. you've earned merit in assisting the guard office in their investigation. your reward is a five silver tael.

thank you, master. this is all part of my duty. that's a lot of silver. excellent. sister hua zhu! so wonderful. sister lin lang is finally all right. yes. â i can finally stop worrying without sleeping or eating. brother chang qing, i am of half a mind to share in thanks for sister lin lang's escape from harm. but this five silver tael, i want to keep.

then when we get a chance, you can take me outside the palace to eat candied fruit. a five silver tael. you will become a fatty if you eat a five silver tael's worth of candied fruits. so what if i am a fatty. i want to. i'll be sure to take you out to buy it some time. yes, it's a promise. seal it. little tiger. little tiger, you are so cute. i love you the most. do you like little tiger or do you like me?

- your majesty. - fang jing gu gu. anything important? the grand empress dowager wishes to see lady lin lang. i understand. his majesty arrives. grandson bids imperial grandmother well-being. greetings to the grand empress dowager. you may rise. thank you, imperial grandmother.

i knew your majesty would follow along too. you don't trust this grandmother. i just thought i'd come and greet you as well. wonderful then. i want to borrow a person from you. that person is before my eyes. wei lin lang. winter and spring have passed away. summer ends with autumn wind. pear blossoms fall by rain clear water and blue wave. she hums the song in whisper with languish fragrant snow goes into dream, flute draws out spring like a hundred turns and a thousand folds

fate of past life into this life a thousand drinks watching the candle burn a familiar flute song to the ear awaken by the shake of bamboo shadow upon the window could it be a letter you asked the wind to deliver? the ink under the pen filled with love and regret words are like you breaking my heart i miss you my heart shattered by time

galloping a thousand miles still unable to meet you it is too late i can only resent loving too late i wish to go back to the first meeting. to look at you. admire you in secret. to love you to love you


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