hi guys. i'm allen hinds and i'm here totalk about the new xotic xsc 2. it's called that because it's an xoticguitar and the 2 stands for the fact that... it has a humbucker in the bridge position. well, i got to tell youwhen i first saw this guitar... i literally saw it on the bench at thexotic laboratories up in van nuys. i thought it looked cool. i just ran to itand said "what is that?" and when i started playing it,it just felt like an old friend. like i've been playing it for years. it's got a roasted maple neck on it.
there's something to these roasted necks.the roasted maple. it's sucks all the moisture out,is what i gather. and it kind of simulate what a guitar wouldbe like if it was 50 or 60 years old. and it really does. this guitar... i guess i can say it this way,it kinda has a real acoustic properties for... an acoustic solid body... i mean for a solid body guitar. it resonates. it feels good. you can feelit resonate against the back against your chest. it just feels right. the body is lightweight.
it's aged just enough.not too much for my taste. the neck is set up like a modern guitar.it's not a real old vintage radius... which is cool because this way i canbend without the note crapping out... and keep the action still low for all mylegato stuff or whatever it is i do. but check it out.it's the new xsc 2 by xotic. caption: yumi adachi

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