Crossroads [Original Soundtrack]

5:41 AM

( cheers and applause )>> after the success of the last few crosswalk musicals, i knew ihad the to get the company out of los angeles. it was to too much. the constant rain, theadulation, the cocaine. and where better to go thanwhere i made my name on the stage right here, london,england, united kingdom, great britain. okay, guys, guys, gather around,gather around.

gather around, because we arehere in london, the musical, we will be performing -->> james. it's "mary poppins"! playing the role of marypoppins in this production will be -- oh, me! thank you! look, it takes one great man tomake a great show. but it takes an etch greater manto invite another great man to make that show great.

playing the role of burt in thisproduction sir ben kingsley, everybody! ( cheers and applause )can you believe it? i've got chills. chills. >> i'm so excited to be here. i've always liked james. when he told me about the idea,of course, i jumped at the chance.

theater should be for thepeople, especially, in this case, for people in their cars,driving home from work. >> james: it would be remissof us to not take, gather, hang on to whatever pearls of risedom you would like to share with us today. please. >> well, from my years in thetheater, i think the best thing i can impart -->> sir ben kingsley, everybody! unbelievable!

( applause )we've got to go. >> i understand. >> james: take umbrella, raiseumbrella, open umbrella. and fly. ♪fly. i think if we can make this showa supercalifragilistic, the audience will be like, wow, thatwas expealidocious. ♪♪ wind's to the east, coming in, like something's brewing aboutto begin ♪

♪ what lies in store ♪♪ i feel like what's happened has all happened before. ( applause )>> james: look, it's not for me to say. i hear whispers, oh, my god,he's better than julie andrews. i can't say that. those aren't my words. but i think i'm better thanjulie andrews. every job that must be doneshould have an element of fun.

you find the fun and, snap, the♪ and every task you undertake becomes a piece of cake♪ a lark, a spree, it's very clear to see, that a... ♪ spoonful full of sugarhelps the medicine go down ♪ the medicine go downthe medicine go down ♪ just a spoonful of sugarhelps the medicine go down ♪ in a most delightful way>> cars, cars, cars! everybody, get back! stay, stay, stay station!

oh, my, gosh! that's amazing! keep it together! make sure the toys are back inthe box! they have to be returned to toys'r' us! stay focused! where's the band? we had to let the kids go, thelittle ones. in retrospect, i probably shouldhave told their parents where

the performance was at. but, you know, that's theater. we've recast, and you roll withthe punches. the boys did actually punch me. enjoy it, guys. smiles in the eyes. show me a smile in your eyes. smile with your eyes! you're a penguin, smile withyour eyes!

all right, guys, enjoy it! lieutenants of smiles, lots ofsmiles. it's a show stopper, it's a showstopper, ♪ it's supercalifragilistic-expialidocious ♪ even though the sound of itis something quite atrocious ♪ if you say it loud enoughyou'll always sound precocious ♪ supercalifragilistic-expialidocious ♪ um-diddle-ittl-um-diddle-ayeum-diddle-ittl-um-diddle-aye supercalifragilistic-♪ expialidocious

oh, my god! you were on fire out there! that is the performance of yourlife! that made gandhi look likeamateur hour! okay, guys, here we go. here we go, here we go. let's go and fly a (bleep) kite. ( laughter )let's go fly a kite ♪ up to the highest heightlet's go fly a kite

♪ and send it soaringup to the atmosphere ♪ up where the air is clearoh, let's go fly a kite >> james: stop, stop, stop, wedid it! we did it! ♪ oh, oh, ohlet's go fly a kite ♪ and send it soaring>> james: thank you so much! oh, thank you! ( applause )this has truly been the high -- >> this has truly been the highlight of mu career.

i played gandhi and this andthat, but today i was burt, i smashed it. >> james: thank you guys,thank you so much! i think a wise man said youcould never go home again but i think if he could see whathappened there he would go, i was wrong, my bad, and you canrock it on the strand on tuesday in london. everybody say mary poppins! >> mary poppins!

>> james: say sir benkingsley! >> sir ben kingsley! >> james: say sir jamescorden! >> sir james corden! >> james: sounds good! ( cheers and applause )

Crossroads [Original Soundtrack]

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