i don't want to hurt you, erik.i never did. i want to help you. this is our time. our age. we are the futureof the human race. you and me, son. this world could be ours. everything you didmade me stronger. it made me the weapon i am today.
it's the truth. i've known it all along. you are my creator. now, charles! are you okay? moira, be quiet. i can only controlthis man for so long. - sorry, charles.- erik, please. be the better man. it's not that i don't trust you.
erik, there will beno turning back! no! charles!don't do this, erik! if you're in there, i'd like you to know that iagree with every word you said. we are the future. but, unfortunately, you killed my mother.
this is what we're going to do. no. please, erik, no. i'm going to count to three andi'm going to move the coin. one. please, erik. two. three.

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