Mad About The Boy, The Best Of Dinah Washington

5:41 AM

and five four three two onewe are recording welcome to the danger zonebrendan finn what's up did a long time the top so let me set this up dude letme introduce you to everybody that is listening. brendan fenn is a very good friend ofmine one of them my friend said i actually went to his wedding which whichsays a lot i guess you've been made that dead tear um no i don't remember much ofthat wedding but my years pretty fun yes legit so brendan brendan pen and iwork together in the military we're both in the same units together on twodeployments together to afghanistan and we're special operations medics so don'tknow if we'll be talking anything about

that tonight but we'll see let's let'sstart out brennan what is what is your take on the latest news about london thebridge attack yeah i mean that's not a very good situation over there and whati honestly what i took from it there's a lot of shitheads still running aroundbut two that the british people are pretty badass i saw some picture of likea dude running from the scene he still had his beer in his hand he wasn't likehe didn't want to smell and shit and then maybe know where some worry aboutthis i'm pouring a russki right now it's like oh nice what do you got goingtalisker single malt 18 years yeah been immersed axillary yeahwell go ahead dude so but back to the

leg london thing and then there wasanother story about like there's a rugby player straight up spear in a doyeah you know while he's getting stabbed you know it's just i like to take goodshit like that from it saying that there's some badass dude checks outthere that stand up to that retardation so you wouldn't agree with what the thelondon police are putting out as a run what is ittheir advice to do when when there's a tech have you seen that yeah oh i didn'tsee that they got their saying just run awayoh no no noted it's like it's pretty bad so run hide intel brick ronnie hideintel okay well hopefully he doesn't run

after you dude it it just you know thisshows like like you said there there's some badass savages walking around youknow that rugby players like that people standing up and uh yeah from i meanthere's up the problem is there's a lot of dudes i've just moved in and out oflike the middle east and then they go back home and no one really knows likewho are like how many of these dudes are that just went over to like syria flopsreally got fighting scenes in them and then come back to europe and no one hasany idea how many those guys are yeah and that's time to track all those dudesdown i don't know man they would seem it seems like you would just say oh ifyou're the dude checking someone's

passport oh you are in syria hmm why youknow like what were you doing there yeah it's not like they're gonna be likecoming back in the country yeah you go back there it is weirdyeah what do you think about it bro what do you how do you take our fearlesscommander in chief's response well first off what's most was hero likewhat what i think about it yes i think it's happening too frequentdude like but they're doing something wrong you know and well it's it'swhatever they're doing is not working kudos to the people who stood up andlike fought that's that's what i would like to see more of is you know let'snot let's come together as community and

not let to reduce take on severalhundred you know like wall instead of instead of run hide tell how about likewar cry inspire us like that russian yeah enough people rushing at same timeyeah i know but i think a majority of scope to tell like fourteen-year-oldgirls at a concert to go russia to europe well yeah that's yeah i mean thatgets into what else what else i was going to say is there's i think there'sa lot that did the government of the uk is not doing to break up some of theselike extremist cells within the uk yeah i don't know i mean i i mean they theyjust there's a lot of people in that country that are just straight up comingoff of it like the fighting zones and

tirion shit and they just roll back homeit's not not a good situation you know but they're uh have you seen ayear to this tommy robinson guy tommy robinson yeah now um you should lookinto some of his stuff dude he he's been like so he came out back in 2009there was a parade for this sort like soldiers coming back from afghanistan orwhatnot from the uk and yeah oh wait yeah he's the guy that got like hackedup right no no he's still allowed to but he he so they're doing this parade andall the there was a there is some some some of the muslim community came outand protested it and we're like spitting in the faces of the mothers of theseguys coming home and shit so obviously

some of the guys got pissed some of theother english dudes and they made like a counter protest and they all getarrested and it's it's been interesting i thought he was just kind of like hemade a couple videos where he dropped through those muslim neighborhoods wherethey're kind of like enacting sharia on their own and he'd get like you knowpunch through his window and stuff as he's driving through there and you knowall kinds of crazy shit and i thought he was just i thought he's raising kind ofawareness about you know extreme and extremism being or kind of shariainfiltration into some of the communities there and turns out dude hehas been like well persecuted by the

british government trying to silencethat dude it's pretty fucking crazy well you know you know my opinion onorganized religion can you i don't think we need to go into that i know stupidplease also know it's all pretty much retarded yeah in all consumed so there'stwo to come from the similar area too but yeah i'm just not a big fan of anyof it yeah so you wanna like tell these peeps how we met or like that story inraleigh oh dude um yeah yeah enough with thedepressing shit let's go again yeah let's give money sure yeah so givea brief introduction alike so i didn't realize for the longest time that you'rein the army before you came in the navy

they want to talk about what you did inthe army and then we'll pick up yeah like bring it to where we met at anorth carolina so i stuck her down on me pretty much right right around septembereleventh time and listed and did four years in infantry what iraq for oh likeover a year so it was like having two marine corps deployment um where two totwelve once you're a machine gunner some wood yeah i was i was a saga andoh god i'm a cowboys and shit i would always be too you know in the turretdone in try not to get fucking my head shot off would happen quite frequentlyover there it was not iraq i'm glad i was pretty young and dumb because nowlooking back on it i'm just thinking

holy shit with that place just a deathtrap no you know it's just like especially if you're just doing mountedpatrol rolling around we'll just waiting to get blown off there and you're inbroad daylight there's no tactics just like the loudestthing in the world instead you can hear you're coming downthe road yeah and you just wait and blow blow a fucking truck up but i digressso that i got on the join the navy um and went through the whole corpsmandealio i think i might have met you in gray legs turn on you know when like cheat del roca wouldyou is little like workouts actions yeah

oh god yeah now that you know like thatdude that got kicked out of the navier-- jimmy worry you definitely ended up inthe brig or something like that yeah for reason we we don't have to get into ohyeah i'm done i don't need to do that but um yeah i think we probably but wedidn't like know each other you know what we we much other winners oh wellyou were like kind of boys with de santos and you know i kind of hot i'dmet you through that we kind of started out at a first recon under all thosedudes and then did we want to be our ceding our key remember no think youmight have been ahead of me no do those of you ahead of you i was after you guysdude you were after me yeah shit but it

wasn't too much far it was like a classor some yeah so i would see you throughout the pipeline and stuff but itwas like well we got the first recon together and the thing is like eventhough we're at first recon together sark's were like we're in our platoonsdoing our thing like we hardly see each other unless we're doing like you knoweven even when we're at the clinic reach out or second office or something yeahyeah you're you're like just gone you're with you it'll turn the entire gun yeahso we'd like see tear gassing and stuff and then we were deployed and you'rewith a different company so we weren't even like you know we'd be two klicksaway from each other even more you know

for sureyeah for sure but yeah it's that was speaking too much dude how i'll fuckinawesome of that deployment the 2010 appoint yeah the first recon actuallyyou know it's funny i just watched a movie war machine today and that's likesaid i heard about it not war machine the guy that beat up hisporn store girl oh god yeah not bad dude it's it's with like brad pitt and he'ssupposed to be playing like stanley mcchrystal mmm when he takes over theoffer in 20 2009 it kind of covers like the margin invasion and then that's whenthe rolling stone cake article came out you know dude and he got firedremembered all that gosh what happened

with the rolling stone article like himand his staff basically were we're out in europe and they were all drinking andstuff and they had this reporter with him the whole time and he was justtaking it out all their quotes and they're all drunk talking kinda a lot ofshit and it got back to the president we got firedoh wow yeah it was crazy john i don't remember that but i doremember that deployment at least parts of it yeah well you've had a couplememory issues yeah after the last one so i think it's getting better there's onethe more i've talked to that guys that i was on that deployment with it'sbringing back some of those memories but

that's it man got it it definitely waslike gnarlier than i had remembered in my mind i was like i just thought it waslike we had the greatest time it was just a bunch of fun yeah oh yeah we haveto how it was - it was a bitch do you like just basically it was just we werein an area that was unwinnable and it basically said you know no one has everconquered helmand and they're gonna just send you there and we're gonna it'sgonna give a shot and see what happened and it was a shit show but it was it wasgood man it was good yeah did uh you got rocked that deployment what happenedthere oh that rocket that's funny you say thatbecause you know that dude that was

attached to us um greg ghazi grossie orwhatever years ago like a civil affairs type of dude no he took the dog home i don't remember him dudelike i said anyway he was he was uh he was there when um that rocket hit ourcompound in um he's writing a book and stuff and like the lady some lady had tolike fact check all this stuff and called me and interviewed me about whathappened oh sure he wrote about you know he's coming out it's coming out thissummer i guess know what's a cold yeah it's called fred and me oh it'sabout the dog about the dog yeah i don't know but anyway yeah that that was acool little appointment

so you're just chilling in that room andnext ain't no fucking fucking dude the recoil is rough around right it werocked us it rocked us yeah it was i forget how many how big it was but itiraq is pretty damn good then i remember i was trying to do viral genes and iwalked up yeah oh yeah i guess i got hit by will not have i but rocked by acouple recoilless rifle rounds myself and it's not fun yeah they're a littlebig dangasm those things but they had some punchyeah they got some pepper yep so you were trying to see you'retrying to do neuro exams on these dudes while you're fucked up like dude forsure i was like dude i couldn't pass him

lisa q right now and i was giving themso you know i'm seeing err on the side of caution as i thought he was likecan cost you know well then i was like you know i'm probably concussed i shouldprobably get least cg canyon and i think then we had this like moscow kind ofdealio come into our camp and i kind of had todo all that stuff so didn't really work out whatever but and by that time i waslike you know what whatever it's fuck it it is what it is yeah but after thatdeployment we dude we made a clutch move of negotiating our careers you'rewelcome yeah you i would i will admit you ledthe charge on that i would say i was a

second that you know the second loudestvoice and then everybody else was just kind of like well you know they justkind of followed along yeah but yeah i mean it i made a big gamble with you andromney's careers but hey oh no i know i knew is the right thing dude it was likewhat they were trying to tell us fucking bullshit it was like yeah we're phasingout you know this thing but you just well we'll just deploy you againimmediately we had just gotten back like yeah just jump on this next deploymentand we'll bring over like we're gonna we'll take you out of the points yeahand go to the school oz will bring you back halfway through deployment was likeyou guys insane they honestly thought

they were gonna be honestly thought wewere going to buy that yeah that's how stupid takes out work you need you needa medic for every single you know patrol you're doing any con op they get sent uplike what no just it they're not just regular places eitheryeah be like well you know what we're going to take these things out theygotta go to school and we're already short short on numbers like who's goingto come replace us nobody out that there is not nobodycould come replace us i think so yeah we made a good goal on doing a littlediversion to training first mmm which brings us to north carolinasuch a lovely state oh boy yeah that was

that was fun sitting back there and inclass not paying attention fucking off the entire time and then going out toraleigh weekend's and trying to drink as quickly as we possibly could yeah i meantrying to get away from vietnam as they call it that's fatal north carolina forthose of you don't know i mean anybody's ever been there wouldprobably might vomit a little bit while they're driving through so advised aboss baguette surprise so we go to raleigh and we have a hotel room and wewould go to this irish pub right it's what we started yepi forget the name of that place - is that usually the jump-off so for thoseof you that are listening brendan and i

this is like kind of we had known eachother we'd already been on the same deployment together we knew each otherfrom like a working relationship but we had never had the opportunity to kind ofhang out together and like get to know each other and i think you had told likedishonest had warned you basically like yeah you guys are going to get togetherand it's going to be like an explosion like it's good like it's gonna be badyeah think we people were trying to keep this apart kind of truth trying to likeit you know what for the better sort of the best of this fucking shop we can notlike beasts - cooing - especially on liberty so but anyways and all theirefforts were you know didn't work out

because wetotally went out and we're at this pub and i go over the bar to order a drinkand i end up standing next to this fairly large giant man and i'm orderingmy drink someone's in there waiting and he kind of looks down at me and you knowi'm six foot but he's looking down at me and i'm like hey how's it go you knowand he's not interested in making any type of you know friendly conversationand i was like okay cool dude whatever i don't even know if he i didn't know thatdude had words he easily sophisticated feel grunts so i running like okay allright this any one place all right cool cool dude you do all right later dickand my grandma drink i love someone you

know i know someone very john stupid alot of disrespect to you i was like i know yeah in my head i was like i knowif he needs to meet this guy maybe it'll help warm him up you know and so i walkover to you and you're you're like i mean like yousaid we had been drinking as fast as we could since we got there and i walk upto you and i'm liking your city dude you're like whoa where you been i meandude you won't believe this that dude over there just told me to fuck off ohoh and i don't like a goddamn like point across the bar like where is thismotherfucker point like right i'm like oh he's right over there

you didn't you didn't hesitate you justlike marched right up to him it's he was like leaning over the bunny liketap on his shoulder like who i thought you standing up thought he was standingup really high and then i i tried tapping as you see this black expanse ofa man's back and i'm like it's at it just is wearing like boulder pass orsomething and i good like i thought he might have been willing to stop thehockey goalies where but you shit was that why did i go and he turned aroundand look at me he gaming look like like he was contemplating what is fuckingliterally take me by the head and cost me out of the bar or flip me out of thebar like a little ant dude he was like

usually guys gonna build me to threelinemen now yeah mm-hmm somehow i don't know why he just walked away and icannot fucking believe it dude i totally i was i was totally expecting us to justget in a fight and what's funny is like as you're having your short conversationi just walk up right next to you guys and i'm like ready for this just thiswhole situation to ignite and i'm just like alright i'll have a shot of whiskeyand so i'm sitting there ordering a drink as you're like tapping on this guytotally just like react to like be taking the shot because i'm gettingthrown out but i hope you might as well have a drink as you're watching theshoulder now oh i don't think i was

going to be watching i think he wasgoing to have your head in one hand and mine in the other and just kind of pickus both up and just throw us through those front huge windows the guy lookedlike he probably could have done it yeah he was he was a large man but forwhatever reason he was very much no mercy and like he just walked off leftus there yeah so then we stumble out our streets after you know going to adifferent dance i think i ended up in a dancefor a little bit and uh despite i got it's not it's justin i that we got a bigfight yeah no witness so this was like the white fight that didn't happen andthen yeah so then we ended up in a brawl

um so we were walking down and i thinkyou were a little you were a little more messed up than i was and i'm kind oflike helping you down the street that's kind of watching over you that'sprobably a fair or something like a like a guardian angel that i was just lookingover you yeah and uh so i notice there's he's like there was these like fivegrows that were hanging out and they all had to tap outshirts and you know affliction or affliction t-shirts and tap out hats andi'm just a couple college bros and they were kind of laughing and gigglingamongst themselves and they're in a little group on a corner and you likeyou're walking you like fall into this

like picket fence oh i have to like pickyou up and they're kind of like laughing at that and i'm just like okay whateverand we walk across the street you start pissing on this tree and they startedlike talking making funny and shit so you like finishing you like go overthere like what the fuck and they're there like meg fucking shit and i meansome of this is kind of blurry too but so they're like yeah there's like theone bro that's talking the most shit right and you stand pretty like coolenclosure just like oh yeah i do like fuck you you know and he's like bounceoff shit like oh man i'll fuck you up as his little bros like hold them back andlike pulling them back down the sidewalk

and they end up like 20 feet away fromus and there are other three bros are standing in front of us and next thing iknow like a little ninja you just like he said something and you just like ranin between these guys these three guys that were in front of us and ran all theway and i just see you like flying in through the air i feel like brennan justflying through the air and like collide with this guy and all this his threebros that were standing in front of me they like watch you they just liketurning they're like oh my god he's running over there this is actuallyhappening like this guy's for real we picked on the wrong guy and got realstupid

yeah and then they like they see you hithim and then they all just like turn back to me and i just i was like okaywe're in it now so i just started slow so all i throw i start throwing punchesand i just like then i just see you with these two guys like kind of going acrossthe street and like rolling over into the second grass and then i'm like all iknow is i gotta like fight my way towards like you so we can like you knowget the whole welter back on back coordinated response yeah meanwhile ourother buddies just across the street hanging out getting hot dogs liketotally oblivious we won't talk about what you yeah but so next thing you knowi see you like fly off of this ledge on

like onto the concrete and like i'mfighting my way over to you this dude tries to like get me in a guillotine itwas fucking hilarious and so i find my way over towards you next and i knowlike you just come up off the ground you're like okay like book your schooland just your blood pouring down your forehead and i'm like i get to your sideand i turn around i'm like yeah all right and we're like so ready just totake on the five of them and so somebody hit you it's like pulled out brassknuckles and hit you and yeah i remember that it looks a nice little mark thanthat yeah i mean blood was just like pouring down your face but you're justlike yeah

and these are also made for a reallynice hangover the next day let me tell you often the voice of reason camerunning out of the darkness and he goes y'all need to stop this man need anambulance and that was our call an ambulanceusers and tough yeah and well we were ready to go and these guys just likethey started making the connection oh shitlike this guy's got blood on it like there's a dad and they all fucking tookoff running and we quickly made our way to the curb and jumped in a taxi andmade it back to the hotel but yeah the cops are probably like what in my helljust happened yeah so we're done but

yeah gone you know takes like a thanksto that you know noble community servant that was out there that night just coolso yeah that's the first night brennan and i really this man needs an ambulance yeah so that's personally i need me manbuell and we definitely needed stitches you had you know yeah me yeah we do thatthing swelled up so bad we threw you in the shower and then you're like i camehere i think i'll just let you just gonna sleep on it and you woke up likestuck to your sheets but yeah that was probably definitely concussion maybe idon't know no no man just like a lot does another story whenwe're in fayetteville but we won't

definitely won't get into rodney waslike what the hell happened he dies like yeah um well it all started with thatglass of whiskey mm-hmm and then i kind of went downhill from oh yeahwhen when we were like i ordered like knob creek or something you're like yeahalright he's like i'm just gonna pound my beer so i can drink that yeah let mejust tell them the rest is beer so i can get to the whiskey we are making thatthe world that's what that's what normal people do don't theyno ma'am fun times yeah we go and we always had ablast in class those nerds up front like trying to correct the instructors andstuff well you know the merck manual

says the local blah blah blahyou're wrong the molecular structure of morphine is such that you cannot do itlike that shut up mr. price just like accessing the matrixwhen he's talking about doing a heart exam yeah just like he was definitelygoing into matrix for just lily you know actually now that i roll about he seemshad a little absentee use dude dudes are called eps songs ab sound seniors butyou just like you'd have a fake stethoscope hanging out in front of himand he's just like he would start talking about okay and then you're goingto like this one note and below it was all about like heart murmurs and likedifferent shit and then also could also

knew you liketilt his head back and his eyes would roll back in his head and he just belike spouting out all this information and it was it was like he like when hiseyes rolled back he was like accessing all that information from the from thematrix and just passing it on to us which we weren't absorbing any of ityeah because he was like aware of her we are we are absorbing all sorts of stuffdini okay i'm an artist lord what we need to look i'm an artistas long as it's art you are then you're okay oh man i fucked up my back theother day not feeling too good well dude your view learn a doctor nowif we weren't sure so now you can fix it

yeah just tweaked it you know you ain'ttweaked your back really bad just sucks like days yeah i kind of tweaked minethe other day ended up with the compression fracture didn't feel so goodoh god how'd you do that oh you know lift and stuff yeah you've been goingnuts though uh with the gym stuff evan yeah dude i'm just getting back into manthat uh i did take off for that it was definitely hard not the problem is i waslittle i was doing a heavy lift without my gear and yeah i was already injuredso i knew i shouldn't have in fact the nice thing about having an older brotheraround is like he's always giving you good advice doesn't mean you take it butpretty sure the last thing he said to me

before i did this lift was hey make sureyou don't do anything stupid this weekend and lift son heavy i was likedon't worry dude i got this and then you and go ahead and let something heavyyeah but there you go yeah so i'm coming off of that now justgetting back into the gym and it feels fucking great yeahworking outside of being down man working out so good for you yeah i knowit just sucks when you're down with like a little injury you know i can't do shityeah what do you come back try to come backtoo early and then you hurt yourself again reinjure it yeah it's a weirdbalance like you don't want to live too

long and like become stagnant but yougot to give yourself a little bit of time i think the key is like findinglike don't don't get off the wagon like totally i think it's you really got dialin and try and find other exercises you can do to just kind of like stay in itbecause it's harder when you just like it's not cool when you're like you'reused to like lifting all this way you're getting stronger and stronger and allsudden boom surgery exactly do this anymore like fuck it that'sthat's calling depressing in itself like so you feel like oh yeah fuck i justneed to get sidelined like i don't feel like doing other shit cuz that's likeweak-ass bullshit but that's like the

shit you should be doing you know likeyou should probably be going to the pool and like swimming or you know dunno yeahi'm definitely gonna change it up man i'm definitely gonna change it up i'mgoing on pt physical therapy in like a couple weeks for it so nice see thatthey say dude yeah i mean you're looking at your picture you gave me to put up onthis video it's just like your physical specimen dude you're gonna gonnamaintain this yeah right that was that was last year before i started pa schooland i wasn't like fat pile of shit what's the what's the story behind thispicture dude the sign says what careful old tree do not climb or something likeyeah it's weird

it's um i was at this beer festivalactually in ntl actually in redmond and i was pretty drunk and there's like thistree and it looks fucking super weird um i gotta get a picture with this thingand it's like apparently it's like ancient man this fucking tree it's sofucking old it's been there forever and it's i don't know kind of treated itdoesn't even look like a church it doesn't have anything on it either it'slike i know it was crazy it doesn't i don't know how it's still alive itdoesn't do anything dude have you heard about the treescommunicate with each other um you talk about the movie with markwahlberg's

no i'm talking about science bro coã±oand then her that one do too apparently likethey're just finding this out that trees like you know like how microbiome andstuff like that it's becoming a big deal well like look at all that and theirground and stuff and you think about like parasites like attacking certaintrees and stuff like that apparently they're finding through studying allthat stuff that trees are actually communicating with each other andthey're like if one trees like infected or whatever they'll like you know howtheir roots are all go together and so i don't yeah save more resources for thetree that's like wounded don't like

shift very like they won't take as muchresources the other ones around it they like try and save there they're liketree friend wow dude that's pretty cool yeah so i'm pretty excited about thatshit because i fucking love trees over the woods like i love plants trees aregood that's why i'm a video i'm a meat-eater because i can't i can't standto try can't stand vegans bro they're just like they're killing all theseplants dude it's not cool like what did these plans to state for what did theseplants do anything except give us oxygen right exactly like they're they're justhelping us out and i'm killing and eating the things they eat what gives usoxygen you know so for sure you're doing

your girl in the world a favor yeah soabsolutely are i'm decreasing the carbon footprint by taking you know moreanimals off the earth so they're not you know passing methane gas and stuff likethat you know there you go bronx dude it definitely does so house pa school dudeit's if fucking was hard man but i've done i've done with the didactic yearsthat's cool um it was a lot of work man a lot of a lot of reading life studyingjust it was crazy but you know it's not done it's only the classroom part ofit's gone this summer i got to write like a big paper and do research andshit and then the next year or next step time on september i start my clinicallocations and that's when i'll be you

know moving around and working in thehospitals and whatnot nice no really i didn't i was justhaving to be out of the classroom oh my god it was so much fucking so much workdude and is just like they would throw these like assignments in and you'relike like the last one i call hitter right this this complete plan formanaging a new diabetic patient and you got a link figure all ur insulin now andwrite all their plan out and write all the scripts out it's just you're likeholy fuck dude yeah and then once you work at a clinic like recommended formalaria fright so i click click click on a computer yeah i mean you've stillgotta write notes but a lot of it's you

know we got drop-down menus and then weget a little bit easier so you don't have to write everything out you knowdude as much of it like when it comes to talking about health care it's people alot of people don't realize how much it goes into training the healthcareprovider and like how much it cost oh yeah dude dudeyeah like just make a doctor um you know or you know you got to go through allthis all schooling and all the residency's all the internships you knowknow all the fellowships it's it takes time and i personally just so much shitto now i personally think our health care systems fuckdude like oh yeah i don't think i don't

think i don't think obamacare didanything good for i don't think the whatever we're trying to do now isfucking do anything for now it's just broken dude it's fuck it's like it'spretty fucked you know you know if you know what makes sense if the two sideslike work together yeah than then came up with a plan that had like better goodthings from each perspective you know you nailed it dude you nailed it cuzlike and yeah it just won't do that though they won't they cannot orincapable fucking doing yeah sad and you know meanwhile you know pharmaceuticalcompanies run so much that shit too it's like it's it's fucked from like so manyangles you know oh yeah for sure and

then like that we even like the cures tothings like we have the capability to research and like find out how to do alot of this shit it's like just what do we want to push like where's the moneygoing to come from if i could do it you know well you hit the nail head it's allabout money man dude yeah and i guess that's why it's like it seemed so fuckedup is because you're talking about something that's like in a veryemotional topic you know like people dying this or that and like cancer andall these fucked up things that really pull into people's emotions becauseyou're dealing with like death dying sickness you know like long-term chronicpain shit and then you have the other

side of it it's like the political sidethat's just so like fucked up but also just cut and dry all about moneyyou know oh for sure that's all they care about it but i mean who knows whatthese clowns are gonna come up next they all need to go dude like the channelyeah just terrible huh i mean if you want toget into a little more politics dude i hear your show i just like the two-partysystems bullshit is just like people need to wake the fuck up and just likeelect and we need to get more diversity in there like in i think the argument islike well we need one side to win so much that they can just like push theiragenda through like well how fucking do

ithow fucking well as i've been working it hasn't at all because you're all a bunchof lying pieces of shit yeah it's like they won't it used to work where i usedto kind of work where you know oh there will be like alright you want this theother side wants this but let's make our you know make compromises and come upwith something that we both kind of like but we don't get everything we want andeverybody kind of is okay with yeah but they don't don't do that shit no moreman and it's just all it's like you said in the shit's broken yeah it really gotto be hard-pressed to find someone who would tell you that our politicalsystems running just been brilliantly

right now yeah i'm pretty obvious itain't the average person puts too much stock in the presidency as well it'slike when when in reality like congress has so much fuckin power and you've seenwhat the executive orders does just get overturned by you know trump or whoeverlike whoever comes out strong compelling i do you know so yeah the long lastingstuff is done by new congress senator you know supreme court but it's justit's affected that's all i want to say enough about that shit i just wanted tosay it was yeah for sure for sure - so i have lesson for you i do like my weddingdude dude those legit it was fun on it i likealbuquerque did i'm a crazy hole

breaking bad area iii think it's not ithink it's a beautiful area because the mountains there i wish i rode my harleyfirst long trip on my harley oh did i bought from you yep yeah but my dinahfrom brendan and proceeded to start turning into a mad max bike but uh yepdid you needed it more needed that was a brutal trip i was misbehaving on my onthat motorcycle and i was like you know what daniel henney was too better justto me i wasn't gonna get into that but uh i was gonna i was gonna save you fromyeah we don't we don't have to just keep it there yeah you said you said itreally well yeah you were failing at the motorcycle ownership but uh yes yes iput it to some good you students fun

i actually that reminds me i need toupload a video where i'm practicing standing up on the seat shut upseriously i'm doing some off-roading in it yeah and then i'm probably gonna rampit over a creek here pretty soon so it was nice knowing you yeah so you'resaying man spent fun yeah um dude but your wedding was blast the plus thatlocation out there that lodge was legit be the meeting of the groomsmen at thatbiker bar and the famous biker bar was like that was legit and oh yeah thatbiker where i was begging you not to give me a shot of whiskey and that'sexactly what you guys did wells like no i don't want to keela i'mnot drinking tequila to the bar buys me

a shot of fucking jack danielsdude and then the dancing that's c okay so now we're talking about weddings soi'm a professional best man i know you didn't choose to pay for my services asthat but i give very slut i give very epic speeches i'm actuallyshamelessly plugging myself right now i'm a best man for hire if anybody outthere that maybe you just have a bunch of kind of mediocre friends and you pullthat's another little e you need to pull a little you need to pull that you needto pull your ace of spades just you know get in contact with me and i'll come inand be your best man but okay dude so i've been in a couple of weddings yourwedding what i look for in a wedding

okay is let's speed through all thefucking bullshit part and let's get you drinking the eating and be like not somuch to eating but like eating a little bit then like drinking a lot and partylike let's dance i love to dance so your wedding i think this sermon went way toolong who was the dude that like was a stand-in oh i know dude ellis yeah i gotit was a little bit long dude i am way past out up there i gotta say that wasbrutal dude i was like i went through my head movies i was like okay like yeahoh no way this is still happening like we're still talking about something doit i know i but i mean shit so good time you planthe went off i'm shooting you straight i

mean i'm giving an honest assessmenthere yeah no i agree but the he'll agree dance party was a little good boom yeahonce again oh yes it was awesome and then the whole whole like what what isit like mexican traditions where you're like dancing in circles like everybody'sholding hands and i going there each other i do that wascool the lamar chow yeah yeah that was fun man apple skin score just likecrouching over and you know i did is this getting i just get this be overexactly now i want to get like excommunicated the first day i'm wherehe's like this fool can't even finish the la marcha dude what are you talkingabout we ended up back in your hotel

room continuing to party like all nightlong they were like i was a dad in your room you went it was going to like 4:00in the morning and then i don't even know what time i woke up i was so oh manwe owned we straight own that hotel man yeah withthat flute you do need people et filii do you yeah i mean it was a good goodflout oh man um behind it oh a good time now there is quite a made another andone came in one piece dude that motorcycle ride got a little hairy thereat the end but well so in the beginning so you're like you're like on all formsof median you're on like the internet you're on podcasts you're on fucking inlive person you're on tv man you're

everywhere oh what do what are yougetting at in i'm not on twitter i'm just saying there's out there okay upthere yeah yeah i did i just i like i like creating and i likehaving good conversations with people that's what kind of led into the podcastbut well it's a perfect forum for you dude what about this okay well let's go away to be bloodcells back up the let's talk about recovery a little bit okay so like ifyou want to start with like what kind of leads to the long laundry list ofmusculoskeletal issues we deal with postman like basically how we go hardand then end up broken at the end or

it's multiple if you want to talk aboutthe tbi stuff or whatever yeah like what what you believe yeah we'll do there'smultiple factors but like the wear and tear in your body and then if you likeleads to just big-time arthritis muscle strings you know in vertebrae injurieswhere you got compression fractures like you were talking about and disk problemsi mean you name it is going to be affected and then um you know the tveyes and the concussions they can you never know how that shit's going to gobecause they could be kind of mild or they could be pretty severe moderate tosevere and leave some like long-term effects on you and that doesn't just goaway you need to get a like you got to

rehab that just like you would have todo anything you know yeah there's a lot of like science out there like they'retrying to figure out what's the best way should you just you know not do anythingjust going to have a complete brain rest or should you kind of get them backearly and try to do like stimuli and kind of a stepwise fashion there's a lotof different you know research going on with all that i'm interested what do youthink that i'm interested in what they're doing with stem cell therapy andcrispr are you talking that not really not awhole bunch back so crisper is like this new like so you know how they talk aboutlike we're we're on this graph right

where the expected age is just going tokeep increasing until basically we become we basically cure death thedisease of death which is aging like you get so old and your fucking cells dieand all that shit right and eventually like what your organs start shuttingdown allah and then you have death you know what you live to like 100 somethingor whatever and then at some point you're just fuckin done well there'sbasically this theory like we're on this like huge bell curve like the increaseof like advancements in technology is like so rapid right now and we're it'slike constantly going in a curve up but it's getting exponentially like fasterbetter everything with technology is

getting better and betterlike exponentially it's like what they already have yeah quantum computers andshit that basically know everything we're going to do before we do it so sowith that curve you have like age your your life expectancy is increasing asmedical advances with technology like technology is advancing so like medicineis getting better and they're like curing all these things that the agingprocesses have and eventually you like reach immortality as long as you don'tlike you know get fatally shot or stabbed by some fucker you know but yeahso that's where we're headed apparently crispr is like a huge advance in thiswhere they found this you know this this

molecule set that basically is calledcrispr and it goes in and it rebuilds your your like your dna its recombinantdna technology yeah which is like you know youryou're you're extending the telomeres on your dna and so but it's also likefixing cells it basically goes and recognizes cells that like are eitheryou know dead or like the code is wrong you know because like when your dna isreplicating your cells replicating the older you get like the worse it gets atit and like there are mistakes that happen and that's particularly fuckincancer not shit so what this does is it's like reading the dna of like stuffyou already have and it's making

corrections it's like oh wait no wedon't need that like this is how it's supposed to be and so that's supposed tobe like to cure a lot of other things like besides just like extending thelife of your dna or you know your telomeres you're talking about likerepairing neurons and like other cells you know where is yeah that's still alittle ways away but i know it i've read about a little bit about crispr sothat's the stuff i'm interested in i actually signed up for medical trials ohreally yeah i don't mind being turned into likethe human cyborg project so just become a cyborg game like universal soldier bro- dude if they come up with a better

robotic arm than the one i have which isa long ways off yeah i'm like i'll do elective surgery yeah just take my arminside and replace it with that stronger better robotic arm hey fisher can theygive me a new back yeah i do plus i could use a roll could you imagine just like well son ican carry like fucking four tons on my back of where i can very cool they'd be likei guess where you're going we're just gonna send you to syria and let you kindof do the same yeah what would you think be would it besyria

yeah hopefully calling in airstrikes dude oh boy like shooting shooting lawsand 84 is movie hopefully we got something better than that if you cancarry four tons in your back then like you need to be a little more legit thanshooting 84s and laws what are those going to do - what arethose going to do - items get give them some fucking maybe kill one dude maybelike give some dude some like shrapnel bleeders and then you know get some guystbi like what i'll just carry a 50 cal on my back yeah that's what i'm talkingabout it's like me strapped to your back on like a tripod with like two gals likering and a 50 count in the middle i just

throw it out there on the tripod and youstart lighten things up dude yeah turn turn me into like inspectorgadget that would be fucking awesome yeah you could use an inspector gadgetdick dude what do you think about - like what what did you think i know youmentioned that show about how fucking big of clowns some of the commanderswere like that brad pitt as like show oh war machine yeah what do you got that ityou think it's pretty similarly very dislikes it's pretty spot-on and it waslike basically from day one we kind of knew that we couldn't really win theroyal it's just it's a situation where it's it's like unwinnableyeah and then like how

counterinsurgencies are likeridiculously hard to do well with the way we currently fight wars yeah it'slike they're hard in general yeah but the way we're doing it is not helping atall no i mean the whole thing was messed up but what are you gonna do have youheard my warlord theory like warlord there yeah for afghanistan specificallynow what you need is guys like ourselves just become warlords grover they'replugged in a village but the problem is like the thing is we net we like wevolunteer and like we never leave and so we just basically get put in power overthat you know that area that district and you basically you know hook up withsome of the elders in the area you

convert to islam and you like marry someof their daughters or whatever you know you don't have to believe this stuff youjust you know tell me that you have and then once your family it's like now nowyou're in right so so now you've asserted your power and it's not thiswhole hey fuck this dude he's from out of area like who will just wait for thenext guy to come here you know and take advantage of him yeah but then you guysstay in afghanistan yeah i know like i said it would be you know it would be atough this is like you know a very theoretical situation but i think itcould work but you would have to if you ever be enough to assume or fear nowhere would you go afghanistan that's

just you know you're gonna see i justshot off the cop there feels pretty bad i did yeah it's not notwhere you want to be what do you want to be at all but unfortunately we foundourselves there didn't we oh yeah oh um how many podcasts have you done dude umi think this will be 8 wow we're still we're still in the beginning dude andbut having seen a lot of other podcasts and listened to him i think we're we'redoing pretty good and i like it really you just like sign up and you can justlisten to whatever you want right yeah they're just on our youtube channel andso it's that's how i kind of got into podcast was watching joe rogan so i ilike watching them and i'm not

necessarily watching the whole time buti'll just i'll put it on and i'm really just listening to it and then if they'retalking about something or maybe getting a little animated you kind of like lookand see what they're doing and i think it it's a better experience to actuallysee it and that's kind of how i wanted to start is by putting it out that waybecause somebody can always just listen to the youtube video yeah but then ialso upload them on soundcloud and i'm waiting for approval to get my itunespodcast so then it will be on itunes which apparently can take a while buti've already applied and i'm waiting to hear back and wondering if they rejectedmy first podcast because of a shit me

and my brother talking about oh theygotta be it's gotta be like they're like rolls and softly uh i mean it's just youknow how fuckin pc shit is getting where you know they want tosilence any quote-unquote hate speech or this or that and oh yeah so they theyactually have somebody listen through the podcast like in its entirety tobefore it gets approved so you know who's who's that person that's what iwant to know like it's not you know what power i'd probably do better with the aiif that was what was listening to it you know but you know you get somebody andmaybe they're a little their political views are like completely opposite inyours and they're like no fuck this this

is a speech gee now when it's totallynot like i think we mentioned the turn cultural appropriation and we're kind ofmaking fun of it so yeah i think if anything that's what will get flaggedfor i can't even remember the other shit we talked about but well you choose aregood that's like yeah are you happy what's uh have you watched me any of theother ones i watched the first one and then i watch one reviews over it for alittle bit dude it's fun it's this this is nice more on the phone you know butit's that's what it's definitely better in person something about it oh thatgreat immediate in person you know except it's tough you know it's fuckinghot here so i'm glad i did it

hmm what do you got coming up good umjust basically another two weeks over thesummer like summer class stuff and then this summer i'm just basically ablogging paper man about it i'm going to buy a new car before september all thecars hit the bed so what do you what are you looking to do is a pa what am ilooking at that no what are you looking to do is a pa oh i'm thinking to thelike surgery or emergency medicine what because i liked the idea of emergencymedicine i mean on surgery because you know it's technical it's fun it's it'scool but the thing is sometimes your hours are really terrible and you'realways on call i don't really like that

idea of not having downtime where you'rejust it's your time not you know i mean yeah kind of like waiting to go on adeployment and there we go don't do anything like fuck did whoa but what'sthe point i might as well be gone because i can'tdo anymore so yeah definitely loosen up but a personal freedom yeah for sure andthen what emergency medicine looks good to you i like that it's got you knowshift work and you know you got your hours you do your ship and then you'redone that's it we shift comes on there's a lot of burnout but i think people doand they don't know where they get into you know dude have you that man have youseen the weed the willing stuff the why

we the willing no you know uh you knowchris chris night yeah yeah dude you gotta check it outyou never you never on uh whatever you never on instagram dude right no yeahthat's probably why you don't know well you need to check them out check outtheir website we the willing it's uh one of our bros started this this communitysecond azam it's the shirt i'm wearing right now it does is the game yeah butdid they have a website too it's like we the willing don't calm okaycool i'll definitely check that out definitely i just turned around so uh doyou rewash alright somebody watching us can see theback there sure cuz total legit they

made like it's oh so you're like filmingnow yeah dude that's cool yeah so they can see my picture that stupid picturei know it's people don't want to know the headache i went through to try andget you on here technology technologically wise you're definitelynot on i guess i didn't realize it i guess i am kind of all over social mediacompared to you because you're kind of absent but yeah i don't i don't reallydo that type of stuff and i will can you know i'll get a new favorite ear maybesome facebook once a while but not too much dad it's definitely it's just oneof those things where you can you can spend too much time take it in a careweb like no just like where your people

constantly are looking at other people'slives you know oh yeah it's like no one ever lays intoeverybody else it should be like hey why don't you look at your own shiti just made a facebook page like just go today and it's just another app it'sjust another avenue to spread you know spread this podcast all i have classesfor sure yeah have this buses i think if you're putting here if you're puttingout like from yourself it's good because when you're when you're creating andyou're like you have the people that you follow or whatever the commentsare you whatever but i think it's dangerous for some people to just getsucked up and watching other people's

lives like a whole fucking time you knowoh absolutely it is all right put the phone down and do something yes skewsomething your fucking life go engage with somebody you know whatyeah what what i like about this is i'm actually like engaging with people butalso sharing with people it's also creating something you know andabsolutely hopefully somebody listen to this and they're like holy shit i needto stop listen his podcast right now and go do something yeah i'm talking to youif that just if that just you struck a chord with you you need to turn thispodcast off right now go outside smell the grass like just bury your face inthe grass pick up some dirt your hands

and just like rub it around in yourfingers for a little bit and disconnect from your phone leave your phone insidewhen you do that yeah just leave it around like don't even bother with itjust see what happens i love it when i forget my phone sometimes i'm like yes idon't you have to do it yeah okay well i do i really got to take a leak is thatwe are we good or yeah dude if you want it i mean we could be at a stoppingpoint or i could totally ramble about something while you go take a piss andcome back it's up to you deal yeah ramble on okay cool ramola thought pottybreak boom so yeah i there's this trendy thing called everything where you areout in nature and you take off your

shoes and you just stand in the grass ordirt or whatever it is and ocean and let your feet touch the ground and where youlike walk on trails and i totally started doing that way before i actuallyknew it was something but i actually really enjoy it and i highly suggestother people do that just take moments like wouldn't your when you're in grassor you're close to nature or trees dirt take a second to just plug in and soakit up and put your little feelers out there like those humansspecies we've been given these awesome feelers these balancers okay i'm talkingabout how us as humans were basically like little explorers that somehowevolved on the surface and we have all

these little senses that were likebasically like little data receptors going onto the earth and collecting allthis information right we're like constantly collecting information and soi was basically challenging people when they go outside to like take their shoesoff let their feet get in the dirt and the sand and like in the grass or likeput your hands down in it and like really just like try and connect tosomething that's natural and not you know made by man technology yeah and andfeel how amazing it feels like let yourself just kind of don't try andthink about anything just kind of like let your thoughts wander and i thinkit's that's why i like all the beach man

just go in the ocean just looking dude imiss the ocean on this council when i'm in i list it - well i wish it - i'mplanning on spending some time out there in the summer for sure oh yeah yeah buti also got a lot of stuff going on so yeah are you like racing dune buggiesare subjective dude racing a jeep and we got a race coming up and we've got tofinish this build we should we should be on track to make it so that'll be funthat's cool man racing jeeps that's pretty dope means a ghazal burstremember him from first recon yeah tall tall dude banana fingers yeah yeah youwatch the podcast women yeah so like did we're yeah we're we're teamed up and wevote we're both super passionate about

it and it's like we're gonna win dudewe're going to absolutely destroy some people let me just race other jeeps orwe could you race yeah yeah it's actually so in this type of racing it'scalled ultra four which is like ultimate four-wheel-drive racing and it's a mixbetween like baja style racing you know like in the desert where they do thatlike in mexico with those trucks yeah yeah but those are like two-wheel drivetrucks right they just have the wicked front suspensions and they just assumethrough the fucking desert ultra4 is like that where there's open sectionsbut there's also rock crawling technical sections or whatever and they're doneall over the us so you get like kind of

a different style depending on whereyou're racing like the main race the king of the hammers is in california soyou got a lot of desert and a lot of like if you're for win have you been outthere yeah it's fucking wet it's like you're on mars or something so yeah theydo they do it there's like the big one but then i just went to one in oklahomaso it was like super muddy they're going through woods and like you know the rockcrawling sector sort of mud yeah dude it's fucking it sounds fun as shit justa fucking blind you like you win money issues like yeah how does it work yeahyou win money dude good - i mean it's not like it's not a lot like i think alot of

it's a sport where you basically that'sone of the cool parts about it's it's really community it's like a racingcommunity a people where everybody loves the sports so much that they just likedump a lot of money into it so i've dumped a lot of money into my g buildyou know it's just like yeah for the looks like yeah i was like holy shitthis thing looks in-home yeah i've had to neglect a harley for a little bitbecause a lot of things i want to do with that bike but it's had to take asideline to the jeep but yeah but you'll so it's kind of mixed it's mixed upthere's like the people who just got rich and don't know what to do withtheir fucking money so they just like

pay somebody to build them an offer aracing car you know so yeah which i just learned this last where i saw that ikept on everybody's referring to their brakes is like racing cars i'm thinkinglike but this is like four-wheel drive off-road racing like what do you call ita car it doesn't make sense to me i shouldn't be a truck well no no it's notrude it's not really a truck yeah i guess it is a car like it's a race cardeed so yeah they call them race cars but they're not anything like a carthey're super fast they all have like you know yeah supercharged ls motors andlike these are the high you know the unlimited class ones i'm in the stockclass so to answer your original

question who i'll be racing anybody whoenters the stock class you basically can race anything it could be like a toyotatruck or a jeep wrangler jeep cherokee anything you want to build out andthere's like a bunch of restrictions on what what you can and can't doso it's got to like kind of resemble and still be kind of like the stock vehiclesmeant to be but you've seen pictures of mine right it's like it still looks likethey're still super capable machines yeah but there are restrictions like youcan only do 35 inch tires even though i have 36 is on there right now like icould probably fit up to 40 s you know but there's a little restrictions likethat

so so it's fun it's it's a little moreit's less money it's still a lot of money to get into the class but it'sdefinitely more obtainable and it's a you're still racing so that's awesomeyou but you're not you're not going as fast as like the top guys who are likescreaming through the desert like over a hundred miles an hour like i'll be goingi'm sure you go fast in year seven you know like still fast but dude it's funso it's fun just being around that and like just it's going to be nice beingwith zach and like it's working together as a team you know there's a chanceyou'll roll over and you got to like get your jeep rolled back over and like keepracing you know so it's like it's not

like you have to battle like you canwork through the problems like getting stuck and all that like you just figureit out so you figure it out i like it i like ithave you found that dude like problem-solving like on a simple levelis kind of therapeutic for you oh yeah for sure man it's always good to knowwork through a problem you know kind of thing about solutions definitely helpsyou kind of organize your thoughts you know yeah like what what would be anexample of that for you i know you've been in schools so that's probably justlike that would just kind of turn my brain into foam bush but i don't knowmaybe like talking about like medically

wise or just everyday life everyday lifelike is there anything you find yourself like man i need to get my hands on thisthing and fucking fix it something you do and you're like yeah it felt fuckinggood you know yeah well i had i bought a new like road bike because that's how iget to school so if you know it's an it's aspecialized i like it is it you don't want to retire out here and thetraffic's terrible and parking sucks so i just say so yeah i rode like i ridetwo cocks but i've been making like little modifications to the bike anticsin it putting different bike gear gears on it and like rear derailleurs andstuff like that you know just little

things like that but it but it's verylittle good it's not like it's not like a pain in the ass it's like oh fuckshe's not like fine you know it's definitely far man for sure it's funi've found that like with with brain injuries specifically i would say it'sgoing back to simple things instead of like you knowyeah it's healthy to try and work like more complex problems and stuff butgoing into simple things and i think that's why i've just like weightliftingin the gym is you're doing something very very simple where it's like i justneed to move this thing from here to there or i need to like change my brakesor you know do this on the jeep and then

you do it in you're like you're justkind of very focused in on what you're doing and something about it feels rightand it feels like something about it is therapeutic to me no i completely agreeman i completely agree i'm with you on thatdude woody what are your thoughts on pot or we hope or i wanna you know i'm allabout having a legalizing it did you know that um what do you know whatstates right now for legal argument the entire west coast is legal really i knoworgan just did right last alaska washington oregon and california olliethat's awesome um yeah texas is actually talking about ithought they would be like the last

holdout or something but i think theyactually might be getting ready to pass medical medical folks i think medicalsfirst but dude i think i think they're they're looking to go which is kind ofsurprising to me i mean austin's pretty pretty liberaldude but it's not even like i mean there's there's liberals there'sdemocrats who are super against it and it's all it's all that drug companymoney dude but yeah which is sick now i mean it'sit's going that way man they can't fight it it's it's going that way wherethey're just gonna like you know whoa all their arguments against againstthey're like well you know it's going to

lead to this this embarrassing the bikeactually hasn't because you have states that have legalized it for quite sometime and none of that shit came true so there's really no compelling reason notto do it yeah in colorado's making an absolute fortune oh it is politics yeahyeah if they looked at the money i think that's i think that's honestly why texasis considering it they're like wait we could be making tons of money off ofthis like why don't we approve it you know it doesn't make sense not yeah but uh a dude i am gonna have to cutthis i gotta get up early tomorrow right on dude dude this has been awesomehad a great time well i definitely want

to talk about this some more and talkabout just kind of we're sure cbds done for me and stuff like that but oh yeahyeah thank you party to get me out a support to get it so we definitely gottapark you coming up but yeah let's just go and wrap this one up for tonightfine man call it well it's been fun it's been a pleasure talking with you and ohme talking to you soon i guess later later bro

Mad About The Boy, The Best Of Dinah Washington

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