Vinegar Joe

5:41 AM

although apple cider vinegar has an overpoweringacidic taste, you don’t have to drink it straight to benefit from its amazing properties. some of those properties include raw enzymesand the promotion of good bacteria in the digestive tract. in order to avoid the taste, some people willsubstitute apple cider vinegar for regular vinegar when pickling their favorite vegetables,or pair it with olive oil to make a salad dressing with a little kick. however, by simply diluting apple cider vinegaror adding it to tea before bedtime you can significantly improve several areas of yourhealth.

consider a few ways that acv helps if youtake it before bedtime: 1. halitosisyou know that awful taste in your mouth that you wake up with in the morning? it’s probably due to too much bacteria inyour mouth. drinking one tablespoon with eight ouncesof water and a slice of lemon before bed, will keep that bacteria at bay and let youwake up more refreshed. 2. lower blood sugarsome people have difficulties sleeping because

of a peak in their blood sugar level at night. it’s one of the leading causes of insomnia,and it also impedes the body from burning fat. apple cider vinegar lowers blood sugar levelsbecause it increases insulin sensitivity. if you aren’t already on blood sugar medicine,try taking two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar right before bed each evening and see if youdon’t have a more restful night. if you are taking prescription medicationfor diabetes, please speak with your doctor before using this natural remedy. 3.

hiccupsthis nice trick overrides nerves in your throat that are responsible for hiccups. if these nerves have to deal with powerfultaste in apple cider vinegar, hiccups become less of an issue. for this, you’ll need to drink one undilutedteaspoon of apple cider vinegar. 4. sinus reliefif you’ve got a stopped up nose because it’s pollen season again, don’t forgetabout apple cider vinegar. rather than reaching for an over-the-counterdecongestant, rely on the b vitamins to work

with the potassium and magnesium in applecider vinegar, to loosen up your sinuses so you can breathe easier. 5. drop unwanted poundsmore and more people are incorporating apple cider vinegar into their weight loss regimen. however, did you know that not getting a goodnight’s sleep is also associated with being overweight? researchers now know that apple cider vinegarinhibits the body when it tries to convert starches into calories.

not only that, but it also reduces your appetite. the pectin it contains actually makes youfeel more satisfied, so when it’s time to go to bed and your hungry, sip a little applecider vinegar tea to feel satisfied and sleep better. 6. reflux remedywhen your stomach is void of the necessary amount of acid, it tends to move around todo the job that the full amount would easily do. when that happens, some of the acid can sneakup the esophagus and burn your throat.

apple cider vinegar helps to replace thatstomach acid and balance your intestinal tract. try a tablespoon with a full glass of waterabout an hour before lying down. 7. sore throatapple cider vinegar is a powerful anti-bacterial. its acidity helps kill bacteria that livein the back of your throat. if you have a sore throat, in thirty minuteintervals, take one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. about an hour before bed, drink one teaspoon. after thirty minutes, drink another.

finally, drink the third just before bed. 8. restless legsif you have restless legs or are often plagued with leg cramps in the middle of the night,it’s probably a sign that you’re not getting enough potassium in your diet. by adding two tablespoons of apple cider vinegarto eight ounces of water, you can quickly boost your potassium levels and avoid theseannoying issues. 9. upset stomachsometimes a simple remedy like apple cider

vinegar can settle an upset stomach. again, by helping restore the ph level inthe digestive tract, you can rid yourself of excess gas and even stomach cramping. try a warm cup of water with one teaspoonof apple cider vinegar to calm an upset stomach.

Vinegar Joe

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