One More Car One More Rider [2CD Plus DVD]

4:41 AM

oh, so many people! you’re still here? (always.) wonderful! hey, you sit too far. you want some cakes? (yes!) are you all right? yes, yes. (you okay?) a little bit cold.

cold? maybe you’re sick. are you sick? (no.) we don’t have any blanket… (here, master.) blanket! ah, here. why didn’t you bring any blanket? you’re a tough guy and now you’re… better?

hold it. you can keep it. it’s maybe too small. listen. (take this also.) everybody feels hot and you feel cold. here. cover head, everything. okay, i brought you some cakes. oh! and you didn’t bring anything? or maybe you have a cold.

this one? (the air conditioners.) everybody’s sweating and you..! i’ll turn it off. magic! ah! good, thank you. okay. i brought you something. nothing special.

just snacks. share. open, share, everybody eat something. keep energy. keep warm. where are you from? (bulgaria.) bulgaria! (yes.) but it’s cold there, why are you not… why you’re not used to it here? oh, here, it’s easy, look.

you can tear it, okay? tear it, tear it, tear it, tear it. some more will be coming, don’t worry. eat, eat. you want some, chicken? i mean, sweetheart? we’ll bring some more. are you feeling better today? (yes.) really?

it was much better… after that. you told them, “get lost!” (yes, i did.) you are the boss. you have to. (i love your shoes.) yeah, i, too. i, too! my spiritual weapons. in case anybody doesn’t behave,

you know what to do with this, right? “tzak tzak tzak tzak.” don’t worry, i’m just threatening, i never do anything. just talk. okay, guys. feel better, everybody? (yes.) relaxed, yeah? (yes.)

just now the house was full and now the house is so empty. i’m sorry we don’t haveenough carpet for you. you better now? (yes, i feel better.) you wrap up the ears, it’s important. because if the ears are cold, you feel cold. if tonight you’re still cold, you go in the kitchen,ask for an empty bottle. you understand me?please translate to him.

empty bottle, okay? and then go into the bathroom,get hot water. fill it. tighten it. hug it. one enough.(if) not enough, two. i do it sometimes,with a plastic mineral water bottle. or if don’t have, this is also fine. but have to tighten it well. hot.

hot water or more than warm. and immediately feels good. yeah, open, open, open. wow, look at that. you want them to be fat? do you have any requests? more croissants. i think they like croissants. because this, maybe your countrydoesn’t have croissants.

have, but with egg. so, this one, completely vegan, from italy. wow! (it’s great.) what a country! (yes.) you don’t expect themto be a vegetarian producer, but they do. you don’t have the scissors? if you don’t have, i go get it. i go get it from the kitchen.(oh, thank you, master.) no, sit, sit.

i am small, i zig zag. that’s the good thing of being small. i can sit on your lap, i can sit on your shoulder, no problem. they used it beforefor me to cut the ribbon. (yes.) the golden scissors. wow! there you are. no more left? (it’s okay. we are happy, master.)

oh, so sorry, love. that’s the only two bagsi have in my house and i brought it to you. (we are so happy.) okay, then never mind. eat another thing. eat other things. (thank you, master.) and who don’t havecan share with a neighbor half. like you bite and you give him… stojo! you’re from where? burgas. (burgas.)

this is on the sea of bulgaria,the black sea. nice, no? (yes.) it’s nice there? good beach? (a little bit.) no? okay, okay. so, so. how are you, the bloke over there? (very good.) good, yeah? you look just like when i first saw you. not one year older.

so do you, master. you do, too. oh, no. i look old for sure. you look great! you look younger and prettier. really? (yes, absolutely.) that was just a dream! dreaming. because of too much…

i looked a little better beforeand then just too many lights, many days, always spotlight. even if they screen it,but it still… you know. and these kinds of lightsmake me old very quick. at night, if i don’t sleepand i read books or watch tv or do something under the neon lamp, i can see wrinkles coming, coming, coming. it’s not good to work at night. but daytime,

i don’t like to go here in the daytime, mostly i don’t. too many tourists, theycome to the swimming pool, bikini and all that. and you guys like it, huh? i know guys. tell the truth, yeah? okay. anything you want me to do for youbefore you go? yeah. not to do for me. i was able to dancein “loving the silent tears,” master.

(yeah, i saw you. wow!)and it was such an amazing experience. i could feel you there. and at the end when we sang“loving the silent tears,” it was just, i don’t even knowhow to describe the feeling. but it was so beautiful because the audience hadall these blue sparkly wands. and just thank you so much, it was the most beautiful experience. oh, i’m glad you enjoyed it.(thank you, master.)

that’s the point. (yes.) and you cried after in the toilet, huh? (before the toilet.) “silent tears.” yeah, everybody seemedto enjoy a lot there, huh? (so amazing.) this is one of myfavorite songs from the musical. what, “silent tears”? (yes, yes.) you like it so much?okay. you have the cd? yes. we have two cds in the collection.

good. and it’s clear? it’s good? (yes, very nice.)wonderful, wonderful. okay. it’s kind of late, huh? you guys are sleepy and i call you here (no!)and eat cakes. (thank you!) “terrible master.” (it’s so much appreciated, master.)“wake me up at 5 o’clock in the morning.” (thank you.) the cakes helped. (yes.) it’s better than nada (nothing).

okay, any questions? anything that you want to expressbefore you leave? some of you are going, right? (yes.) sorry, time is so short. it’s always short. for me, it’s always long. no, i love to have you around. just sometimes, time is never enough. time is a very precious commodityon this planet.

no matter how much money you have,time is always limited. money, you can earn.time, never! every day, just 24 hours, that’s it! even if you’re king, you can’t command it to have 25. that’s the problem. how many bulgarians? (seven.) ten. (ten.)

you arrived today or yesterday? (yesterday). yesterday! (today.) today. okay. yesterday, i wasn’t here. i needed to recover. today, i feel good. i’m glad you have come. and everywhere else, different? (usa.) usa.

that’s the only question, huh? (yes.) oh, i love it when you dance. not just “silent tears,”but everywhere, wow! so exotic. i love when you do it! i can’t do it. i try, but you have to separatethe hips from the body. the upper is different from below. when i move here, everything moves. like my dog.

she moves the whole body. she doesn’t just wag the tail, she wags the whole body all the time. you saw happy, she’s very excited. how do you do that? i tried! i did try. it’s just like meditating. patience and… practice, huh?

but to you people, the arab race, it’s just like natural, right? (yes, i think so.) but still, you need to learn. (yes. yes.) oh, how do they do that? using the whole body is better for kung fu because they usenot only one part of the body, but the whole, so…

oh! so i am better for kung fu. i think i’m the best with tofu. i can’t even do kung fu. i know tofu very well. kung fu, yeah. kung fu also needs practice. tofu, no need! so simple.

you can do it while you’re sleeping even. i like tofu. i did do some kung fu when i was younger. but i gave it back to my teacher already. i forgot every movement, nothing. wow. after i’d been kicked in the stomach and i couldn’t talk, then i said,“goodbye, teacher.” yeah! accidents happen, you know?

you look on tv, yeah? jet li or jackie chan. wow! “chak, chak chak!” so easy. they do that, no? so easy and graceful and powerful. wait until you practice. the teacher can kick you any time, and you don’t even knowwhere you are anymore.

just lie there. you couldn’t even pray anymore. because it’s too painful. i used to be able to do some stances, but that was a long time agowhen i was in high school. i was sweet sixteen. there was a temple nearby. there was a monk. he was young and he was very funny.

and when he kicked, it’s not. i had learned all kinds of,like, the yellow spring flower. it’s a kind of bushand then flowers, like stars. in ã‚u lạc (vietnam), we call it “hoa mai.” i learned that kind of stance. and then, also tiger stance. crouching tiger! (hidden dragon.) flying dragon, not hidden.

i don’t like to hide, i like to fly. oh, sometimes fly too high and then “bop!” painful, painful. i was young, i was invincible. so, it didn’t matter. the whole class was only boys, so he treated me like one of them. if he kicked,he really kicked me like a boy. he doesn’t think he is kicking a girl.

because, of course, you learn to defend, but sometimes you miss, then they hit yousometimes here or there. and then sometimes here,and you can’t speak at all. you just lie there, and then they have todo some kind of different… they do it for you, you can’t. you’re just paralyzed. they have to massage you

and do all kinds of things,your leg, your arm, and then you can speak a little bit. it happened to me twice. all the riding bicycle doesn’t hurt me, but the kung fu is really… because the teacher always was the one to kick you first. yeah, because to train you. because when he kicks you,

it wasn’t all full power. but if outside people, they don’t relent. so he has to let you taste it first, get used to the pain. and you have to learn all kinds of tricks, all kinds of things. put your hand in the sand, until it’s hard. but i never hit anybody, i don’t know why. i should have practiced.

we just practicedbut not to fight or anything. and well, i learned all kinds of thingswhen i was young, but i can’t do anymore. i think i don’t want to anymore. i just exercise a little bit. because no matterwhat kind of martial arts you learn, you must have someviolent subconsciousness in your head. and just like when you boxor do some kung fu, when you want to go fight,

before, you have to think already some very strong message in your head that you are going to hurt them,you need to win. if you win, you have to hurt them. either you get hurtor the other person gets hurt. so somehow subconsciouslyyou already have violence in your heart. so it’s not too good. you're learning it? (yes, i am a teacher.) you are?

we are always starting (with) salute,like, we train for peace and harmony. yes, yes. normally it’s like that. but if before fighting, they always have to already think… in some schools,they even teach you have to really hate that person first, the opponent, so you can punch him hard. visualize. some schools do teachlike that. (yes, i know.)

maybe you don’t. (i don’t.) then it’s okay. i just tell them, “you put,like, your body mechanics. you put your hand there. don’t hit, don’t think of hitting. just in case you need it,it will come naturally. ” that’s good. can you do some stance for us? pick him.

wake him up! he’s cold. make him warm up. fix him! come, both of you. make room. move it or he’ll kick you. might be accidentally. move back. move back, move back.

don’t wait until like me, lie on the floor and can’t speak. what kinds of thingsdo you teach? karate? i’m teaching jeet kune do. this is bruce lee’s jeet kune do. ah, jeet kune do. (yes.) ah, wonderful. but he had many styles. (yes.) and you use jeet kune do?

jeet kune do is not like a style. he borrowed what is useful. this is his concept of doing things. yeah, yeah. he mixed many, the best. (yes, like wing chun and many.) yeah, different styles. i like him very much. what a pity that he didn’t live too long!

sorry, i don’t do it the same like him, but… (different way, like “wao ya wooo!”) yeah, yeah! “woohoo!” he scared the opponentsbefore he even hit them. that’s what they do. yes, “he”? he was very… it’s nice because, for example, he’s coming here and i just…

make like that, make like that. and from here, i’m… (kick.) this is called trappingbecause it’s like a trap. he wants to use his handand the other hand. but i am controlling him. like that. when he wants to use his legs, (and then you already…)i’ve also trapped there. and you already stopped there. (yes.)

and he cannot do many thingsfrom this position, i’m always controlling him. like that or like that. yeah, oh! i feel it! and i like this one because you are controlling him but not hurting him so much. like when you can waitand the police or somebody,

if he needs, comes and takes care of him. but you don’t (you don’t hurt him.)hurt him too much, yes. just control him until the police comes and then the police will hurt him instead. if they think you are a criminal, they really make it very hard. yes, yes. one ofbruce lee’s students also… put your hands behind your head like that. but your little fingers have to be interlaced.

he taught also,if he wants to escape like that… try to escape. i just control his little finger, and he cannot escape now. no, cannot. how did you do that? his fingers have to be like that. you tell him to do like this? (yes.) if he doesn’t?

okay, you do it again. how did you hold the finger? his fingers have to be like that, crossed. he’s doing like that. and then? yes. and i catch where the little finger is. you just hold the little finger. (yes.) hold mine, see how it goes. oh, oh, no.

just to try. don’t hurt me! just show me. not my hair. and then i cannot move. (yes.) ah, i got it. understand! anything else you want to show us? well, there is, in this kind of martial arts,

they work on every distance. for example, boxing,they only box with hands. (yeah, i know.) taekwondo, they kick much. in his concept, he learned to use all the body(all kinds.) movements, yes. for example, when you are veryin a distance, you can kick from there,you cannot use your hands. when you are nearer,then you can use your hands

and those two trapslike what i have done before. how do you trap again? do it again. (okay.) you hold his hand. trapping is like that. this is named lop sao, or grabbing hand. and he can’t do anything? how about this hand? what’s he doing with this hand? if he wants to use this hand…

and you stop him. (yes.) i see. because i control this hand. okay. it's just strategic. (also his leg.) okay. it’s really bruce lee. when we are very near,then we use elbows and knees if necessary. or we also try to defend

if he starts to use, like, knees. we also… you have to hit with kneesand also grab me. we also train to block knees. distance. yeah, okay. okay. and also, we do ground work like mma (mixed martial arts) way, then they will continue... (yeah, tell me.) this also?

yeah, okay! why not? if you have fallen on the ground... (if i have fallen on the ground…) yes, for example, you have fallen. (just don’t hurt him.) we make, for example, like we go from here and… (that is completely finished.) if he wants to escape,he has to go in this direction.

but i’m going in the opposite,so he cannot escape. no. are you hurt? okay. a good school would teach a student to do some movementmostly just for self-defense. just to buy time so that you can escape – you – you the victim can escape. and until call police or run away. not to stay thereand fight “to death do us part.” it’s not like that.

because it’s just to protect yourself mostly. you know? but if you want to really, like, fight, then you must have hatred first. some schools teach like that. yes, also there is one teacherwho comes to bulgaria to teach. he is from hong kong. and he also, people talk to him. they ask him if you canbecome a good fighter

with what we are learning. but he says, “well, if i can teach you, this can help you more with like what you are doing in your life. but if you want to fight more, you have to start by fighting, and this is not good. i don’t like it.” this is what he says.

and he says, “i just want to learnthe basic principles, and you use it more in your life, likehow to concentrate better, how to be more disciplined,things like that.” yeah, it’s like disciplineand more physical exercise. (yes, yes.) it’s very good also. in hsihu, the headquartersin formosa (taiwan), before, when i was theretogether with the residents, i also asked, invited a teacher to come and teach them tai chi chuan,

some simple tai chi chuan. it’s good for the body, too. exercise. i heard master talk in some lectures that it was made when people meditated and they see it in some spiritual dimension, and that is how it comes in this world. yeah, yeah, yeah. (tai chi chuan.) that’s right, that’s right.

but nowadays,people just repeat it like copy. they don’t have so muchof this inner exercise. anybody else want to try? i practice tai chi. you want to try with him? the tai chi that i am learning is calledthe cheng man-ch’ing, which as we said, the monks… when i went to formosa (taiwan), i met one of the monks,

and i was doing a little bit of tai chi. when i met the monk,he said he learned two styles, zhaobao and cheng man-ch’ing tai chi. now, cheng man-ch’ingtai chi is very soft. first of all, you have to learn how to get rid of tension in the body. have to be flexible. (yes.relaxed, but not floppy.) not like that? just like that.

chinese called it “song.” fang-song, fang-song. (yes.) song means just smooth and relaxed. (there is no english.) put down, put down. no, actually, put everything down,that’s it. (yes.) like relax, no? (yes, but…) not really, i understand. (yes.) relax, but like flexible.

yes, your hand has to be relaxed but like... let’s do it for us, not talk! come on, show us what you got! how many years did you learn? (a year and a half.) good boy. oh, you are very flexible. you can even touch your toes! i’ll do a part of the form. yeah, a little bit.

you have enough room there? yes. i can make it. i can move when i want. (okay.) a little different than tai chi chuan, huh? cheng man-ch’ing changed it. changed a little bit. yeah, yeah, yeah. more or less, but it’s justmany movements different. slightly different, hey?

you can see, huh? (yes, yes.) i like it also. it’s quite graceful. tai chi is an illusion. the hands don’t move. because if i do the hands like that, if i go back again, the hands haven’t moved. the hands stay in the same position.

it comes from the core, the hips. so the hips move. (ah, i got it.) that’s why it’s a good exercise. elderly people learn it. yeah? why elderly? how about me? i mean young chicks like me can learn? anything from 14 upwards, through 64. okay. well, i am in between.

did cheng man-ch’ing say why he changed a little bitand what benefits come from it? well, basically, he made it shorterand he made it simpler. he took all the explosive moves out of it. so, basically in some tai chi, they do this. (yeah, yeah, a lot of chi moving around.) in cheng man-ch’ing (style), this one just comes from here. there is no need to go any further (no go.)

because the energy is already finished. (keep it.) so if i go any further, and someone can just... (step you down.) it is all about learning about energy and the person’s energy. and so basically, it’s not youthat’s defeating the person, it’s the person that’sdefeating themselves. (okay.) but it takes a long time to learn. and by the time you get to learn it,

you lose all aggression. then, by that time,you don’t want to fight no more. yes. because you’re relaxed. good idea, brother! cool. yes. in formosa (taiwan), i invited one teacher to teach the monks and the nuns before. you cannot push him. ten people, if you push him,all ten will fall like

“bup bup bup bup bup bup”altogether like a chain. and he’s still standing. and he was quite good. he learned from the best teachers before, and he teaches all the police academies in formosa (taiwan), army and all that. but i beat him up. you know how? (how?) i don’t do nothing!

whenever he sees me, he hangs on to the tree and cries! he has to hold on to the tree to cry because he couldn’t stand, otherwise. he is so cute. i love that guy so much. long time i haven’t seen him. i don’t do nothing. one look at meand he is already soft, melted,

and he has to hang on to the tree. that’s how i beat all the men up. and all the women, too. i told you i forgot all the kung fu. now i only use tofu to defeat everybody. and i use even cakes, candies, soft things. the chinese, they believethat soft is winning the heart. so i just use tofu, cakes, candies. i throw at them and they’re all…

beaten up. i can just toss it! and all the enemies just falling like leaves. “bup bup bup bup bup.” i told you. i don’t need weapons, nothing. just a piece of cake. yeah. it’s fun to learn these things. (yes.) it’s fun.

it really makes you feel very... it makes you feel upliftedand self-confident. (yes, more confidence.) yes, it is the main point. it makes a person feelvery much self-asserted. so he has less fear than before. it’s not about fighting anybody. it’s fighting your own weakness or your own (ego.) ego

and sometimes self-defeatedkind of concept. (yes.) like, “i’m no good, i’m weak. i’m this, i’m that.” after learning kung fu and stuff, they feel very strong.not necessarily go by fighting, just they feel good. with the tai chi i do, it’s basically, there’s no punching bags.(oh, no, that’s boxing.) no equipment.

in some schools, they have a bag. no, that is different. that is probably, they mix itwith the other things just to train the handto get harder, that’s all. or they put that in sand. oh, yes, but thatdamages your hand, eventually. i know, i don’t want it. (it gives you arthritis.)i want varnish instead. varnish and soft cream.

not sand. i was young, you know? when you’re young, you do anything. no, we’re just talking. don’t do that, okay? sand looks soft, but it hurts. (oh, yes.) you put in, “oh! god.” sometimes it’s blistered and all swollen. and then you tell the teacher, “it hurts.”

he’ll say, “put more in. put your hands more in the sand basket.” he doesn’t say, “oh, poor thing! come here, i put some oil.” he says, “no! go do more!” until you feel nothing anymore. completely numb. and that’s the kind of teaching they do. in martial arts there’s no pity.

you’re a man, woman, same. if you come learn with him,he treats you the same. if he kicks you, he does kick you. but already a very restrained kick. he doesn’t really kickvery hard, but if it hits you, it really still feels hurt. but if really he wants to kick you, wow, you die. and what else?

anybody else? yes? it’s from my heart, and (yeah, what is?) something for you. it’s that my heart felt something for you. in this pleasant morning, i want to put a flowerto your feet. (oh, thank you.) normally, hindus, we do get up early in the morning, 4 o’clock, 5 o’clock, andwe do puja (religious ritual)

after taking a shower immediately, and do puja for god. (yes.) we put flowersand lit the wicker lamps. all that we do in the early in the morning. like that i feel like… (like now.) i felt (this) long backwhen i was doing meditation in new jersey center, for you. and it is like this. i want to kiss your feet

because you are my god. i want to sleep in your lap because you are my mother. i want to hug you because you are my love. you are everything to me. wow. very nice. you are everything to me, too. that’s why i stay until this late hour.

talking about kung fu. just an excuse to stay together, you know? we don’t have like rules, like, “okay. sit together, have to talk buddhasor big stuff.” we say anything. (thank you, master. thank you.) so we feel close, intimate, relaxed, simple, friends. so, probably you’re not used towith my style.

all the gurus all dead serious, always sit there and “hallelujah,” whatever. but me, i’m like that. but still, you’re happy. still you progress. “when the gold dust is too near the eyes, it blurs your vision.”that’s what they say in zen. when you’re too poking,too much into one thing, you don’t see nothing.

you have to relax and let your own soulwork it out, things. and you have to relaxin order to accept what i’m saying. or to accept what i’m not saying. direct to you. okay? so when i’m joking or say things, i’m just distracting your mindso that i can give you other stuff. so everything is okay. we’re just playing, and then we still practiceall the same. right?

you know i’m very strict, too. but we also relax. if you’ve been in india, most masters don’t relax like this. yes. they don’t allow. they keep very far. far, how far? very far. use a walkie talkie, huh?

“hallo, can you hear me there? the guy… you from one kilometer long,can you hear me?” why keep very far? no, not every master. some gurus, not everybody. but this guru, last time i was telling (about) a teacheri used to follow. that guru came to the usin new jersey last year,

and he stayed with usin our house for five days. and he cooked for us. yeah? where does he live? i need somebody like that. how nice of him. (yes, very nice.) he has a lot of disciples? how can he cook for them all? no, he goes to the kitchenand he directs everything. he knows the very best cooking.

yes. he directs everything, and he feeds, and he organizes everything. when somebody is eating, he himself comes and distributes. how lucky you have been. he feeds somebody, like this. (the hand?) sometimes, yes,with the hand. (oh, wow.) it’s good for your emotion. then why you were not happy?

why did you come here? because i felt so much connection when i saw your photo. they were spreading the flyers, vegetarianism, master ching hai flyers. i kept on looking at your face in that flyer. i don’t know why. i kept on looking, and after that, i completed everythingin the weekdays, also while cooking and cleaning my dishes.

and all the time, you kept on cominginto my thoughts, my eyes. then i questioned myself, “why does she keep oncoming into my face and coming into my thoughts?” then my soul said, “she is your guru. because she is your guru.” (oh, i see.) then i felt, “how come she’s my guru? i don’t know about her, anything.

she’s from another country. i don’t know, i’ve never seen her. where is she from? i’m from india. i’m already doing meditation.” yeah, and have a guru already. what is the woman doing here? i was talking to myself, inside like this. “i am already following meditation. that is good enough. everybody is saying

meditation is the ultimate oneto reach the gods.” earlier i was doing a lot of puja. puja prayers, because hindus,i was used to. i’m alone at home in us after coming here. then i was praying, doing puja two, three hoursin god’s room. we have a separate room. i was crying and cryingbefore at the idols and the photos. “i want to be with you forever.

i don’t like all this. i’m not happy. i don’t know what to… you (could) give me a million dollars, but i’m not (going to be) happy. you (could) give me this much gold and anything, i’m not (going to be) happy. i want to be with you.” i was like crying in front of god every day. and then god understood.

then i got the meditation,then i felt happy inside. “oh, this is what i want, i was looking for.” i felt satisfied. (okay.) then that’s what i thought,“oh, i don’t need. i’m already following some guru and i’m doing meditation. what else do i need?” i was ignoring like that. then after four years,

i was kind of fond of enlightenment. all my body, all of my cells were like thirsty and kind of dying for it,for enlightenment. (for something higher. yes, understand.) yes. so then, i got that bookand immediately i completed the book number two,“the key of immediate enlightenment,” all the speeches. and i was feeling very happy inside, and it’s like melting inside my heart.

so much touching andso much connection feeling. then i, “this is what i want,to find enlightenment.” you graduated from the other school. yes. so, immediatelyi called new jersey center. i see. what did your master say? i mean, the former master. did you tell him? i didn’t tell him while he was here.

i think he knows everything. (he knows.) yes, they know everything. sure, sure, okay. no more headache now, huh?(no more headache.) good girl, good girl. that’s all you... after going from here,i want to call him to india and i want to tell him that i met master. and you thank him for everythinghe did for you. (yes.)

he’s a good papa. (yes.) sometimes the guru comes to youfor emotional reason, sometimes comes for enlightenment reason. so it depends on what you need, you see? if you like to be handfedand love, love, hug, hug, then you havean emotionally responsible guru. if you want just puja (religious ritual), then you have your idols at home. if you want enlightenment, then you haveto look for an enlightening master.

just different needs. some need for emotional purpose, some for intellectual purpose. some just to feel like have somewhereto hang on to, some group, belong to somewhere, feel like belonging. some just need enlightenment, just want to be one with god,just want to know god. it’s a different group, you see? but then we have to go to the lands of no land.

the vision of no vision anymore. the limitless type of formless god, at least to the fifth level. and then we have to know god. not just seeing things or visions. it’s a pity though. but it looks the same, looks similar. mostly vipassana (meditation)will not bring you to the fifth level. it has to use this, one by one,

to go up to the fifth. the last name is fifth level god. we have to recite itso that all the guardians will open the door for usto go up, one by one. but even if you go to third level, it’s glorious already, my god. you think you are god. you think you are with god, and nowhere else you want to go.

nowhere else you thinkwould be higher than that. this is the problem. every level you’ll feel like that. even on the astral level, people die clinically for twenty minutes, they think that’s it. oh, they come back and cry and cry, and they don’t want to stay here. they want to go back to the astral land.

because it’s so beautiful, so glorious. and even if you are handicapped here, you go there and you become young and not handicapped again. and everything’s so friendly,seems so beautiful. people are beautiful, scenery beautiful. you feel so good, so light. and you feel all the light,all the love to you, and you feel this is the ultimate.

that’s why every level kept their souls. even here, such a garbage existence, so much sufferingand work so hard for nothing, many people don’t thinkthere is anything else. that’s why there is some theory like this is the ultimate. after you die, you have nothing anymore. this is paradise already, for some people. they couldn’t believe there areother things because they don’t see it.

and once you becamea citizen of one level, you can’t go up to the other level. so it is better you don’tattach to any of these levels because you will becomelike residing there. and also, if your soul feels like, “okay, this is happy,this is ultimate,” that’s it, then you’re granted residence. then you think it’s done. it’s not! even seeing master insideis only half of the journey.

okay? it’s no big dealseeing master manifesting in front of you, talk to youor stay with you or help you with’s not… not yet. okay? you’re still not onewith the master yet because you still see the master as helping you. outside of yourself. no, until you know the master inside, then you’re together.

at least you go to the fifth level. that is safe forever. third level, you still needto come back sometimes. long, long time, manyhundreds of years, maybe many thousands of years. but eventually your merit runs out. your concentration power runs out. and then you will seesome light, and you think, “oh, it’s the light again.”

you follow the light and then you go backin the birth labyrinth again. it’s like that. because when you see the light, you thought, “oh, okay,it’s a very beautiful light.” and then you want to melt in it, but then you will enterthe womb of a woman, at that time of conception. and then you’re reborn again. all third level gods

or goddesses, the chief, must be reborn. within the three worlds, there’s always creation and destruction going on all the time. the fourth level is in between. the fifth level, then you’re safe forever. you will not be reborn again,unless you want to. and you have a choiceto be born in a good place, and you will find a master very soon,to be enlightened again,

that you will not sink intothe lower levels ever again. only fifth level, then you are safe. that’s the level of the masters, level of the souls for all these five worlds. most souls, if already borninto this world physically, then mostly the highest can reachis the fifth level. unless that soul came from a higher level, then she or he will go back there. they came for some purposes.

otherwise, you cannotavoid being reborn again. if you are within the three realms, that’s nothing. you’re still going back,cycle of birth and death. of course, you enjoy beautyand love and all that, but this is not it! it’s still seeing things. it’s still not one with the things. not one with the creation.

not one with the creator. and the creator actually ison the third plane already. but you are not even one with him if you are just seeing things. now the fifth level is the one that all souls from this planet should go. safe. even if for now, for example,you practice quan yin method, and you couldn’t reach the fifth levelin this lifetime,

but you have the master who is at leastat the fifth level when he was teaching youand when he dies. even if he dies, but you havethat fifth level master with you, then even though he’s gone, but he will always take care of you until you reach the fifth level. even if you die and you reachonly third level, it doesn’t matter. he is always there also,teaches you and tells you, slowly you go up as well.

but if you only have a third level master, then you’re stuck there. you’re not allowed to go upbecause he doesn’t know how. if he doesn’t know how,you can’t know how. but if you have a fifth level master, no matter what levelyou’re stuck, even in hell, he’ll come and get you out. but of course you won’t go to hellafter initiation. you know what to do already.

you avoid evil, you do good, and you meditate. even if you are at astral level, the master is also there. a fifth level master is everywhere. more omnipresent than the third level. the third level (masters)are hardly omnipresent, hardly. if omnipresent, then just a few. omnipresence also has many levels.

some lower and some deeper. and the masters could even wear outhis or her omnipresent power. so if he doesn’t find the connectionwith the omnipresent power again, he will lose it. or if he’s at the lower level of the omnipresent gateor connections, like… oh, you were not here. i was talking about the connection,how big it is. for example, if i havea divine connection right here,

it’s called omnipresent potence. then i am hooked up to it. and it’s only about this big, ten centimeters, more or less. like a tube, like this. but it’s not visible, of course. and then there is another smaller invisible connectionwith the highest possible. but even if you are connected to this,

if your soul is up there… connecting is not likemy body goes up there and is all hooked into the noseor anything like that. it’s the soul of that person. for example, i’m soul is up to that level, the highest levelwhere the store (house) is. and then open the valve, tell the guardian personally to open it, and then it connectsinto this physical instrument.

then you can disperse it around, around you or into the world. but if you only go up to the gate – your soul, up there – the higher soul goes up to the gate only, then you get maybe30% omnipresent power, for example. then you can manifest maybe in only two or three placesat the same time. but if you have realsupreme omnipresent power,

then you can manifestin thousands, millions of different places at the same time. so, can do, but depends how much. a little abstract, huh? (yes.) but it’s like that, it’s like that. i just toldthe aulacese (vietnamese) because they were asking mewhere i am now, so i told them. even until now, yesterdayi just found eight similar, same like the other one. for example, if it’s omnipresent power,

i got the same as that but deeper. so the day before yesterday, for example, if i sat over there, i didn’t discover that yet. it’s the same place, just deeper. and then yesterday,the day before yesterday, when i haven’t discoveredthe eight new powerful ones, more powerful than the hundreds of themthat i have found before... so, the day before yesterday,if i lay there, the whole (body) stretching,touching all different levels possible,

i’d get, for example,100% spiritual merit power. for example, if i get 100% spiritual power from lying there and stretchingand touching all possible, stretching my hair out to touchall kinds of different levels, because so many…there were like almost 100 levelsin one-half of a square meter. so i use my toes, my hair, spread it all out. good that i have long hair. because there are some here,some levels there, you see?

the longer, the better. and then i earn, for example,like 100 spiritual mega-watts. or just say 100 spiritual merit points, just to compare. and yesterday, what i found, 62 trillion spiritual merit points percent. not 100 percent but 62 trillion percent. only eight spiritual connections,divine connections, and 62 trillion percent!

if it’s a 100% scale. and the day before, just 100%. and that was almost 100 connections. eight connections are 62 trillion more times than the one that i found before. and 100, no, just 85, 86, 87 (connections) because some are on the edge, so i can’t count, but… you know?

my bed is small, for example. and there are some,of course, next to the edge or a little bit outside the edge, i cannot count. and even if i can count, i cannot reach. my body is small,i cannot reach everywhere. so, but almost like 100 spiritual connections i have found in that square little thing.

enough just like a sofa, for example. even i lie down, i stretch my toes, my fingernails, everything out, i still get, for example, 100% only. but these eight new spiritual pointsthat i am connected to are only about this big.i can just sit there. don’t have to stretch my hair,my nails, anything, 62 trillion percent. imagine.

what a difference! one hundred connections are not a fraction of these eightnew spiritual connections. i thought i had found it all already. you never know. wow! i was so happy. so happy, so happy. (we’re very happy too, master.) i sit all day there until i come here.

(wonderful.) i didn’t want to leave, to eat,to cook, do anything. i didn’t even want to see my dogs. they are in the other… i have a big house and a small cave. i stay in there to meditate. i thought i had foundeverything there is to find already. because before,even you think 100% is nothing, but before, there was only 10% or 50%,

and go up to 60% and then 70%, and i thought, “okay, this is… no more higher, cannot.” but there are more, deeper to go. the universe is so vast. and each level is so deep, so deep. unfathomably deep. so i won’t be surprised if in the next days or next week, next month, or next year,

i found another one, two, eight, or ten much more powerful than what i have now. but takes time. one thing at a time.

One More Car One More Rider [2CD Plus DVD]

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