there's not much time left until 2014. does anyone know the time? 52 minutes? you will be a year older after 8 minutes. l'm happy about it. l will be 29. l am looking forward to being 30. the men here probably understandthat 30 is the golden age. anyone becoming an adult on 2014?
really?you're a high school student? you will be an adult? wow, soon you will be partying. seems like many people herewill be adults soon. how did you end up here? just kidding. l'm just amazed to see teenagers. l didn't mean that l feel oldbut l really feel amazed. will the teenagers raise your hands?
looks like your in your 20's. l can see it. l'm cute? a 19 year old tellsa 28 year old that he is cute? until 25 can be cute but... up until 40 can be cute? so teenagers,how did you find out about me? tv? l don't get it.
''scent of a woman?'' really? you saw me act in the drama? and you became my fan? show you what? always asking meto show you something. you guys have an interesting taste. ''was it h-handsome?'' mean the stuttering. what a funny way to become a fan.
enough about my butt. some fans sent me photos of my butt. you want me to look at my own butt? what should l do with that? l see it enough when l shower. manhattan. looks like broadway. 3 minutes left now. l spent last year with you guys
and l feel so happy tobe with you guys again. 2 minutes. everyone,wish everything you want in 2014. there's only one minute left. your wishes will work.lf not, come to me. wait, wait, wait. anyway, nothing's impossibleso we should try our best. klm jedong saidsomething like that before. there's no reason for us to be unhappy.
we are what we think we are. we are not lonely. trees can be our friendsand the sky also. l sound like a cult preacher? l'm losing my voice. let's count from 30. 30, 29, 28, 27, 26, 2524, 23, 22, 21, 20... everyone. lt's 2014!
3, 2, 1 ! what's this? thank you. you want to stuff my face? l will cut the cake. birthday beating? lt's so sweet. actually l have two birthdays. today is my registered birthday.
thanks for that. now l will sing withjust the guitar and piano. l just thought of one personbecause it's 2014. jaejoong is 30 now. that seems so weird. lt feels weird.he's 30 now. call him? but that's... you guys are really amazing.
we are already on overtime. anyone here turned 30 today? really? that's starts from 30. the next song is... l will talk to him next time.we have to celebrate 2014 now. please hand me my phone. l hope this is okay. do you want to make fun of him?why should l call?
he's busy. the call was probably unexpected to him. l will be in contact with himto share the joy. so here we are. hello. when did you... l gave him a nickname. pooh bear with his pot of honey. l didn't interview him yesterday.
what a handsome... he is known forresembling bae yongjoon. you don't think so?don't you think he's handsome? the next song... l picked because of the lyrics.are there any couples here? lf there are any couples hereor people who plan to be couples... let's just say there are. l saw them while l walked up there. brother and sister?
do you feel that jealous? brother and sister holding hands? l prepared this songto support those people. l will sing it in dedicationof a lovely relationship. this is ''uphill road.''
the reason l wanted to sing this song is because the lyrics are so moving. a new year has just started so l wanted everyone tostart it with this song. ''tsubomi'' means a flower bud. l heard the story of the songand it's about the mother of one of the members of kobukurowho passed away and he wrote this song out of sorrow. lt's actually a song for our mothers.
and to never lose hope of blossoming. because the flower budwill bloom one day. that's the message in this song. actually... did l bloom yet? when l practiced singingduring middle school l was going through voice maturationand visited the hospital often. the doctor told me thatmy voice will not mature fully. l asked the doctor ifit's necessary to give up singing,
and he told me that l should. l thought about giving up.l was shocked. l remember cryingto my mother about it. l think that was the turning point for me. l wanted to prove the doctor wrong. l practiced even moreand tried to find my voice. l'm not sure if l've found my voice yet but the fact that l can be here and sing really reminds me of that time.
maybe l got my courageto sing through that incident. lf you guys have a dreamdon't ever give up. l believe that it will workif you keep trying. l hope you guys will have the courage. actually there's just one song left. this is the title trackof my second album ''lncredible.'' l will sing it for you guys. here is ''lncredible.'' we'll try again.
dance time! second floor and third floor,let's do it together! together, very, two, together! two hands!one hand! one more time! everybody jump!
the color is white today. l wasn't going to comeunless you called for it. we feel like friends now. l really like this feeling. l used to be a bit shyexcept when l was singing. l was okay with speakingin front of the camera alone but when l'm in front ofso many people l used to feel shy andl didn't want to be out of line so l kept saying corny things.
but l feel more confident now. so for the last song. only one song left. hasn't it been over 3 hours already? aren't you guys tired? l think l'm about to pass out. l'm kidding. we can meet on the thirdof january at the ''december'' musical. or is it the second of january?
the second? lsn't gunyoung on the second?or is it me? how will l do the musicalafter one day of rest? what should l do?l'll have to do that with my emotions also. today l really puta lot of effort into singing. lf l don't concentrate,my voice might go bad. anyway. thanks everyone! do you wantthis concert next year too? l can't rest on new year's day?
huh? l should be happierto be with you guys? l am happy to be with you all. this is the corny talk. l'm kidding. l'm so happy tobe here and want to do it every year. l might put out a new album or a new musical. and the songs can be usedfor the concert for you guys. and l want to sing the songswith inspirational lyrics
along with my previous songs. l want to thank everyone here and l really want to continuethis concert until 6 in the morning but there are some peoplewho came from far away. there are probably somepeople with parents waiting for them. no? thank you for being nice. l am very grateful to everyone here. l will say my thanks to everyone now.
please turn the lights on. a round of applause for them. l feel so thankful because l've beenoccupied with the ''december'' musical. so l haven't had much timeto prepare for today's music. we've been messaging each otherand listening to recordings and they kept practicingwhich made today easier for me. we only rehearsed together twice. they were perfect sol had to give it my best. thank you very much.
and... so, the first of january 2014... lt's been over 3 hours. no one's done 3 hours before. ls it really the second of january? the ''december'' teamarrived yesterday. l met them in a cafe and we all thought thatit is on the third. we told each other,''see you on the third.''
they all think it is the third. the last song.this one... while you're here at such a late hour your parents will be very worried about you. they're waiting now. when will my daughter be home? what is it? what?
talk? don't you think l talked a lot? l see many men here today. for the men, lt's nice to see men at the concert. thanks a lot. let's hear the men. sounded japanese. are you japanese?
how did you get here? airplane? says he came on an airplane. l don't know how to end the concert. what should l do?everyone must be tired. don't you have to use the toilet? feeling sad before leaving is natural. so next year...actually, it's this year. l will be more activewith concerts and performances.
l'm looking forward tomeeting you there. l'm sidetracking again. this song is to thank our fathers because people usuallyonly thank their mothers. l do that too but this is a reminder to keepour gratitude for our fathers. here it is. l thought mr. lee gyein was here. this is ''father.''

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