Otis Taylor Collection

4:41 AM

john mccain threatens trump’s leadership with nasty letter… but there’s just 1 problem on friday, in a washington post op-ed, sen.john mccain urged colleagues to defect from president donald trump in an effort to “identifyas members of congress more than our partisan affiliation.” “we must, where we can, cooperate with [presidenttrump]. but we are not his subordinates. we don’t answer to him.

we answer to the american people.” but that’s just the problem that mccaindoesn’t seem to understand. president donald trump represents the americanpeople in their entirety — mccain represents his established voter base in arizona, notall of the united states. that’s exactly why mccain must follow inlockstep with everything trump wants to accomplish — because the will of the american peopleis behind his every move. on the u.s. government, he said he following:“it relies on compromise between opposing sides to protect the interests we share. we can fight like hell for our ideas to prevail.

but we have to respect each other or at leastrespect the fact that we need each other.”

Otis Taylor Collection

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