- more, more.- more. - much more.- okay, much more. - [neighbor] much more. it's okay.- okay, good amount? a little bit of everything. all right. (chattering in background) (lively music) good morning, everyone, it's mark wiens
with migrationology.comin lisbon, portugal. this is my last full day in lisbon, and i'm gonna do everything i can to eat as much portuguese food today as possible. on the edge of this square there is a legendary coffee shop that's known to be the first cafe in all of lisbon, and while some peoplesay it's a little bit of a tourist trap these days,
they are known and locals have told me that they serve, they stillserve the best cod pastry, so i thought that would be a great way to start the day, and also with a cup of coffee. (speaks foreign language) this cafe and actually,it's a restaurant as well, they serve full meals. it is called martinho do arcada, and
this is a legendary place. it dates back to 1782. they have an indoor section, but this outdoor patiosection is really nice under the arches of this old building, and you have a view of thesquare, the plaza as well, and i came here mainly to have a coffee at the beginning of the day, and also to try their cod cutlets.
these are the pasteis de bacalhau, and i think they are a mixture of potato, as well as the codfish, and then also maybe cilantroor parsley in there, and then deep fried and you can little see the little, almost littlehairs of deep friedness coming off of them. this is one of those thingsthat's right at that size where you're not sure if you should eat it
in one bite, or just bite half of it. actually, for sake ofwanting to see what's inside i'll bite half of it this time. mmm. wow, that's fantastic. that is like, i was expecting the fish to sort of be stuffed within the potato, but it's actually mixed all together, and due to cod being that,having that kind of rubbery,
stringy texture to it, they're like little,it's like fibers of cod that are mixed in, and it doesn't taste too potato-heavy. it's more like light and fluffy. mmm, it's salty and just alittle bit crispy on the edges. it's awesome. mmm, mmm. the mixture and combination,
they have the ratio down perfectly. follow that with coffee. ahh, mmm. i've really been impressedwith the coffee in portugal. they make really good coffee at every single coffee shop i've been to. the coffee is dark, it'sstrong, it's smooth. it's wonderful. and i'm down to my lastpasteis de bacalhau.
i think i can one bite this. yeah, those are really good. and they go really well with coffee. i couldn't resist orderingone more cup of coffee. this is just such awonderful morning in lisbon, such a wonderful patio, and such a legendary old cafe. ahh. (trolley rattling)
you've been to cafes and restaurants that say like since 1975 or since 1959, and those are really old restaurants, but this cafe just blows history away. since 1782. i was just sitting therethinking, drinking my coffee, thinking about how old that cafe is. that is just awesome,and that was a great cup or two cups of coffee,
and a very good cod pastry that is a classic. (upbeat music) we have about an hour untilthe lunch restaurant opens, and so we are just slowly making our way, enjoying just the beauty of lisbon, the old, narrow streets,the cafes, the shops, and on our way to lunch, slowly. i have some very unfortunate news.
the restaurant, ze da mouraria, they should be open right now but it looks like they are not gonna open. oh, that's a little bit disappointing. this is the number oneportuguese restaurant i wanted to try here in lisbon. things are just not quiteworking out so smoothly for food in lisbon, but that's okay. sometimes that's how travel goes.
there is another restaurantjust down the road here that serves mozambique and a combination of portuguese andmozambique and indian food that i would also like to try, so we're gonna check out that place next. this place is called cantinho do aziz, and this is a lovelyrestaurant on the sidewalk, up a flight of steps, soit's a quiet neighborhood. beautiful environment, andit's a colorful restaurant.
a yellow painted wall with art designed on the wall. the tablecloths are beautiful. this is fantastic, ican smell the aroma of grilling meat, as well as maybe some like curry spices in the air, which smells delicious. most of the dishes are mozambiquan, but then there's also some
indian influence and alsosome portuguese influence on the menu and what ilike is that each dish, all the dishes are listed on the menu and they each have a story about the chef and how the dish came about. they just served the beef samosas and they smell incredible. and when he served them, he said this sauce is very spicy.
that is exactly what i wanted to hear. i'm gonna need a lot of this. that looks wonderful. (crunching) oh, that's incredibly delicious. it tastes like curry minced meat, and it's fried very, very fresh. the outside crust, the outside skin is completely crispy, and then,
i think there are onions in there, and that sauce is actually quite spicy. that's fantastic. i think i want to soakmy entire samosa in it. this is one of the best samosas i've had in a very long time. that is amazing, and that sauce, i think it's chilies, i'm not,maybe some turmeric in there to make it orange.
but it's just awesomely good. thank you, yes. you want more samosa, you want one more? - up to you. - after that absolutely sensational samosa there is nothing i could dofrom ordering another one, so that's on its way, but in the meantime, my main plate of food has just arrived. this is unbelievable-looking.
i'm so happy right now. i got the lamb ribs, andi think it's coconut rice and this, oh, this isjust looking sensational. i'm gonna dig right intothat lamb rib piece. oh, i need a spoon to eat this. oh, they did serve a spoon in this. i'm gonna steal this spoon from the rice. i'm gonna go for that piece right there. oh, yes, it is tender.
oh, yes, look at that meat and the rice. that's as good as it looks. so tender, you can taste the lamb flavor. it's like a salty, little bit spicy curry. you can taste that blendof spices going there. it's a little bit oily, andit goes incredibly well. i think that is coconut rice. it's a little bit sticky, and then has a
wonderful fragrance to it. oh, this is my kind of food. like a drumstick. yes, fantastic. this chili sauce is one of the awardwinners at this restaurant. let me add on a littlebit of that chili sauce, get some of the lamb with that chili sauce in rice.
that bumps it up a notch. i had to get one more samosa. it was impossible to resist, actually. if you come to this restaurant, just go ahead and order yourself two to five samosas for yourself. you're gonna want them, believe me. just amazing. it turned out to be anabsolute stunner of a meal.
delicious food, the samosas were good, the chili sauce wasabsolute award winning, and that lamb curry. they also have peri peri grilled chicken, which also looks fantastic. next time i come i willbe eating that, and just a nice place, very friendly, and nice ambiance, nice environment, tucked away in a littlelike, stairway cul-de-sac.
thank you very much to isabel for recommending this restaurant. that has really lifted my spirits. (inspiring music) ying and i are walkingjust a couple blocks over to go have lunch number two, and this time portuguese food. and this is a restaurantthat's right in the heart of lisbon, right in themajor touristy district,
but it is down a little side, kind of almost a cove, and it's full right now, so yingand i are waiting to get in. - the dishes of the dayis octopus and pork ribs. fried pork ribs. - [ying] you're gonna need some of these. - [mark] what i want to get is this one, capped with this one. i think i want to try the(speaks foreign language).
- [waiter] well, the codfish? - codfish? - [waiter] with thechickpeas and potatoes. - and also the (speaks foreign language). we didn't get a table yet but we got a menu and welooked through the menu but i already knew the exact twodishes i wanted to order, so we just ordered with the waiter. he's gonna put our order in
and then as soon as a table is ready we will sit down and eat lunch. (chattering) this is a pretty smalland compact restaurant, but it's awesome that youcan see everything and you can see upstairs. yeah, i don't know where the chef went but you can see him cookingupstairs on the upper level and then on the ground level
there are communal tables. we got a table right in thecenter of this communal table. this is a fantastic ambiance, and the food should be coming soon, since i already pre-ordered. thank you. huge portions, and this is some realclassic portuguese food. there are many differentseafoods to eat in portugal,
but one of the localfavorites is bacalhau, which is codfish, and this one is a real classic dish, codfish with chickpeas,there are potatoes on here, and it looks simple,but it looks fantastic. i'm gonna take some of the codfish, put this over onto my plate. oh yeah, you can smell thatpreserved saltiness of the fish. take some of the chickpeas as well,
and then also i think this dish came with this plate of onions andparsley to go on top. add a little bit, oh and raw garlic. oh i will be eating thosecloves of raw garlic as well. okay. now let me grab, let me changemy silverware to the fork and knife, piece of fish. yeah, that's very salty. salted cod, but thetexture of cod is so good,
and it's yeah, it's very flaky. it's actually quite juicy,and then very salty. - [neighbor] add a little of vinegar to see whether you like or not. - okay, thank you, thank you.- it depends on your taste. i used to like both, now i prefer only the olive oil, but many people, they're trying it.
- this time i'm gonnadrizzle it with olive oil. okay, i think that should be good. little bit of olive oil. - [neighbor] put more. is that good? - [neighbor] more, more. much more.- more. okay, much more. - [mark] okay, much more olive oil.
- [neighbor] it's okay. - okay? good amount? (mark chuckles) okay, so you have todrizzle it in olive oil. that's what makes it bacalhau. and now this time i'mjust gonna use my spoon to grab up, oh, i wantto get some potatoes in this bite too, a little bit of everything.
oh yeah. that does make it good. - [neighbor] completely different. - mm-hmm. now it kinda like tonesdown the fishy taste of the cod, and makes it more juicy ofcourse, because of that oil, or oily, but the oil is very fragrant. that does like wrap it all together.
i'm gonna move into this clove of garlic. try to chop that up a little bit. take it with a piece of garlic, cod and chickpeas. raw garlic. raw garlic improves everything. next i'm gonna try some vinegar. - when you put together you should, you should join them, okay, you put there.
- [mark] what, in the side? - [neighbor] and you try alittle olive oil in the mix. - [mark] okay, so i shouldput a little bit of vinegar, and then put olive oil down? - [neighbor] yeah, little bit more. you mix it. and then a little of potato there. it's a different taste. - [mark] oh, and then mix it around.
(ying laughs) okay, so that's a combinationof vinegar and olive oil at the bottom of my plate now. it's good with the vinegar too, yeah. yeah, the vinegar gives itof course a sour flavor, but it's kinda refreshingwith the saltiness of the cod. and also got some tomatosalad with onions. set this down. i think this is just pure tomatoes,
maybe with some olive oil on top. those are really juicy tomatoes, and the tomatoes arealso incredibly sweet. the next dish we got is also a very classic portuguese dish, it is a pork stew with clams, and then it's also served with some fried slices of potatoes on the side. i'm not totally sure what this is.
it looks like, oh, it feels kind of like bread.- it's bread. bread with garlic on the oven. - [mark] oh, okay. it kind of has a pudding feel to it. - this is fried pork, not stewed, and then the sauce comes from that. that's fried.
- you're not supposed to eatthis dish with olive oil, so i'm gonna switch over to a clean plate, and then this, it feels almost like pudding in texture, it's a bread, and then the potatoes on,and then a few clams on top, so i will take a little bit of everything onto my plate again. oh, and i got a clamthat came out already. okay, and then some of those potatoes.
pork. pork and some of that bread. oh, yeah. the bread has like a, a bacon flavor to it, a very smoky meat flavor to it, and then the pork, thoseare big nuggets of pork. it has like a roasted chili flavor. it tastes like, like paprika.
maybe that's paprika. - most always cooked on the same way, so we know that we will like it because it will taste the same thing as this one and that one, and yes. - okay, but these are very-- - depends. - very common dishes, classic dishes. - this is the most common dish.
- the most common. - this is a common dish also. - try one of these potatoes, and i may as well addthat piece of pork to it. i like that potato. it's sliced just thin enough, so it's not like a chip, but it is crispy almostall the way through, but then just a little center that is
starchy potato. i have just, for the last 15 minutes i was just talking with theman who was sitting next to me. he was very friendly, a very nice man and he kind of explainedabout all of the food to me, which i didn't know, i don'tknow much about portuguese food so it was awesome to talk with him. what's very interestingabout the codfish dish, or about codfish in general,
the salty codfish that's verypopular in portugal is that portugal is blessed to have an amazing seafood abundance in the atlantic ocean. they have so many seafoods available, and there are so manydelicious seafoods available. however, the codfish is not from portugal. it's not from the seas of portugal. it's from around the northatlantic near around norway, and so even though it'sone of the local favorites,
it's not actually from portugal, and so that's just a demonstration of portugal and its history and its culture, and its influence in trade and yeah, it's very interesting. finished with that meal, some classic portuguese food. that was delicious, butit's extremely hearty food, extremely filling, and theseare some huge portions.
we're now walking over to the metro, and we are gonna take the metro. our next place that we're visiting today is the lisbon oceanarium,which is an aquarium. it's world-renowned, and i wanted to go to the aquarium to complete the top 10 things to do in lisbon, and that is the final number 10, so we are on our way there now.
wow. my stomach is just bulging right now. (train rumbling) this is our train, all right. we just got off the metro at cabo ruivo, and this is the closest metro station to the lisbon aquarium, lisbon oceanarium. i think it's about a15-minute walk from here, but i need that walk.
immediately it smells likea fish market in here. oh, that's because the first exhibition is like an outdoor exhibition of, of penguins or something. they're not penguins,but they are puffins. (gentle music) the sunfish. oh. whoa, here comes the giant sunfish.
it looks kind of like a turtle, but turned on its side. we are in the tropicalrain forest section now. oh, back to thailand. and i think they also have anindian ocean section below. i honestly was notgonna mention food again in this aquarium, but i just walked into,you gotta check this out, there's a whole exhibitionand a whole poster
dedicated to bacalhau, which is codfish, and that's what i just ate for lunch. finished walking around the aquarium. that's an amazing place withso many different sea creatures all in one aquarium, and thenin different exhibitions. it's a great place especially for kids when you visit lisbon, but also if you love marinelife, nature or animals. it's a great place to visitwhen you come to lisbon.
we took the metro back to avenida, and this is one of the mostbeautiful streets in lisbon. the trees, and i love how the sidewalks are huge and wide andthey have a lot of cafes along this street as well, so we are actually rightoutside of our hotel, and there are a number of different cafes, local, neighborhoodcafes along the street, underneath the trees.
i'm just soaking up theselast few hours in lisbon, and i also really needed coffee. this is fantastic. sitting here under thetrees with the breeze. good cup of coffee, and great atmosphere. there is a restaurantright around the corner that we're heading to now, and it's gonna be ourfinal meal in lisbon. i'm looking at the menu out here,
and it is quite anexpensive restaurant, but they are known to havethe best jamon here, and also really good seafood, so i think we're gonna gofor it for our last meal. ying and i went to theaquarium this afternoon, but look at this aquarium. this might be the most impressive aquarium in all of lisbon. - can you see?
- yeah. look at the size of these lobsters, and the clearness of this tank. these must be like, threeor four kilo lobsters. look at this one. cristiano ronaldo. this restaurant is calledsolar dos presuntos, and it's a really big restaurant. it's a legendary restaurant,
especially for its high-end seafood, but actually along with the seafood they are really famous, and what i was really interested to comein here to eat is the ham. when you see therestaurant from the outside you can see the tank, seafood and all of the freshseafood in the cabinet, and then if you lookto the right-hand side, you can actually see them slicing the ham,
and this is pata negra ham. they immediately tempt you because they have the plates of ham and cheese, as well as small littlestarters already on your table, and when you sit down it'salready right in front of you. you don't even need to wait, so it's right in front of me right now. this is some kind of a sausage, a chorizo, and then there's cheese on this plate,
and then this is the ham. i just gotta have one piece immediately. look at those beautiful streaks. that is unbelievable. it has such a smooth, and just completely pureand smooth texture to it. it's a little bit chewy. it's perfectly salty, and it has this rich depthof salty preservation.
and what's amazing is that that flavor, it lingers in your mouth. oh, i can still taste it after swallowing. i did not want to leavethis region of the world without having one more dose of ham. and this is fresh bread. i'll take another piece of the ham, maybe with some cheese. whoa, that's a lot of cheese.
the cheese is very mild, and not too salty. that complements the ham. the main dishes have just arrived, and ying and i ordered two dishes that we're gonna share together. i got the grilled octopus, and this presentation isalso awesomely beautiful. the pieces of octopus are so big
they almost look like sausages. oh, and i can feel how tender they are, and there are two piecesof octopus in here, there's some onions on the top. i think that's olive oil on the bottom and you can smell thearoma of garlic just, just fuming off of this. there's some vegetables onthe side and some potatoes, and then onions on the top,and i love how they have
poked the octopus witha couple of toothpicks with some olives on top. i think i will go in forthis piece of octopus. oh, the fork literallyjust sinks in (chuckles) without even, like effortlessly. i'll slice off a piece, oh wow. okay guys, i haven't even taken a bite but i can already predicthow tender this is gonna be, and i'm gonna scoop upsome of that garlic.
okay, now let me switch over. that is so tender. it's almost like cheese. i don't know if i've everhad more tender octopus in my entire life. and i decided to order aglass of house white wine to go with this. wow, very, very smooth. mmm, that combination.
that's insane. i gotta take one morebite of this octopus. you literally could slicethis piece of octopus with a fork. i'm just using the knifebecause it's handy but you wouldn't need it at all. now let me try to get some of this spinach on top this time. that is the softest octopusi've ever had in my life.
it's a little bit on the salty side, but that tenderness and that garlicy-ness is what will blow you away. we also got the grilled sea bream. let's take a look at its face. this is what he looks like, but it came with a slice of lemon and a slice of orange, as well as some creamed spinach,
and some potatoes on the side. and you can actuallysee the freshness of it and how glistening withall those fats it is. just let me take a littlebite before i do anything. oh, a little bone. that is fantastic as well. not fishy, a little bit drytexture of a fish, and then you can really taste that grilled flavor. and follow that with some creamy spinach.
that is really, it has a really like, sticky mashed potato texture to it. ying and i just finished with that meal. that was a little bit morehigh end than i had expected, but it was really good,great quality food, and i'm standing here just admiring the, the ham in the windowas well as the seafood. we've come to the endof our trip to lisbon. tomorrow we fly out, so
our hotel is literallyright around the corner and that's a good thing, because i am like half in a slumber alreadyfrom all of the food today. so i'm gonna end thevlog for today right now. thank you all very much for watching. please remember to givethis video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it, and alsomake sure you subscribe for lots more food and travel videos, and i will see you on the next video.
(beeping) so this is a, a good place to, oh, a couple burps there too, a codfish burp.- yucky. - that was a codfish burp.

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