i've got a... freakin, a whole bunch of subscribers on this youtube channel and i'm not using it so, i'm gonna start doing it again you guys don't even sound right but you know what i mean i'm gonna post this video clip from 1998 it was my appearance at showtime at the apollo and i didn't get booed
which is why i'm going to show you the clip so enjoy and... trip out at the fact that man... time... has not been nice... no it hasn't enjoy the braces you'll see what i mean apollo, please welcome comedian gabriel iglesias wassup?!
an overweight latino with energy let em hear it! this is cool i know a lot of you are probably wondering right now gabriel are you related to... ladies? you better believe it hey trust me
after a six pack and a shot of tequila i look a lot like julio after four shots... you'll be living la vida loca nah man it's cool a lot of people mess with me cause i'm a big guy it doesn't bother me you know why?
because i have nothing but big friends which is so cool because when you have nothing but big friends we never get into arguments except one... and that is... who is... the biggest? and let me tell you guys right now there's only one way to settle this
we all get on a bus... and we go to disneyland and we get on a roller coaster ride and whoever gets the least amount of clicks on the safety bar is the fat ass oh yeah, trust me we'll show up at six flags we'll hide behind all the little kids, right? get down... get down get down
get down... get down and i swear to god it's the same girl who works on every single rollercoaster you know the one hi everyone! welcome to walt disney world my name's liberty, i'm so happy to be here ok... listen this rollercoaster was constructed in 1947 it's ninety-seven percent metal
except for the three percent bolts and... oh my god, i'm so crazy oh! ladies and gentlemen, stand back here comes the coaster stand back, here it comes... ok... alright everybody, exit to the right of the coaster ok, bye bye
ma'am, your purse here you go bye, tootles, bye then she breaks down the rules and regulations turns around and sees us, right? ladies and gentlemen, please board two at a.... oh my god... there's been a slight change of rules... please board one at a time so my friend goes first right?
gabriel, don't worry about it, i'll go first i'll go first alright, here we go... two clicks! oh he thinks he's bad with his two clicks! stand back, i got this, i got this three clicks! shut up... oh my god, ok...
alright everybody, hold on then she turns around and tells the guy to pull the lever some guy who's not even from around here right? jimmy? jimmy! jim.. i know you did not just put your hands on me... i'm going to pull lever i'm going to pull...
one hour later ladies and gentleman this is phil stephens reporting live for action news we're standing here live in front of walt disney world where authorities believe two large latinos took the ride to the limit... let's see how they're doing how you guys doing up there?! we're hungry!
ok ladies and gentlemen, apparently they're hungry... oh ladies and gentlemen, we are getting a word this just in... live from washington dc hello ladies and gentlemen live here from washington dc my name is robert stevenson apparently, president bill clinton is going to make a statement in regards to miss monica lewinsky
let's go live ladies and gentlemen... the president of the united states well basically, this whole situation's ridiculous stop clapping hoochies... you're the ones who got me into this mess i understand that what i did was wrong and for those of you mexicans, cubans and puerto ricans who don't speak english...
much love apollo, muchas gracias! thank you! i love you mom! hey, its fluffy!

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