Not the Same Old Blues Crap 2

4:41 AM

so pretty nice times i mean even look atthis this thing pops off for a skier right if you have water cooler orsomething you need to access this to pull it off that's that's nice i'msurprised they don't have a version of this with two june windows - windowsthey sell it as an option yes maybe i gotta say though i mean that is justthere's a nice case then that's just a lot of value for one hundred and fortyeight dollars did you yes there was one here i pulled ohthat's cuz of this right here i got to take off this as well thank you do youdo doop doop yeah no i'm just trying to think of i mean i guess if you have likeclear window there we go and we are

looks like we're back on youtubesweet we're just as of right now twitch is good youtube is back just in case youwant to go over there but hey you know you can still watch this on twitch intheory there's nothing holding it in place anymore hmmoh there's one on the bottom i think there's yeah there's two screws on thebottom leslie says a heat trap behind the pcb i mean this there's one herethere's like another one are you trying to get the shhtry to get the shroud off just cuz i just want to see what it looks like welldo you i wonder if you don't necessarily have to do it they slide the possible noyou don't you don't i just use your

bracket news do they come to practice ijust took it off oh okay i mean i don't have to take off the rest of this shroudbut i was just trying to disassemble it i guess in the interest of time and ourpotential five-dollar winnings i'll leave this onewe've lost our $5 hope is what motivates us yeah we're up and running on youtuberight here thank you everyone for being patient what it looks like that's thesection oh wait did you switch cameras adam okay now i'm in yep look at thatthis is the space for the power supply suite underneath the shroud right therei like it there are rubber and the bracket goes through here rubber mountsto absorb some of the vibration from the

power supply sweet looks like you canfit up to a 1500 watt power supply in there what do you need put the screwback for the sharpies oh look and we have we literally have bob ross in thechat even got his little pitcher yeah so next time hopefully gordon won't spillbeer on the youtubes do you think bob ross is a mac user or pc users oh nohe's probably a hardcore pc user i'm gonna guess a txtriethyl i system he is definitely a pc user he's definitely not a mac user he'snot hipster enough or maybe some people would say he's the the original hit wellhe doesn't do the show he's dead sorry to break it to you he's deadbut twitch does stream his shows the

last time i checked they were on mute onmy shows yeah well he's passed he has passedpeaceful awesome how are they able to stream on twitch without a copyrightinfringement i think it's his family i believe it's his family somebodyhopefully correct me i have no idea and rusty shackelford says uh he'sasking bob ross in the chat if that we can get permission to use the joy of pcbuilding bob ross has not replied to us so we'll see what happens elena were third whites on it and asgratuitous as this build is i figured

that if you were really building thiswhy spend money on that because then you have the option of pretty much any powersupply you want you're not limited just to i think thermaltake right now this isa corsair rm 750 i looking 30 on google express which is like what why wouldthey arise electronics fries r12 or 30 wow look at this manual y'all this isfor a power supply although it is also a multilingual manual but damn look atthat that is thick modular yes yeah and before you get into your modular versusnot modular discussion i'm just gonna say that to clarify bob ross his sonmanages the ip so that's why they're able to stream on twitch and also johnis reminding us that he died quite young

at ripe old age of 52unfortunately so yeah sad he died in the early 90s i guess from touched him foamyax cancer that's a bummer but we can tell you continue to build pcs in hisname the stream is dedicated downward so you're gonna push out wellthere's really no pointing the fan up pressure to the shroud well must have built a suck into theintake yep oh so it's the suck in and blow out ofthe back yeah all power supplies exhaust that i knowof these days i haven't seen the true past it's not some of the some partspots do you have reversible livers

another reason to have a shroud allright yeah sure i feel like shrouds are like a newerthing or a decade ago because i'm not into cleaning up wires just cover it upit's like your car you ever open up the hood the engine compartment of an audiit looks like a land closet blew up so they put a big piece of plastic on itsorry audi and we got we got man we got people giving us uh cheers i just wantto shout out to nathan lowry he gave us a hundred and one little pyramid thingsbecause he's part of the illuminati and then our own sticky couch brad gave usfive illuminati points what does that mean on twitch illuminati points are howyou become the rulers of the internet so

the more illuminati triangles you getthe better i'm just getting such a joke i just like you little buddies also yeah you know our artistic isasking is it weird that i'm simultaneously streaming the show onboth platforms he just doesn't want to choose one i've done that beforeactually for like fulmer yeah where i'll have it in twitch because there is lesslatency but i'll all the people are commenting and on youtube so i will havethe ute you want open on silent so i can at least feel like i'm part of thecommunity yeah roger a link to facebook yeah weare streaming to facebook as well as

facebook did not go down when youspilled the beer but the yeah on there's been plenty people telling us that thetwitch as lower latency and a better quality too which makes sense becausethey're all about streaming well our our live stream is actually superseded markzuckerberg testimony oh man we should be we should bestreaming up the background at some point did you feel like he wanted to betech support senator i will answer that question but first you must right clicksystem properties and tell me what version of windows you i really like youdon't know but i'm gonna have to nudge you away and we got we got green bitshere on twitch his name is green tech on

youtube who's been helping us pointthese fans the right way yes yes thank you you know they should still putarrows on the fans i'm sorry you should definitely still get arrows on thefamilies prefer that but it does make sense just the the basic rule of thumbis you don't want to look at the label so the ugly label should always be awayfrom you yeah that's that's probably the best way to memorize it there we go john phillips our boss is also streamingon both yeah senator have you rebooted your computer please unplug your dslmodem and wait for five minutes people don't know the secret when they tell youwhy you know why they tell you to eat

unplug your dsl modem five five why dothey do that because for five minutes then they can screw around do you reallythink it needs to be powered down for five minutes like somehow the powers iscoursing through that dsl modem for like five and it's like no it's like within10 seconds that modems off right is de-energized why five minutes becausethey're like please sir senator please turn off your dsl modem for five minutesso they can do all the tricky stuff mm-hmm and then it's like oh is it haveyou okay now please turn your computer off for five minutesbrian tuck on on facebook says uh that you're starting to slur gordon wait whatis the accusing gardener being drunk

yeahvery serious time also elvis not on youtube says a facebook is about to banyou for using knives yes order it's quite possible yeah is thatis that a thing i don't know who knows well cuz i thought they started to crackdown on like gun videos right on facebook on youtube on face it isactually been a critical discussion point which we are not going to discusspolitics computers only yeah the the joy of pc building joy pc building you justdab it on there really quickly you just dab dab dab yeah just uh just a littlehappy trees just a little happy lane is enough alana's now about two installshere we go

and here is our supply sliding in niceand gently okay now she's gonna she's horrified she will get the green check ithink of like sports that regular people watch you get a trophy right in spiritswe're super rich watch you get a jacket like a green jacket a yellow jacket likeyou know jack i'm sorry but like s it is a blazer it's like you ever gonna wearthat somewhere you think tiger woods like oh i got all these damn yellowjackets in the closet am i gonna wear them somewhere hello people are like cani get a trophy i could put it up on top of the mantle in the fireplace peoplewho have money don't like to flaunt yeah but come on a trophy would be nice allthose accomplishments and he gets a

jacket and i'd like to give a shout outto a dc one four seven who switched over from youtube to twitch he's enjoying theasmr stream what is asmr don't worry about itis it a different different media also the oh ruru - just gave us a hundredilluminati points for a donation to me finding my led fidget spinner oh i don'tknow where it is donating to it so i can't find it interesting i tried toquickly go through my desk but unfortunately i dream this has a lot ofusb ports 12:14 make a lot of the ports you got front sight words you never haveenough usb ports i'm sorry that's true that is count how many on the front andyou got the charge type-c usb wow nice

on on you tour sorry on twitch ii kindalevin is asking what are the differences between corsair our mx 750 watt and ourmi7 50 watt i think the rm eyes intelligent version so you can you canget telemetry out of the power supply okay for people who want to change thevoltage rails which you know 99% don't and then what it usually is for if youwant to pretend you work in a power plant and you want to monitor yourwattage consumed by your power supply and output anything that's my hairthat's not the case oh oh careful speaking of hair rusty's asking or he'sstating that if only elena had a big puffy afro wig i would be so enjoy apiece of building

i hate fluffy hair sorry dabbing dabbingsomething on he was dabbing something in oh yeah happy little trees oh happy i amactually going to sweat the storage in next okayjust cuz i'm down 2.5 and get out of the way cuz i'm not using a 3.5 but i didtake this shroud off oh right right necessary to do that because you will ifyou're gonna mess with the cables here for the modular power supply to put themall in you need access through that here or you could do from the back as wellbut i feel like it's not easier your hole so what are you're not using mdottwo years and sata you said it what's the rationale for that that's what i hadon hand okay very valid reason you know

why not oh man also hey big shout out toright here real quick shout out to claim an on twitch he also just subscribedthank you clay man for for the sub so we have a follow-up question how do thosecompared to the hxi unh excise our higher end power supplyyeah these made parts just higher are firing components got itthis is nice as gordon mentioned earlier there's enough room that if you wantedto put like what 1200 watt 1500 watt power for like it'll actually probablyfit because there's an extra for this particular model there's still like aninch an inch and a half of room left nice isn't it tough thoughi mean you'd get a lot to hear that in

all the cables and smashed into yourdrive bay it still work but that's definitely enough room for a really bigpower supply i'm assuming that drive bays uh you can bring it out you're notgoing to install any actual hard disk drives you take that out you've all thatroom because these because yeah you could have an m2 and then to sata youknow you don't even need a hard disk yeah we are using a sata base drive andone thing people should be aware of is and that to either goes in pcie orsaturday's days the lower end drives or sata because wow dr. scores an iron andthe two so actual performance-wise sata is realno different than mt isa rumor

two-on-two which is saying for 100 $150case there there better be room for a $1,500 psu 50 i mean you know 150 usedto be sort of a well above 150 it gets tougher cases really people don't wantto spend more than $100 for a case but i can say for $150 it's very compellinghere you're getting a lot of features a lot of nice polish also brad is sayingthat the corsair rm i supports corsair link tick so yeah alsoi isaac davis on youtubes asking do you recommend cybertron pc over digitalstorm i think cybertron is a little moresoluble a little more mass-market is it actually the sub brand of digital spermi forget what digital star do you the

storm does have a sort of yeah here yougo digital storm is a high-end brand boutique brand they make beautifulhardware i think it's sort of comparing that you know a ferrari ferrari priceversus say a mustang price you know very different very different productscybertron i don't know if they have a high-end boutique brand so i don't wantto i don't want to speak ill of that but digital storm for the most part a lot oftheir a lot of their stuff is very very high-end catering to the you know ultraultra high-end they do have more affordable stuff i think there's someoverlap at unity too so i think it really comes down to you know price yougot a look at warranty you know a lot of

these vendors they pick the parts andlooks that you know they think appeals to customers so you got to kind of gowith that and then you know look at the technical support customer support thatyou're going to get out of them i have the power to transform off into it onthe side the truck oh wait there it's from transformers peopleanyway uh very interesting martin palestine says cases cost way too muchabout like all other pc parts presently really i i gotta say i disagree i thinkcuz you know used to be ten years ago $70 case was a piece of crap right howmany dollars is just like just rough metal nothing it just terrible and youknow i have that included power supply

you like so much yeah you could probablybut a lot of mid-range cases had a lot of nicer features all those mid-rangefeatures have sort of i'm seeing things like screwless like mounts for opticaldrives a lot the kind of stuff that you wouldn't get unless you had a higher endright case so you're getting a lot of features in budget cases budget casesare fine for what they are but again this is at 450 bucks you're getting igotta say a lot of features i mean really nice touches for us you'respending as much as this on something that's completely extraneous which isthe rgb then you know yeah it's not really that expensive relative toeverything else you're you know i also

think about cases people gotta rememberyou get a case you buy one you can use the same case i mean for the rest ofyour life almost you really get a good one but the thing is is that you knowsometimes the port's kind of go out of date i don't know this is like i boughtin 1990 woo gosh maybe 93 early 90s i bought an atx case when they tex firstcame out i can't i swear to god if i still had that case i could build acompletely modern saying like the front for its you're oh you're stuck withwhatever parts won't be there i mean but you could then add it into the fiberquarter inch bay drive so i think it's yeah ends i don't think i wait wait thisjust in leon 2040 we just subscribe to

us on twitch prime thank you thank youthank you thank you alright sorry to put the cooler on let's do itlet's do it and we'll do the cables and then the gpuafter i think you're gonna have to do it standing up because you're ending upwell over flipping around i can hold the cooler in place you can screw them in aplace but you're gonna you're gonna need access to these number shut your mouthover on youtube bret says he helped a buddy build a deep cool tessar tesseractthe cost wait i want to see about routing those cables oh oh get that nicecable management i don't know if we can bring it around where are the fan andrgb headers on this motherboard well

that's the cable should go around to theback i don't know i see i don't think so i don't think they're gonna reachoh man that's gonna really ugly that is one of the other issues with big casesis a lot of the cables are sort of sized for mid tower although technically thisis a mid tower case right is it could easily fit two cats in here if youcouldn't ride around your case on coasters he wasn't considered a fulltower case we're an onion in our belt well while he's bringing us down memorylane i'm just gonna see where the rgb headers are on this motherboard look weactually had so pc power and cooling made a case that what has it actuallyhad i'm not kidding more metal than a

car today and you could ride it aroundon coasters tell us more gordon well like i said because that was a style whoknows that first person to name that reference the onion on the belt yeah itsounds familiar but maybe just another side of the board of course we're rgbheaders here yeah you would have to get extensions to get a tour all right there although you know whatyou do plug and plug them into this all right so let's round it through the backthen know you're gonna be a fan so all right you know no i'm just saying everytime you all just and everybody does it differently if you want to route it andthen i'll let me hold it yeah you hold

it up you know what i can do is i canmove this out of the way you think this is a hole here how many people editorsdoes it take to route cables i am farrell says simpsons very good gothere in pause to the old man yeah we used to wear an onion in our beltbecause that was our style that's when mr. burns wanted them to break a strikehis grandpa was a pain way back in the days when evil corporations would hireprivate security tends to break strikes aunt pinkertons bat basten exfat best innez says why not run the pc without a cooler to get a nice glow from the ihswouldn't that the theme you would never get warm enough huh you'd shut downbefore here we got it now it would be

cool thoughno i am surprised in teller amd does not make an ihs with some kind of clearmaterial what do you need to do i think looks like they're clear it's catchingright yeah there you go all right so okay if you want i could do the cooleryou want to give me two i can just drink some more beeri thought we're mounting the rad first so that we're mounting this to the topfirst yeah so why don't we loosely attach it sothat way yeah magnetized yeah see yeah there's really a brought to you by snapon snap on snap off this is a great screwdriver there you got any feelingfor where you want to go it'll slide but

so we can slide forward back to the lefti'm gonna guess given given yeah just leave it there for now but i'm gonnaguess based on how this is going to attach the motherboard will want toslide this back and then put this bear fan there but it could really go eitherway we'll see how that is all right this is a nice touch to the slots instead ofusually in most cases you just get a single hole you can reposition it butthis does give you sort of an infinite ability to slide it around if you wantto move it to get out of one look at that so are you not gonna have room foran extra cooler up there we're just doing it this way so that way it doesn'tput the cable any additional stress on

the cables while we're installing it youknow we want to move farther back i'd have to undo this first screw but we cando that later yeah it's fine go this is do you want to do something on this sidejust so it's not flapping you're gonna lift it up just figure love stabilitysighs anything all right would you want to do honorsnope good a thermal paste though i really do it's my least favorite thingwell if you couldn't tell gordon loves thermal paste it's just everywhere it iseverywhere you know you ever get like some arctic silver in your hands and youeat oh no okay i think i just not realize i'm actually are you sure youwant to put a fan up there

why no just i just don't want to put toomuch stress in this cable but we'll see i think he's laid him back it should berookie huh maybe slide it back it should be okay make sure you take off thisbelieve me people have left that on to get off oh my goodness i've beenranting the other day and i saw a picture i think i forgot what's i readit was okay somebody left put the sticker on on the top of the actual cpusure thanks yikes i'm an accent on the cpu i'm just gonna put a p classic andwhile he's doing that grim's asking what's the total price tag of this buildyou don't have to final price no i didn't actually tell what the finalprice get a guest fifteen hundred raise

how much ram 32oh thirty-two well so look this is the old-school way with an onion it doesn'treally matter doesn't like to see that you can take aplastic bag and converted if you want to this is like i can't wait for chet tosay something effective you've already spread it off to the edge is justcringing right now normally what i do is the what i call the the drop and mashmethod where i just know that works too i just put the piece was that the piecesize drop of thermal paste on the night's goal me to look i'm sure there'sa website somewhere who was tested to seven different ways you can apply itthere but it's totally fine i just

i did try using the i didn't use aplastic bag but i did i think a credit card spread some people do and i findthat it gets too messy like it ends up going over the energy stuff i'm not afan oh yeah the mashed people if you do if you do the math way some people getangry if you don't spread it it's for the most part it all works i mean we'renot we're not going for a hw but overclocking record here so i thinkwe're good we're not gonna we're gonna we're not gonna do bauer d lid thisthing so let's brad is gonna do a do some mathfor us you know i will say after having delegated this all there'sthermal paste on the side of course of

course right here yeah yes because on myfinger i know well no i saw it spread from the side of the bagwe were macrame i will say that now that i'm in a supervisory role and justwatching you work it does seem pretty simple this particular mount yeah i likeit you just do the clip something you just screw down that's really reallynice yeah and there's no it's not on that nonsense with like the fourdifferent screws and trying to keep everything i'm not sure you can reallyget i mean it feels we're we're torque down there pretty goodbut i mean yeah good so now we can then slide the surrounding where you want tofit it to the thank you slide each of

the front would be better less stress onthe cable that's up to you i mean if you want to see how far back maybe forward ithink maybe four well do you really do you want to put a fan up there when weget a fan out and see how much clearance also real quick what's the cpu you wereusing in here this is a rise in 2800 s i'm lying it's a say it's a it's a 1800x all right there is no yeah cuz somebody who's asking leaks why we'rebuilding ap you build ap you build yeah this is an ap you may be a rise in 1700x double check the link and brad's saying the total price is two thousandthree hundred and thirty nine dollars i get a little extravagant with the rgbyou know ram it ram itself is 540 oh

lordso yeah remember viva las vegas viva those these markets do the pre thoughi'm gonna say yeah i'm just i'm gonna see where to position it first though asi said on rgb well it doesn't matter anywhere we have access from the bottomthis is our jamie yeah remote we should given car build as they as as the kingoh you guys we have like music range so we could actually put itfairly far forward if we wanted to and then that's not bad bret says a $540 is more than he spenton his first car and actually i spent 600 on my car my first car their carsthat she i got a 77 cadillac sedan de

ville banana yellow with a white top asmy first car that thing was a boat it was an olderlady who couldn't drive anymore so she parted with it for $600 yeah very gooddeal i think this man was something theo yells on twitch is asking why didyou opt for airflow instead of air balance that was oh yeah that was not aconscious choice actually it wasn't so after i got in the parts that i realizedthat i had gotten those so the answer no reason also green green bits on twitchis asking or saying elena you should put the fan on theother side so it takes air flow from the board takes air out of the board yeah imean ideally that would be good but i

think our bigger concern is just stresson the cables true especially if we won oh man oh man wait wait they just fellout i know i'm just wondering can we shifted forward how much stress is thatgoing to put on the cable um so i think i don't think we were meant to be goodamount yet we were just seeing if so are they you wouldn't know i would just seeif it fit we can thread that back in lateryeah i really can't believe that this is still the system we used among fansleslie on youtubes asking what's the difference between airflow and airbalance so i think airflow people will just one as much air going through thecase to move air in and out the case so

highest flowsort of the air balance concept of volume if i'm understanding it right iswhere you want positive pressure right you don't want like so much excessivepressure it's stuck alright so much hair going in that itwould you want to go that way yeah that way you don't want so much air goinginto the case that you're just sucking dust into it you sort of want to is itwe're talking about positive pressure is probably the we're talking about yeahyeah it's the other way that people used it i don't know if any of that everworks no everybody likes to think about it idon't know if it ever really worked also

date yeah songs or not yeah yeah also aday ik on youtubes asking have you deleted the 1800 x he's heard it'sbetter for thermals and long jet longevity long i have not deleted it i'msure it is better well now wait a minute it's gotta be actually but yeah solderedin place somebody thing is sawyer so but i'm sure if you did somehow manage to bemagical to bower and do it it would be better but we're not the banner so deepbattle hey the cool thing is that's why intel in fact made the sky like x that'swhy they used thermal paste so you can deal it yeah you see that's a positivefeature also you you don't have to do you don't have to delete a console claimin on on twitter saying ram prices are

hurting the desktop pc scene he knowstwo people have given up and gone to console this year whoa wow so what arethey do to play games i did not see that one coming your way and also and rerouteto point out that the thing about pc these days the deals are in laptops andpre-built oms yes earlier this year about the pre-builtpcs that offered better value than diy it was it was great yeah well the verysad article to write down although it sounds like gpu prices are stabilizingoops yeah i noticed yesterday that there waslike gtx 1066 gigabyte version on sale for sale on new way for like 260 whichis still a little inflated but much

closer to msrp nice we got some peoplesaying the either linus tech tips did a video on air flow j's two cents did alsodo bauer did d lid a horizon right but leon 24 tvr our subscriber says he onlygot like 10 degrees and temps yeah i i don't think the issues with overclockingon rison first gen is necessarily cooling we'll see what happens with anyones we will see well what do they find what did what did linus find out as faras the pressure positive pressure versus airflow let me find the tldr it doesmake a difference but it's not a huge deal yeah that's like and i gotta say ifyou did it for six months and you're a cat lover for five seven then yeah itwon't make any damn you're fast

yeah but by the way this podcast isbrought to you by yeah yeah cats no bob ross kasbah to you by dyson vacuumcleaner yes oh my god our arc sis tech says what sucks about ram is how riceand benefits from higher clock speeds and makes the whole thing more expensiveyeah it's a bummer the memory issues you know we go through this every few yearsright do we yeah every once in a while ram gets crazy there there is someargument for stocking up when it slow i mean ddr4 hasn't moved it's gonna bearound for a while so i argue it's not a bad idea to stock up on them oh ruru -says he's seeing a pro a gtx 1063 gig version 4 to 60 on new egg and briber so

yesterday he said three gig six digyesterday which i thought was far more reasonable and then i also happen tolook at rx 588 gig and gtx 1070 and gtx 1070 ti prices yesterday and theyweren't quite as bad as they were before they're still inflated thoughbut perhaps the the mining effect is starting to lessen yeah if the folks inthe chat want to hit slick deals and look at front page deals from yesterdayevening i think it might still be up the gtx 960 do y'all i was talking aboutalso leslie says the 1700 is tin soldered in indium tin soldered notthermal paste though let's say the the 17 the rison 1700 yeah they're all therises are actually soldered okay also

elvis on youtube says uh linus said thatcase airflow is better with a dyson yeah yeah well you know well you know well igot a dyson lately you know what the thing about it coordinates that it sucksoh what did i just drop hey also i have a new i have a new cell phone gordon didyou see this uh this cool cell phone it's got yeah the p20 pro see that coolgradient on it that money that's streams are comingover it also has it also has three camerasdoes it come in red are we in another round of like more blades is better moreblades is always better oh my goodness i saw a five blade ladiesrazor the other day oh really no ladies

like actually geared towards womenthat's like goodness i mean i didn't think that was a thing for us butapparently it is yeah check out the three camera modulesthe first phone ever def three camera modules and leica yeah like branding allright like a branding now so we'll see i'll do my usual battering of testsbeautiful there's a nice finish yes beautiful fancy too bad it's notavailable in the us yeah but it's i mean at t-mobile it's fine anyway right ithink it's missing a couple bands can you tell the t-mobile yeah rising user yeah yes also ournetwork is impressive but it works

everywhere yeah yes brad says thatsomebody should turn off my mic because i made that bad joke earlier so yeahunfortunately unfortunately i'm the only one here control honestly you know whyyou know why rhys is better why because of this helloambulance hello hello yes are your verizon i need an ambulance i have asignal because it's on verizon how much am i paying for this call well i guessit's worth it i'm calling an ambulance so leslie's asking that i have both thep20 and the p20 pro in my possession i just got it this morning so i don't havexl to xl any quick takes i gotta say the screen is better than the pixel to xlwell that's not hard yeah that's not

hard to do hard shift is real and thatthat knotch you know i you know i don't know aboutnotches you can turn it off which is nicebut yeah everyone wants to hit in the nuts game anyway were you out of lenawhat's going on hi we are we've we've hit the two-hour mark heavily we havewe're past it i think i think i would do some cables and then i'll put in the gpubecause it's just gonna be easier to navigate the case right now alsoso leslie just as they're doing that old i'll mention the other notch so huaweisoftware has a little thing where you can kind of quote-unquote disable theknotch

which is not it's not it's not reallydisabling it it's it just draws it black but it still shows all the notificationsand stuff up there it's just like blacking it out so you can't tell so iwhatever you know everybody's like oh i'm so stole from somebody but you knoweverybody stole from somebody oh hollywood yeah that same shot well don'tworry everyone's trying to chase apple and samsung in the phone world so ithappens taking it in just because i feel like ifi put the gpu and they're just gonna make it hard to get to all this downhere panel pins rusty medaka choke thank you rusty that's why i just plug it inloose they don't even worry about plug

it in plug it in like that because youknow i my foot all my philosophy is you set that mother up you post you load ohit's working ok now i clean it up you don't want to go through this like i'mgonna clean everything up it's perfect oh the board's bad you know that justsucks but if you didn't have modular power supply you'd be done already it'dall be plugged in you know it wouldn't be very pretty i'm going to use the included cables fornow i don't want to risk that the cable kit i got is incompatible with this ijust want to make sure that it's it functions how did you get the corsaircut yeah i got a corsair kit they have

so many different generations of thiskit that i wanted i wasn't entirely convinced that i got the right oneso wait you're still black i mean i do like the white and black aesthetic but ithought having white cables might be a little garish garish i can't pronouncewords yeah garish i will say though that for the person who is worried about thereplacement fan here being black there's so much black in the case now especiallywith the motherboard of being in there that i don't think it looks too out ofplace so that worked out nicely got real quiet in here everybody there's just alot of chat going on in the twitch right now about parts and builds and reallyanything good likely got any idea where

we can get stuff on a deal no no they'rejust talking about configurations brad's bread soaping frets up and out brad isis holding it down in the chat you know brad's doing awesome and yes gordon whathe thinks the over over under on the pixel three and three xl having a notchas well i'm not sure i understand the point of it but well so huawei juststarted talking about the the new one plus six which will have a notch andwhat they're saying is that hey listen it has the same exact exact screen realestate and then they just added a little bit of screen so they're you knowthey're saying hey the the notches and taking away we actually added morescreen and then cut out of that so that

you you know without the notch you wouldhave just got no extra screen but now you're getting extra one plus one plus i don't know i just idon't even care because it depends on the aspect ratio if you put a notch on aphone that's already there you're taking away from the screen but if you'remaking it just a little taller you know then yeah you're you're you'regiving extra screen real estate which kind of makes sense i don't know to meit's just silly i mean to me what i don't understand iswhy you get you know the apple fanboy saying oh everybody's stealing the notchnow see it wasn't so bad and like pixel

google stole the get rid of theheadphone jack which is not a good thing that it's not a good thing i know at thesame time screen up face unlocking on a phone asamsung did that i don't know how long ago right so it was just kind of likethe samsung still has the headphone jack and they still have the headphone jackyeah it's just like which is just it does feel like we're sort of in itsmartphones are in a commodity market at this point they just have a parts binit's like a it's like a gm chevy thing where they just share common parts binsand they just figure out a way to market it differently you go inside it's gotthe same exact same dashboard as a

cadillac or gmc so yeah it's allconverging our supply out so i have room for my cable you wouldn't do it outsideand put it in here it's just that these welcome to the pc unbuilding series weshould we should have ordered pizza or something it's still mini usb for theconnector which isn't a bad idea cuz it's stronger michael you just be waspretty weak yeah i would prefer that i wonder why they added this fantastic sofew people don't know a lot of power supplies the fan only kicks up when ithits a certain temperature these things never ever turn on and you probablywonder like after three months it's like i've never heard the fan of my powersupply turned on does it even work so

that's probably why they have thisbutton there's a lobby like people calling up corsair saying i think my dadis broken and push the fan test button oh no it's working okay no you're good that'd be funny groupherick 901 on twitch is asking why not go cable mod straight to power supplynot using the black cables wait what why not go cable mod straight to powersupply not using the black cables cable mods modular straight to power supply toclarify talking about using the individually sleeve individual sleevedones i got maybe the reason i'm going with the stock cables is that sincewe're trying to get this to post and our

boss is watching and wants us to getback to work eventually i'd rather eliminate one potential thing totroubleshoot if it doesn't post mix-ins oh is that why okay yeah i mean i'llwhen i do the final actual build when i'm messing around this out later on myown then and theoretically i don't have to route it even nicely right now but idon't like a tangle hey you got this beer at hennessy palestine jenkins onyoutubes asking which asus board did you end up with again it's the crosshair sixextreme car six extreme 350 list somebody tells us it's about 250 retailnice or nice book i think it's something list but don't quote me on that veryhigh-end board very high on board i

pretty much bought it because it justhad the nicest lace the true reason leslie's saying asus is usually betterfor longevity and reliability and compatibility asrock not that good inlongevity what do you guys think everybody has it's tough for us to saybecause we only have our anecdotal experiences clearly if you're buying a$250 motherboard it's gonna have features and possibly higher gradecomponents than a hundred dollar motherboardi'm a suit ace as rob does playing the lower end of the market so maybe but i'dhave to see statistics failure rates from the vendors andpossibly oh yes see how bad they do it

as but i will say as rock is not thatbad of as rock were that bad they be out of business and no vendors would carrytheir products so i wouldn't say it's okay for us to really pass any judgmentthat is of any value as far as quality or reliability but you buy a $250motherboard you are getting this is not you just paying for a fancy box and niceaccessories there is more engineering that goes into it yeah there's i don'tknow if martin if you oh i think our switcher is not here right now but whenadam gets back we can switch the camera view and i can show you some of the nicestuff that you'll get on the back right here just bond the logan i'm justkeeping plugin lien is plugging the

power supply because it's a modularpower supply if it wasn't modular we would have been done ten minutes agowe've been booted in the os oh we would have gone or found out i would havedownloaded far cry 5 by now if it was a non modular power supply but that's whathe says because you got do it switch one folksmodular price applies so 1070 1800 x 32 gigs of ram mm-hmm yes yeah it'soverkill do you do the 32 weeks if you had to like looking at the price becauseit's $550 in the ram would you go like if i were actually paying for this imean is it really needs 32 gigs would probably skip you know if i had toactually pay for it but you know

honestly honestly though if i wassplurging on this i might still do it anyway because it does look very nicewhen you have all four slots filled it does well yeah for the light i gotta sayi mean the intended purpose is light this thing up for like the las vegastrip so pretty much adam yes yes what's the camera to martin well yeah it's onthere okay so gordon would you like to point out the little features were likepuppies plunge so you are getting crapload of usb as we can see these areprobably usb and you know five gig usb five giga i'm gonna guess this one theselook like they're usb purse i don't know oh they're so they're above so usb fivegig by ups back this is an awesome

feature so this board if you if youscrew up on the bios update you can take this motherboard i believe it supportsdoing it without even a cpu putting it on a usb key putting in this particularusb slot booting it in a certain way and it will then flash if you've put thecorrect rom file on the usb key it'll flash it to the motherboard without acpu in it key pop i forget what that is good lordasus has so many features so they can tell me what it is looks like straightup usb 2 more usb 3 5 gig and then we get a type-c usb 10 gig not thunderboltkind of a bummer gigabit ethernet i don't know who makes the fire i can lookit up might be intel might be real tech

right and then this one i have no ideait looks like it's probably another 10 gig it's just all that it's red and thenof course we get all our analog out you know line out my campus a bit if outrare this is a 5-1 and then we get wi-fi you know 2.11 ac i'm gonna guess justbecause this of course we get our bios back this boots board up yeah i think itgoes it goes back to the backup bios and then clear cmos which is a nice featureif you need to reset the cmos without going into the cam gordon on such a highend board like this what do you think about motherboard audio becauseobviously they you know they put some nice features in there i thinkmotherboard audio i mean yeah so one of

the things you can do sometimes let'ssee if they have it it's hard to see but usually the audio is actually separatedout there they will try to put on a different power they'll try to insulatethe audio circuits from the rest of the noisy circuits in the motherboard it'snot bad frankly motherboard audio unfortunately is good enough for mostpeople which you know if you if you are into audio then youwant a sound card let's face it if you had to put $150 into a sound card ifthat's the difference three to ten sixty three gig or 1066 gig then i'm gonna saygo for the 1066 gig i mean that is the unfortunatethat's pecking order of hardware today

yes um buddy said this board how do youyeah so we have an atx12v we have an eps 12v so both of those for the for the cpubut my my guess is a lot of these boards you don't have to plug them all in youcan just plug one in all that powers for extreme overclocking olympics yeah soyou got you you know it's a high-end board this is expensive so you get yourreset you get your start one thing you don't get that i really like a lot ofthe newer asus boards is they have ol leds now because let's face it you getthat he's like oh my god what is a d0 mean i don't know get the manual look itup with the internet right a lot of the boards now it'll tell you it's hangingup on ram or it's hanging up on cpu it's

a nice feature very very high-end thoughso you're not seeing this trickle down even down a $250 board and of coursehere is our mdot two slot one of them and i'm gonna guess there's another onehidden under there so there's two i'll stir this to one exactly so you couldhave two m 2 s 2 sata drives right you could easily get away with no heart asksi do like that it has the right right we have right angle mounted power we haveright angled mounted usb 3 1 which is awesome because usb 3 1 is the worstpossible cable design in the world and everybody uses itby having it going that way it's not gonna get in the way of everythingthere's actually a second one down here

so this board is loaded for beer forbeer heater like you could put beer on it yes you can put beer on it what elseis pretty cool water blocks sensor i have no idea what that does it has aspecial header for a water block sensor i have to look that up to see what thatfeature does particle i mean they just again so people go like well mon theboards there's really not much of a digit reading a hundred and fifty dollarmotherboard and a $250 motherboard you look at this board there's a bigdifference oh we also have full usb three usb seeusb three one header that's nice we were two on twitch is saying that he thinksyou should do a roundup of all the sub

$100 sound cards for people who mightwant to get into sound i don't even know i mean basically justread the reviews from ten years ago because they haven't changed since thenyeah i mean it i mean if you go with creative labs it's it's hard to ya tomess up sound cards have not the designs from seven years ago have not changedpeople don't buy seven cards anymore and i can understand why i can understandwhy it's it's i'd rather put it into a gp or cpu first but i i will tell youwithout a doubt then sound card audio sounds to me better than onboard audioyes and actually i mean if if you look at the prices there the sound blasterz1j for a hundred bucks

ninety-nine bucks the way the soundblaster z pcie-based yeah so sound blaster z is still a good card and overto god look at the reviews from what 2012yeah 2010 i mean well and honestly they have a this is probably really lackingon features but the sound blaster audiology fx which is $40 uh i mighteven trust that better than motherboard audio tell you true from 40 bucks thatyou know it's it's not bad but you know i gotta say you're the audio willprobably sound cleaner because it is elevated above the noise of themotherboard most the feature set is not going to be as high-end as what you'regonna get out of a very nice gigabyte or

asus board where they just have this thethe software is very impressive i mean for me the vivid license fromcrate oh yeah so yeah well but i mean some of those features like the the fakesurround sound modes and no different the radar yeah well in eqmodes and stuff late i'm i'm usually not a big fan of anyway for what i do iusually turn all that off because you know for fighting sonar modes though imean i so i would have to go in each time i play a game right you know butusually i just turn it off because it's like if i'm switching between cuttingsome video and yeah some gaming like i don't want it on all the time yeah so iusually just get used to tapping it off

but you know the mode i'm talking aboutit sonar mode i know just time on yeah yeahis it cheating though do you think that's cheating no i don't think it'scheating because everyone has access to buy it and for people who don't knowwhat it is it's cheating it's a mode where they they look at so the audioengine for the game says create the bomb sound and counter-strike from thisdirection so in the driver it then presents that as a visual cue it lookslike a radar so it shows you the bomb direction is coming from the northwesthonestly counter-strike is a pure stereo game people can't tell which directionis coming from this would then tell you

footsteps or where the bomb is comingfrom might give you an edge over people without that feature cheating i i don'tthink so because it's the same as like the in my mind the monitors that havelike the crosshairs and stuff like that you know it's like it's something thatnot everybody has but also at this at the end of the day if you're if you'renot good at playing you're still not it's not gonna help anything yeah youknow what are you looking for here elena what's what's going on more importantlywhere to plug in the rgb headers oh okay also claim an on - which says readingthe manuals cheating what yeah well with our g b it's uh well you probably haveto look oh man hold up real quick sticky

couch on twitch which is a writer bradcharkas for pc world he gave us 15 loominatee points and he said you guysearned this for ignoring gordon and going with a modular power supply what ireally do appreciate is she bought the modular power supply with the optionalcables which to use after that she bought a whole new set of cables to withthe the braided ones actually i'm surprised you can't buy modular powersupplies without cables yeah like it like imagine if you're like hey i justwant the power supply i have my own cabling already know it's because it'sreally hard to get cables sometimes like you have to get the specific correctsize yeah but you found them though they

breathes more sarah made these yeah butnot all manufacturers do that so of course there should have a cheaperversion you know yeah i guess your india i know i really shouldn't care aboutcabling or routing right now what i'm thinking of it anyway yeah i ya know wedo have multiple mdot two sockets on this board everybody's got theirphilosophy also were two and a half hours so sorry did you say somethingwe're two and a half hours time check yeah well at this point i think he'sgonna dock our pay and green bits to say is agreeing with me that you should beable to buy a psd without cables yeah i guess right i mean i mean what wouldthey take off shave off ten bucks when

you rather have the cables for ten bucksi mean but if i know i'm already gonna buy extra cables that's what i'm sayinglike yeah in this case she knew she wanted to buy some extra cables and allthose other cables are re waste you know and that's what modular power suppliesdo anyway what if your cables fail then at least your system doesn't go downwhile you get replacements mmm yeah one time i was in a fight with this ninja inmy apartment which i don't have and that ninja had his katana hey youmean brad had a katana what i hit the cable so the cable went badno i would say that the cable might have gone bad because you were drinking beerwow

fiddling in your case again john johnsays in youtube chat that maybe somebody will watching will send us a pizzaoh and then brad say i just came back from the new york ain't no pizza outhere like a new york pizzas honestly i'm sorryand it's true new york pizza father we noticed every single piece areia everysingle one you know what is in the city you know what i had for the first timewhen we were in vegas was a white castle i never had my custom fork and i'm gonnagive you a spoiler it was hor do it the way harold andkumar either like ass what hi i know i was not betsy my goodness this is quitea setup here all right where is that

evil of you have it okay yeah you gottapower and then here's a janice oh boy looks like you need one of these one of my favorite things about this isthat it's just like building with lego really those are awesome yeah it's verysoothing gordon yeah john john just gave brad permission to order his own pizzaand expensive what a jerk it won't be the best in thecity though won't be the well he's cooks be one good pizza joe's pizza best inthe city but the other one that's best in thecity is a margarita bar at the staten island ferry trouble three o'clock inthe morning it's really good pizza for

three it's really good pizza just likewaves near san francisco this is a boring-ass city just like it's boringbecause we don't have enough people at that point just be sacramento no i'mjust saying like you take that it's got a pulse 2 rakaat good morning people outyou can walk around cisco it's like the only thing you can get 3 o'clock themorning i don't know what you can get and i mean of course with your massagegordon what are you doing might get arrested in a please ring what are youdoing up at 3:00 in the morning what what are you doing up at 3:00 in themorning anyway go to sleep you have words of the mortis if it coast time

you know rusty says at 3:00 a.m. youjust go to denny's see that's what's wrong that's all god yeah in texas codeyou go to denny's denny's it's just like denny's desserts all whatever it's soyou know for the name the problem with that is you're eating at denny's twoo'clock in the morning you might as well be in fresno that's true that is trueyou can go to the margarita bar at the staten island ferryopen through conklin morning encino bro says he says on twitch says sorryhe's a little bit late to the party but what jeep you are we're gonna be puttingin this gtx 1070 we if you've ever seen that game payday that's how we got thecar

we actually like put on our masks we robthe place and shoot our way out of it to get our gtx 1070 and faeo yell is askingif we're in san francisco and yes we are in san francisco or our offices arebased in san francisco yes and also brad says he thinks five guys is better thanin and out yeah fries are terrible in and out mostlycrappy is it different kind of burger it's definitely a different kind ofburger but okay it not only is in and out good it's also cheap as hell yeah socheap and that it's a great thing and so it's a different burger i think like wehave a thing out here it's called nations and actually that is a one placeyou know in the morning nations nations

old school no nations good burgers iever never heard of nations you know the best burger is big kahuna burger oh thebig lisa burger please know i'm a vegetarian though so i don't get the youknow are you arizona often are you which makes me a vegetarian yeah yeah poor study of pop culture varying thereso this is one of the arguments i would make so there is no right way and wrongway to build a computer okay yes alana's way is slow very exacting way to buildyour computer she will receive the green jacket for this i think i personally amjust like get everything in there turning on see if it workselena follow up from encino bro why

didn't you go with the 1080 or a tiwhy'd you go the chanson one okay well that makes sense yeah when we blew thevault and believe me it took a lot of shaped charges to blow that vault we gotin that vault on the head were 10 70s but you can take what you can get no iactually wanted to put at least a 1080 in here and then i asked a soos if theycould help us out because i was having trouble sourcing one andthey said that the best they could help me with was a 10 stephanie i said whati'll take it yeah thank you i'll take it gehrig on twitch says that's a mightyfine burger some mighty fine burger that's a mighty fine burger that is amighty find that i paid my niece to go

to mcdonald's she is a vegetarian uh-huhvegan okay to go to mcdonald's to get a royale with cheese and take a picture ofit i'm sure she's forgotten but i paid $10 for real quick mr. b says our gbheaders are white on at the top and bottom oh i see oh yeah so we got rgbheaders rgb headers the white but those are just standard handouts right ledstrips the white ones i can't see there's a little glare right yeah yourget one here lights too bright two and three thanks perfect this podcastbrought to you by big kahuna burger in a seuss i am a very deliberate builder andzorana on youtube says five guys equals greasy death all right you don't tellyou what i'm disappointed by a smash

burger you know what it there where youtoo much fennel one and the whole it's greasy and like so what your whole thingis just smash the burger wait wait is that the one at the metreon i don't knowbut it's it's called a smash burger way too much fennel like they got like abulk deal on fennel or like they're owned by a panel company and white zeroon youtubes asking did we guys learn did we learn to build a pc from pc buildingsimulator yes have you played yeah when when hayden brought it by a couple weeksago gordon and him did a video update and yeah it's pretty fun it's gettinggood i mean it's getting better i can definitely see where pc buildingsimulator is going i can see it as a

good educational eventuallyonce all desktop pcs are that log it'll be a great historical document yeah dowe have any of those it was male to male adapter last one brad says he's gladhe's not the one wiring up all those lights yeah slow deliberate approachthis also is because i've never done this before as i've mentioned severaltimes and the build so far today and i'm starting to get hungry on top of that sono beer there's an interesting power another well is for the led stripsswitch you know when i built my mac with rgb lighting it was a lot easier i meanof course it's a mac user yes they just work those it's just worked all right ithink yeah rusty's asking if we're gonna

put the martone gtx 1070 in this the oneremembered mark tony was like the the generic brand in the game oh right yeswe're like if you just need a generic yeah elvis is asking uh sorry are youguys vegetarian no all of us well i am a vegetarian but i do eat bacon beef andpork no chicken no chicken and chicken than that john says he's gonna run bythe door and throw bags of chips and candy bars in here also somebody saidwhite zero is asking who's drinking the ipa that was me and martinhave the deschutes fresh-squeezed ipa you know you're not a hipster in the bayarea unless you love a good crispy ipa yes a molex connector for that i don'tneed to do i need to connect both judges

wine i'm not just a pastor okay and thenyou have another one for a fan that the case can't be easily need but so thatyou have to break out a molex connector for the power supply okay so i just hookthis up why why you suck look at that it's all it's all out of order that'sbecause that's how they all are a single one of these ever made is like thank youwhite zero says max have rgb lighting but it's locked into white only which isall colors at the same time no i've actually shorted i mean as much as iunderstand molex is common i have actually shortened down because helittle crappy pins always get bad yeah that that was kind of weird to see thatjust showing up power supply yeah i

think they sort of figure there's just alittle you know if you're building a if you're building a part for the world thevast majority of world with straws molex rather than just pure sata so iunderstand it look at these little fingers rolls can see these white whitezero uh i was never a huge ipa fanning him in the case until i realized thatthat i just didn't like almost bitter ipas you can definitely get more crispykind of clean finished ipas those are the ones i like to drink when it's likereal mesodermal i can't can't do it so do ya try try toseek out the ones that have the low controller the ib you know it's the ibewyeah international international bitter

unit i think is what it stands for the yeah so look for look for ipas with lowibus international bittering units that's what it is that that's how ifound out what ipas i liked i go for the really loved ones this is an ipa and yesno really this interview okay great yes sweet our arc are arcs this texas gordonwhy is the coors light not rgb john phillips our boss is throwing us candy sugar back upencino bro on twitch is asking have you guys tried beyond burgers no where'sthat located i have no idea but that i'll take a beyond burger and no not notonly hipsters can enjoy a good craft

beer it's just you know when you thinkof people in the bay area you think of hipsters with their you know craft beersnob there we go no no that actually has a pulse unlikesan francisco i know right los angeles right what oh yeah ellie hasa pulse you just got to drive everywhere to get there just go down the 405 to thefive to the ten you there 45 minutes assess each desk dan he was thanks formy from done la in there in the mid-1990s we're driving along melroseplace when we find a burger place to eat it'scalled the burger the eight la right ashleythe entire building is shaped like a

burger i mean like it's actually aburger building right you go inside the floors painting like lettuce the top ispainted like a tomato what right really it was the best burgeri've ever had in my life right ever of course he was like youknow late at night bunch of you know friends who knows i'd go back theremaybe seven years later it's like oh that's burger place ever i can tell youwhere that's um i don't know where the exact address is on melrose but youcan't miss it because it's in a building shaped like a burger so we're likedriving up and down millage it's like how the hell am i missing this is allthe way downwards like everywhere we

cannot find the burger shaped buildingit actually still there well what i sort of for your eyes is we had we didn'tactually maybe was just a dream like a burger dream because it's um it's abuilding shaped like a burger you don't get rid of it they go out of businesswhat are you gonna do right it's still shaped like our burger all right i'mgonna do a little bit of non routing here just so we get on with the build ohit's ugly we've got people saying that beyondburgers uh fake meat is it really like warm me like no like a one saying ithought wow god maybe like maybe it was actually a dream and i'm years and yearslater i said you know what i'm gonna

actually get to the bottom of thismystery actually searched on the internetturn it they went out of business turn it into a starbucks and a baby they theymade the building an on burger like somehow they converted into a regularbuilding how could they do that yeah how could you i mean it was round and shapedlike a burger how the hell do you like do they save the tearing down put alongthere i don't know maybe use tear down just burn everything to the ground eatkind 11 is saying from this angle he can see that you can't fit more than th iccred on top unless you remove the front mesh i guess

sorry chief olson i was know he's sayingfrom this angle he can see that you can't fit more thi cc rads on topbecause you unless you remove the front mesh right okaynow you get three i'm not entirely sure what he's asking if i'm not familiarwith that acronym or forties twenties i think if it 140s cuz of the channelright here yeah so we have an open well you can definitely do one for east threeof them three one forties but again this is a mid tower case so this is mid manfor like four large well it used to be got a lot of people talking aboutburgers yeah wow so ways people still says five guysstill winning out no no i there right

now there's talk about the impossibleburgers you know i feel like a lot of our streams end up talking about foodbrett says he's getting real hungry right now right and holliston this isyelling at jon saying that gordon is a youtube star waiting to break tobreakout set him loose written all over it that's youtube starwe were on vacation of my daughter was like watching like i don't know who thehell it was but it must have been like something cuz my daughter's i love hershe's awesome eleven can turn eleven because watching some youtube star it'sjust like you know it's just like he must have been 13 or something he like ijust couldn't believe it it's so it's

like you know with the nice lighting andeverything and just the nice skin cuz it's like young not old and saggy thatis a youtube star talking about food and all you just talk about oh you try thisfood i'm gonna i got these food things fromtarget we're gonna have y-you know i tell you one thing united states senateafter zuckerberg hof you need to get right google youtube executives on thereto talk about the youtube stars yes can we get something different becauseit's always some 14-year old talking about some candy maker they got a targetnow they're trying it and then they go gordon i hate to say this but you soundold well back in my day we used to wear

an onion in our belt rodney on youtubesays beer knives beers and computers what else could go wrong now you seethis is why this is what this is what like a fishing trip is like i rememberthe last time any you you went fishing but it's exactly like this because thisis about 3% fishing okay and the rest of us just sitting around drinking beercomplaining right because that's all fishing is except for the serious fisherpeople are either really like people into fishing they're like you're gonnascare the fish away are you serious like i cast that thing85 yards out do you really think the fish is gonna hear me on the shoretalking right that's baloney and there's

a stronger word for it that i can't saybecause of our disney's partnership we're gonna get you know that there's acouple people green bits and nathan on twitch saying that you're doing a greatjob at cable management molina you're doing really good at this build keepgoing that's encouragement encouragementeverybody does it differently it's and also some people saying that gordon'sdrunk yeah and then i brought up the thegordon mong sound board if anyone wants some fun oh you guys can't hear it so iwas just hitting those bam's you know the thing that i don't know yet becausei probably won't even figure it out

until i turn this on huh but it'slooking good we're getting a nice nice inside track come with controllers turndown to your light if you can chords off no i mean when you turn around if youcan i don't eat it yet but i was gonna say like all of thesecoming with like controllers so like the fan kit came with this rgb controllerthere's this module that comes with the case which i don't even know what thisplugs into this is actually for the furnace look at it yeah it's for thefront but they all have their own so i'm just wondering if the controller isnecessary if i'm gonna control this through the software but i'm gonna guessyes so one switch didn't look smart my

guess is if you plug in two because theactual strips are apparently on the same so it's just a matter of voltage ifyou've run it all through the same system i'm gonna say wire it all throughthe cooler master is there a separate um app for it so what do we got on here sowe got our well that's the case that i won't plug it into these i would plugbecause i think this so we get sata power and then probably some adaptercables mm-hmm for the extra large eb you know but i guess you could just run offthe motherboard is that the whole point i just need to plug this into cablegreen bits is saying you can plug it into the rgb module and molex or you canplug directly to the board and control

with software yeah so that's what wewant to do because we want to be able to control it from the more i do so i'd sayskip all the that's just for dumb lighting so skip this yeah that's sortof dumb lighting k but i think the powers theyeah and i guess you're gonna have to basically wire the actual coolerlighting to the same loop that but if motherboards controlling all of it do ihave to necessarily have it in the same wired loop that's the question i well ithink it just all has to be plugged into one of the aura sync headers so righti'm not sure we had a fan splitter somewhere around here for our splitterwhere did i put it in white zero you're

asking about the sound board gordon heused to work at another place called maximum pc again a beer and they had andthey used to have a podcast and gordon was on it and they used to have rantswith with fancy music anyway the sound board is pretty fun because it has a lotof clips of him saying really dumb stuff you're very very handsome prepared mygoodness it's um a asked earlier if you could smash it against your forehead idid that i don't trust it i'd recommend you don't either looked athim and he is holding a foam styrofoam cup and he crushed it too great so ihave at least two headers optional third one i think so yeah green bits says youcan plug in two different headers yeah

so there's three headers so i say aslong as it's all routed to them i'm one of the controls that you sort of controlyeah i'm sure they do front let's just you need light adams onhere if you want to switch over there we godo we need like martin's on there that's i'm adam that's how i'm sorry whatevercollison don't do it isn't that isn't that like that you have a adjustablebrightness yeah yeah yeah it's great down low okay it's still pretty brightoh i should go grab it somebody was given out to a really niceled light for free as swag so here's the question i have now which one of theseis the 12-volt gonna guess the one with

the arrow i fry this you'll know no noit's just oh are you trying to figure outorientation yeah cuz it goes looks like this is why i really appreciate aboutthis higher another more it actually tells you which ones whichso twelve volts here green red and blue want to guess the one has a triangleyeah triangle go to the bar yeah so i thought okay like front panel dudeyou're just trolling me no the shirt like look on the side sure microphonesyeah yeah like if you go and buy a shore microphone it cost more than my carsure is like the the every man's microphone okay well this is the lessthan airy man you see yeah so look point

the shirt over here it's pretty brighttoo i was so surprised but just runs out your blazers you know it's a watchbetter you think oh that's the worst yeah oh that's that is the worst yeah imean so operated that's just but still it is hey but as a swag goes from frombooths that's not too bad i've got a lot of squeezy balls i got a lot of uh-oh igot a mouse pad now i got a cool zotac lanyard they were thereyeah the so tech was there with some mini production pcs actually so are you showing off yourslag it's not the part on this thing yeah i got some got some good swag atnab in jones is saying we need some work

lights in here but it's a video set sothat's why we have it so dimly lit - oh yeah everyone's saying gordon's drunki'm not not drunk yet yet yet had a couple of bloody mary's in the flightback that was nice nice yeah and we already talked aboutthat everybody think like say aye aye i meani understand doing the case wiring ahead of time but okay you know excuse me outi mean i'm a believer in super i'm very superstitious superstitious you don'twant to anger the building got one putting the side of the case on if youdo that it ain't never gonna work right the first time you're gonna have to goin there immediately to just leave a

message why that makes people so angrywhat making it like it you know to make thick the case wiring super-cleanwait it makes me it makes you angry no i mean it makes them angry if you like youknow you don't like cleaning up immediately on the bill what we're doingthis in real time i gotta say that's a little different i mean it just slow itdown right yeah damn i could use a five guys or in-n-out burger i'm very sorry ididn't realize it was gonna take me so long john said today he learned gordonis a lightweight i'm also on east coast time it is nowfour o'clock and a white zero on youtube saying he's still a bit new to thechannel what is he's saying what's your

expertise oh i don't know if he'stalking about me personally or if oh the whole channel itself which are you - itwas on youtube yeah oh well we are building a computer we are i'm going totell you our history most of us are mac users i'm a huge mac user been bigbeliever and what apple's done a long time we finally got sort of decidedwe've heard a lot about this pc building thing we're gonna try it out first timepc builders longtime mac users the first time long time so we did take an onlinecourse so you know if you want to see what a mac bunch of mac users do ohsorry do when they build a computer i'm just kiddingall right so he clarified he's asking

about me why am i here that is a goodquestion because i learned to build pcs from gordon you know i used to watch youbuild pcs and and your old co-worker will smith over it tested build some pcsand you know i just yeah i'm here because i don't know why am i here and acomedy guy adam is the i'm the fanboy no the guy in the van and if they likepeople have ever seen true late true lies right at the end the band guys iwas in the van every single spy movie there's a guy in the van so like he'sgood he's got the dark lighting over therehe's running everything right we've even saw this in the new spider-manmovie right his friends like oh i can be

your your your van guy the computer guyyeah every single movie there's always somebody sitting at the computer adam isthe computer person right there so yeah i i am a video producer i helprun these these live streams i also build my own production based pcs so youknow i think i know a little bit more about going into creative uses for forbuilds uh i'm a gamer i also do the smartphone camera testing like this i'llshow it off again the nice huawei p20 pro it's a first consumer phone to havethree cameras i gotta say adam i would nc in new york so i just came back fromnew york city he is the family he is i really went back and forth between mymirrorless system and my pixel to excel

axle to excel gist's it's impressivewhen you got something that good in your pocket oh so in the the verge recentlyran a review for that l16 do you remember that camera that has like 16modules on it the lights are on or no no it's not light show but it'sit's theother startup they're literally across the street already iii got my hands onit late last year just try it out but yeah there they were like i mean theconcepts cool but the software is just not there yeah and especially when youhave such a powerful camera in your pocket i mean sure you know maybe it'sbetter but also it's still a second camera well i can think you have tocarry around but you can see where

they're going though is hey createtechnology to get in the way of big companies yeah so it's just you know toget all done come on you this is it's a disruptive company a blank they throwthemselves in the way of google or apple or whoever do you really use that workand then and then they get and then they get bought yeah wowso actually i heard a clarification on thati heard lytro was going down and google bought what was left so it wasn't like abuyout it was more like light rows going down and we're gonna pick what i mean toown the ip behind it is big thing so now they canbuying concepts and ip from there and

you can see whatever buying this l16somebody's gonna buy that company integrated yeah i mean it makes sense imean the hdr+ on the pixel to excel is just like he was nice because i would dohdr on my mirrorless that 8 pin board cable from behind please oh it will helpyou and easy to do sorry route that 8 pin board cable frombehind right here i guess i could rat it up and over but for the moment i'm justtrying i was just trying to keep it out of the way while i figure out the otherstories i just wanted to chime in li and then encino bro on twitch is asking whatdslrs we use for video for this set we have sony a7s twos that's all cameraswe're using and then we also use canon

c100 s for more like run-and-gun kind ofshooting when we need that stuff for photography i have a sony a7r 2 and thatthing's awesome and you use a what is it at any x7 nex-5 personally i justconsumer a pure consumer next 5 t 5 t next to name i gotta say it's solightweight i can't see i mean i i sorta like that we should i've got the onewith a viewfinder and built-in flash so dom our video cohort over in the uk hetook a bunch of photos while he was here he's a photographerhe has a what did he have he had the fuji filmyeah he had a fuji film with a with a speed boost adapter and he got somereally old glass for it and it was it

was a nice little setup so nice like ahipster okay sure yes if you wanna call it that yeah i'm running fujifilm body but ionly run lights class on here i'm serious i was there his ice was there itwas really nice to touch some of those those old old lenses or not allexpensive lenses gordon gordon john says uh know what would be a good video havegordon order a pizza live on the air shy order one i'm not gonna pay for itask john if he's paying for it we should order it early well you know what thisis san francisco if you order like a pizza pie here it's like $85 peanutbutter and jelly sandwiches are nine

dollars i love peanut butter and jelly iknow but there's no way you can justify a nine dollar peanut butter and jellysandwich especially when you can make it for like two cents yes watch your bread i will make you a peanut butter jellysandwich because it so i love to make double-decker ones where it's actuallythree pieces of bread and a lot more peanut butter and jelly jam but alikewait isn't still might like what we expect a might to be like a termite yeahkind of like insect sandwich you're eating there sir what what's a marmite encino bro yesno these cameras are for colleges we're

just streaming in 1080 so uh would youfriend a mint in uni vegemite marmalade is it marmalade no it's horrible itsbitter i i tried it for the first time when we ate paperlately last year like i had some honey it was just some jam and then when i bitinto it i was like oh my goodness this is horrible all right i think all the fans and rgbthings are plugged in so now i'm just going to do the front panel and then i'mgonna plug in all the actual power connectors and then put in the gpu andthen i think we'll be able to post me get some duct tape we can hide that easyno you want it you want to use caf tape

oh yeah less sticky so garg on twitchsays marmite is made of yeast extract that sounds disgusting even though ireally love bread extract yeah sounds really also green bits is saying elenayour cable management is awesome don't worry you're doing great this is notattractive yeah i mean it's it's still better than gordon's that's true but imean if i'm gonna compare myself to the bottom tier comparison i do it speedingbuilds and then what happens is you going you know what screw this ain't noi'm gonna look i'll just put the sign on it it's done that's true normally idon't use windowed bills i just apply things so they don't block airflow andthen i'm done i do it if it i have

windows i don't care it's gonna getcovered with dust anyway john never when you asked hey john canwe do it john never answers so i'm gonna say no and we're almost done i mean wewere so close we've only been streaming for an hourand 40 minutes since youtube broke and i think before that was an hour and 40 wegot escaped from new york pizza pretty close oh john just said yes : expense idon't even know where to get pizza from oh no no no what what what event a pinon the usb header oh yes that's where this things suck i should have pluggedit in before language i'm not gonna plug in the usbheader for now i did my mickey

impression for melissa and catherinethey're like what bette pastina says it's just the usb header anyway ain'tnobody needs that nobody yeah he does those things those usb 3 headers i don'tknow what they were thinking when they did created those things in the lastyear clearly is it it was a mistake when they designed the plug about 85 timesstronger than the natural header it goes into man you can bend that you can bendit back at you i will but i'm not gonna try to do it from this angle that's whatthat's what happened because i was trying to put it in and then i in thejust a little bit just a little bit it hasn't broken off yet which is good idid that to a system i was building in

about a year and a half ago that reallygot me down bummer all right you sir are going to go backthis way i'm a shouldn't see what the default lights are on these rgb oh waityou still got to put in the i have it i got a tracer stripsyeah oh yeah oh yeah gonna grab no i'm still doing i'm doing front panel pinsright now so i can at least power on from the front buttons whoever turn on the ac is a champion they want the standard intel front panelisis i don't know if this but i have it memorized oh yeah i hate to the death onair but i don't have my moisture

you know it's it's interesting there'sno thunderbolt urian hairpin aren't there any rising boards with thunderbolt3 i don't know i haven't built a lot with rising yet i'm kind of wondering ifthat is a unique intel feature because of all the certification so nobody'sdoing thunderbolt 3 on a risin board that'd be interesting to find out andwhen i guess this is so gordon i'm gonna guess this is the powering top reset onthe bottom this is the ground i assume the second one in oh yeah it says on thebox will board the boards actually weren't cleared in the manual positiveout and the hard drive in the bottom power on top yep so we're gonna pull onvideo oh you need another monitor nobody

owned a shinnok cable yeah they have this all labeled weirdthank you thank you hey do you guys deliver he's drunk in the ordering pizza shh 501 second street we're just being nowwould be great i'm gonna use my cell phone doesn't hangon second oh wait there's no way to go outside i mean i mean did you yeah he'sgonna go built he's gonna go uh grab his um the pizza so yeah that way uh whatare you working on in there elena i never remember how to do it gordonhasn't memorized at this point but i

always refer to the manual uh-huhfor some reason at my advanced age my memory is not so great so memorizinglittle things like this just doesn't stick anymore i hear destruction happening yeshe's he's so angry that he just asked if they had any more pizza left they saidthey said only the hipster kind and he just started like kicking stuff so whatever the biggest you can get yeahget all the meat will that x-large me lovers yeah we're will eat anything yeah i'mjust didn't tell you i just got back

from new york literally yesterday meetis mike here you should put it on speakerphone okay okaysounds good all right extra-large meat lovers and then i'll just keep my cardwinning yeah i'm eating your mike you're good you're good okay i lied this is myleast favorite part a building does it not have one of those handy uh you knowfor cases expensive i'm actually a little surprised i didn't make it allone block yeah that's weird yeah people are loving that he's drunkin the ordering pizza and i think he's about he's just about to pass out oh intrung lac i'm sorry i messed up your name he's asking if we're gonna do aproduction build and i'm going to assume

he means like a video production likethe kind of build i would do you know maybe there's something like that comingin the future just maybe it sounds like a good thing to do especially since wegot back from nab there was a i talked to some good some good vendors boxbeeoxx was there puget systems puget systems is another awesome makeri was yeah i was surprised so tech was there with these a little miniproduction pcs but now i it's all about the cores man it's many cores as you canget oh yeah an amt was there with some pro cards and they let me know that thepro cards you can put gaming drivers on restart and you know you then you can dosome gaming which is awesome

let's yeah martin's hands getting alittle tired so i'm switching the switch over gordon's back hey gordon did youget the pizza well so if you got you got 30 minutes so if you can beat the pizzadelivery guy it's free we have 30 minutes to post no pressurei think we know i think we should just eat pizza over the build it's just like24 we've got a lot of discussion and twitch about how crappy the windowsstore is for gaming yeah yeah i gotta say though there are other applicationsi haven't been there in a while but i went there recently for oh there it isthe windows 10 s review and are a lot of applications you can get in the windowsstore now that you weren't there yeah

but i don't think the problem is i don'ti don't think they update often yeah so yeah it has gotten better so i meanthere's a lot of like you can get office through the windows store you can getslack if you're into that kind of thing all those kind of applications it's notas bad as it was before yeah that's bet before it used to bepretty horrible so i'm rocking a surface pro 3 and inever use it in tablet mode no like you know like i accidentallyswitched over to a once and i was like no how do i get backwell it's you i find i use it as a tablet but i don't use it in tablet modein windows 10 25% of the time using it

as a laptop but there are times when itis nice just when you're watching a movie to what it is that's okay martinyou don't either you can keep resting your hands gordon'sdrunk level is over 9000 oh nice thanks dragon well reference i approve those mewhere does this dragonball have you heard of thing ever heard ofjapan gordon no i just i have not heard of this dragon ball i know but i'm gonnastep you there have you heard of japan have you heard of animations have youheard of animation yes have you heard of japanese animation yeah think so yescontinue what do you know about japanese animation some of it is good some of itcan you name one illegal can you name a

movie or tv show that's kira that waspretty good there we go okay stuff so dragon ball was a tv show japaneseanimated tv show kind of like akira oh made in japan a lot of fighting if iunderstand it oh no it was all here was good yeah yeah but dry yeah you betterwatch out chat is just about to start whoa lighting you up for a cure care wasgood okay right no she she'll good dude ghost in the shell' was awesome likedragon ball sounds like what you watched they made for kids after school tellwhat it is cuz that's what it sounds like that's just one of them that's justone of the ones you can watch switch over to it i'm just plugging in the plugit in water for people who don't know

yeah cabling choice you know what i'msorry i'm not going to laugh go for it i just do it so nervous oh you know youknow i was watching an episode of dragon ball and the hero he got to this pointwhere he could had a problem it's like should i dowiring clean running all special like put this right angled main powerconnector it he did it he had power up though he lost some power power friendsbut hold on you know he knows there's no commercial now yeah he knows and thenwe'll come back no there's only three because everyjapanese anime has a powerup there's always a powerup it's like every poweryou're gonna my hara john is asking

which pizza place did you call whiskeywe called escape from new york pizza because i i asked him i said hey he'slike this guy's just good pie sort of i'm sort of saying oh you know what youcan use this one from sure is it too bright this podcast brought to you bysure yet i mean yeah for a first free swag right it's not bad it's prettylightweight aluminum i know but i can't so i'm gonna throw it in my my bag wheni go yeah you know like my shooting bag no you are in america now you knowmininum you drink american deer island minium is definitely the better way tosay okay gpu and i think we're done yeah these tripsoh i'm yeah he said it was didn't he you

said it was threethin-crust style what i hate thin-crust oh what's the worst that's like it's sohipster no it's less extra bread so then you don't fill up on the bread as you'reeating it yeah but if the bread is good what if i want the bread yeah that's howthe free bread they give you before you get your food yeah it's fine and guesswhat sometimes it's really good and give that to you it's like you out so you eatless ii kinda leavens asking can this thepanel that hides cables be removed for easy easier cable management you meanthis one yes this comes off and on the one behind i think is riveted in youknow that is part of the key

yeah you know actually you might be ableto unhook it it looks like it's just a clip system i'm seeing rivets no it's ano i think you can later thanks know usually when i have more time to myselfand i don't have a bunch of people watching me i'll take even more timeokay well the front case fans that's the rgb or just standard case this yeahsorry tv oh wow i don't mean she got she got the case for a reason i got the casebecause they're gigantic 200 millimeter rgb fans i mean people can complain but104 48 dollars there's a hell wow that's 12 plus taxnot if you live out of state so elvis on youtube sent bread is a filler and iwould say yes but a really good filler

you know don't fall for that trick adami much rather fill up on bread hello you're not supposed to that's your trickthat's like now that's a good trap right the bread and the salad that's your traydo you think i get daisy chain these where it's later tress splitter or wayworse words that coming from so i already have three things on the boardyeah i think so i mean it's just a matter of voltage to the to though rgbcables i think it'd be fine songs are all looped in there likechristmas lights of if i understand the way to work you think so yeah it's notmy bill the other cells oh i hope you post system i hope youpost all right i'm gonna do jamison

elvis's tell him gordon we do have towhere's the power for the oxides is asking if we're booting up soon yes weare close i mean do you have to do something with the lights on this he'salready he's plugging in lights and then we got a plug-ingp's alright gpu gpu part these trips outside of the guys shipthis is the last main component and so we got the a e5 just kidding this is anrgb gpu yeah you know i like these rogues tricks we actually use those inour production boxes i did not look up the price for this because i was afraid- oh god brad brad what did you get for this i think breaking anna's making itgross let me let me look up nice price

you got this from new ageramazon it doesn't matter i just want to park strix said seventy right now six hundred ninedollars for a 10-7 yep perfect just perfect cry that's okay i hate throwingeverything around everywhere i like usually making neat piles of thingsoh yeah fred says uh 590 after rebate oh it's brand-new look at this this videobrought to you by issue straights i wish definitely blood-sugar y'all you know what else you can get for $600what a 4k capable xbox one x 4k for one could come back even as plastic yeahyeah you definitely want to take that

off yeah there's not easy way to startthat so i'm just going to it's a massive card for 1070 thanks must be super quietsingle a pen well then it's got it's got the three fans it's the easiest way tolift this up it's an rgb cartoon wow there we gothose the best still says uh it's nearly the same price you paid for a 1080 t or1080 ti before the lucky guy yeah make you happy to like get it before thecrash of like over the wave i know right it's like selling stock before thecompany tanks also is that uh is that a 2.5 slot card let's find out looks likeit - very tight - it's pretty slender actually a chunkier an idol seven ontwitch yeah we don't need any of that

here so keep those comments to yourself yeah let it don't know what the point ofthat is but it made you feel better well maybe if you're like gonna handle itit's nice to have that on there yeah yeah you don't on a really drop dry dayafter you just rubbed a bunch of leaves on yourself i guess maybe i don't knowwhat the point is uh john also thinks bread it's a scam i guess i'm the onlyone here it is a scam dude i've never you know what when wherever we go to la- to reno to go to that all-you-can-eat place you ain't coming with me so wastesome money bread' where's adam he's in the bread line bread line brad saysremember when you can get a rx 484 like

130 dollars cryinghave to say it in the right way brad remember back in the day when you canget our x 480 back in my day lined it up and rusty says remember when you can geta 1066 gig for $250 oh my god yeah it was december it's insane it'sgonna come back down though funky mosquito says he got a 1070 for $900 wowthanks man that's rough that's your own that is thank you okayso half dvi that's good really wow huh yeah i guess they'redoing away i know the 1080 tr doesn't have dvi yeah ultra burp on twitch sayshe's noticing people are selling 1080 t eyes used and the prices are lookingbetter each week but used man i don't

know if i would take that risk thesedays yeah cuz i really knew the seller all right that titans super tight a bitwonder if people are trying to sell them to get out from their high prices theypaid and they just buy back in cuz let's see though ohfunky mosquito didn't buy it for 900 you're saying that's the price right nowin his nicola woods wow yeah wow yeah so how many pins eight eight so when weturn this on i believe it plays tom jones music oh noburt bacharach elbows might be better i mean if it's a vegas bill we should beplaying it this looks like a promotion i guess we got to do our sign-off whatyeah elvis almost sounded like a cross

between mickey mouse and elvis kahlessall right rgb strips all right light it up i think these are actually magnetic iwasn't sure i didn't think they were butts and i went back and i read thedescriptions oh now you see i brought my knife to idg so we can alter these boxesjust don't do it like that and from hr when they come back okay well what thehell we're not getting on a 747 thank god are we are we not what what does itdo like when you open a letter what are you supposed to do use the easier teeth benchmade so these are silverstone allright just take them because i wanted some diversity nice and uh but ifthey're magnetized that's pretty oh i

don't know why they magnetized theythink i have to pull off this red strip maybe i'm not sure which one yeah ithink it's tape this is a lot of led lighting that's a piece of that it's notmagnetic but still i don't know maybe like up here but then that's too faraway - really the problem is that stood for me i put on the sides right here idon't know would you really see it like two of these is enough yeah i just ijust got three packs just like it was being low for two it yeah put nails puther right here i think i'll put one just for just for the finishing the buildmaybe i'll just put one here and then down here but i'm not gonna do you haveoh lord

do they give you the header adapters plug it in one plug is in itis there anything free well that's why daisy changed so i got these yeah butyou need the re the mail well i think i just connect like from here oh i thinkthose are extenders i think and i think you connect them i think those are maybea connector so i can chain them you know you got that one i don't think i needanymore okay i think one pack would have beenfine maybe two at most fred says he just uses his fingers toopen envelopes today old school i'm sorrycompany policy no fingers allowed and

basten ex says recently in the pcsperspective mailbag knows magnetic is it magnets are in the end oh so you'reright actually i don't think how am i supposed to catch pretty clever i thinkwe're kind of screwed because we don't have anymore unless there's somethingwith we don't anymore beer here we do know one of the kits unless you're gonnahave i just plug it into this is that just a controller box actually fitstogether no you're gonna need okay cabling this light strips for now withus this is not how we're gonna we're in a casino hey we just need to get magnetic yeah and i think a magnet or inthe end no actions the whole thing is oh

reallycuz when i tap it that is clever very nicesilverstone lso - which is nice because you get the magnets so you can sort ofplace them around before you want to use your adhesives to make it a little morepermanent very nice the problem is i don't know how toactually attach them 18 that i can be part of your wrap up how you ended updoing it compatible with of course a soos msi gigabyte asrock oh biostar hasone - is use or a synonym aside mystic light sync gigabyte rgb fusion as rockor rgb and monstar racing yeah let's get a couple more in there 5 stars i mean ihaven't there anymore

impossible and pet may on on youtube none of thatwe don't stand for that junk here so keep that to yourself see if these howwell the magnets holds i'm gonna pick up the case oh my god look at this pile ofcrap yes still looking pretty good oh we should go back and look at your threadripper build that was busted i was pretty now i gotta solve the processori'm still patients are holding no okay that is a nice touch that's goodsilverstone lso - with magnets oh i should read the boxoh in a oxy oxides says rgb strips on white cases look nice when they're hithidden away the reflections of the

colors like oh that's true yeah yeah ithink once we actually put the k store on you were able to see it i'm guessingi don't know where the exactly rusty's asking are we gonna getupdates on the build after the cable management yes so the plan is like withall of our builds that we're gonna have a wrap-up video and not you knowaccompanying supporting the article post mortem about how he felt about the buildor specifically how i felt about the build what i would do next time what icould do better next time cetera et cetera yeah yeah i think you wouldactually do want to put the adhesive business already i think the otherproblem is that because this is painted

that might be making a little harder togive it a surface - yeah connect - i could also see the magnets mostly justfor figuring out where you want to make it permanentyeah do you have the controller box from coolermaster i do do you think there's stock it does have a couple at leastthings in it well that's good that's all you need it's all you need and thisain't gonna work but i think you just simply run allthese so just use those let's just plug these in you can run the strips off ifyou got anything open yeah i got this the one that daisy change

language in john malkovich remembers the1920 by 1080 build it's so long ago yes still sitting there we've done oh thisis nice very nice where do you want to plug itinto so we're your ships i got one here one here and one here so the problem isthat i think you i think i can just connect these somehow if i can connectthese i'd only have to have one what is happening next doorsounds like dance so angry he's like oh aren't you guys done yet greatinstallation that tells me nothing i think all you got to do is run it fromthe splitter so let's just where's your output from necessary yesbut i think we'll also want to kendall's

coming out the board well want toconnect yeah this come off the board you want to connect that to this accordingto the clock the pizzas should almost be here i i feel like that's the mostexciting part of the skills to finish it the skate from new york so i think whichyeah and we have a couple more of those too so or three more of us okay see ifthat works you know fire it up hahahaha yes makesure no cables are blocking fans so far so good so far so good they got the topfan okay sorry top fan okay yeah it should be all plugged in in theory wellbut i'm away from cables away from the fan what do you mean like if there's anyof the cables rubbing up against it but

i don't think anything's touching okaystill chicken do we need a power cable yesno i got one no there's a bad feeling it's not gonna post why because thestreams gone on for so long already yeah alright don't see there's reallynothing i mean complicated about it right there's not but i feel like therewere so many cables that i'm not used to dealing with that i might have justmissed something in the normal order of things that i would normally would notnormally forget i got so much cleanup to do later y'all oh this is yours i'mgonna leave the shroud there barnes getting pretty pretty shots of theinterior so everyone can look upon my

cable management and judge as i amjudging myself you can see the garbage is this really a steve someone who brought to you by zeus today i'msilverstone and coolermaster yes it's putting on corsair and corsair amd anddisney makers of disney infinity the avengers infinity war whateverhappened to moviefone guy i think he probably stole his voices for somethingrelated to movies his voice is too good not woman's voice possibly be used forits a movie from guy of course no one will remember all the millennials wouldbe like what would you millennials aren't that young yeah but you know whatbelieve me they were not using movie

phone yeah well their parents i i wasusing movie he's not a fun we are teenagers but we use movies fun use ourmillennial sometime yeah i'm right on the cusp generation generation one willwaste well twelve zulu or something like twelve seasons i don't know they makeeverything up everyday i can't keep up with that generation your friend hey you got it nice oh my failure is imminenteveryone's very excited confident that i put in the front pan everyone's veryexcited knows correctly well you can always just use them and once again petmay those comments we don't need those

around here so we're gonna put the bandhammer down if you don't shut up well let's see is this an hdmi hdmidisplayport oh yeah there we go boom um i hope it doesn't matter which one i putit into sometimes i actually had run into trouble with that i'll turn thespeaking of sponsored by a source i got so the one weird thing about thedifferent ecosystems is that they don't have consistent third-party prayerfulsupport so like gigabyte supports i thinkcorsair keyboards and mice and stuff but asus has yet to support third party soto keep this build all super glowy they were kind enough to also send me nicelyoh nice

they're kind enough to send me uh thereis some peripherals that have our gb as well hey zeus is not supporting itbecause they're the ones that are in front of all the rgb perfect um i wastold no timeline or anything specific but that there's plans to eventuallysupport third-party keyboard and mice yeah i'm sure so it's like you know whenthat comes about not that this is necessary for postingbut i figured may as well do the rgb makes you play games better elena i meanif you're talking about me with a mouse and keyboard shirt we're not use happymcquaid street work nice what does a wireless mouse i think it's just the waythe cable comes out so that if you want

to take away actually that's not a badidea because the cables are often the thing that go bad in these things yeahso they're a standard cable it's like my three years thing yeah - and thekeyboard has mx cherry reds not blues okay we have no usb in the front so i'mgonna plug this and move it back i mean hopefully we won't need any of theseperipherals and it'll just post all righti'm just looking at mostly because i want to see the blade him up no howwould you and over there going i can't get this stupid cover off red rgb givesyou more hp blue gives you more mana green violet and orange give you betterdrop rates for magical items there you

goyep is best the next huhthank you view achoo cables yeah they do have a shorter let's see monitors notturning on so i think maybe i need to plug into a different outlet gordon'sthings yes i will be right there do you know mike do you mike hart or no okpizza's here oh right um the problem is i guess whichis just late for here we go okay all right here we go and if it works good then gordon willbring back pizza oh my god look at the lights look at lastyay oh man that is a lot of light i

don't think it's supposed actually ithink i think i got well no i think it's about to give me an error yeah anythingon screen come on baby the screen does take a second to to popon yeah but it should come on yeah that is a lot of gluing yeah we have to lookat the manual picture but if it was truly giving me an error i think youwould just stay on the error code plus it's cycling through all of the problemsoh hey she got it to go to the first trygood job elena yay nice man look how pretty this ismartin come around to side here to see the fans in the front yeah you know you

see what i mean 200 millimeter rgb fanthat's pretty that's pretty nice this is super pretty and the white really makesit not only a pizza to celebrate to celebrate we have pizza thanks john yayand i came from again the microphone it's on me and i probably just bleweveryone say yeah that's fine you know what happened yeah everyone's very veryexcited gordon got it careful that's the glass side hey i'm not prettyoh bell peppers language language and i'm only saying language because youtold me i can't swear so i can't get the enjoyment of swearing and over again inthe pretty so nice look and the light

strips are actually glowing to click sothe nice thing is once you install all the software you can troll it yeah nowi'm getting it you can control it all from the that's the thing i'm reallygonna be testing fred says we we got victory pizza yeah it means a secondstrip i think i'd like to line the top as well like like chain them all aroundthis side right here i think that would be great too bad these aren't moreflexible because i kind of hoped i could do like shape it into like oh yeah putit on top of site well the master but put on top and cooler masters love itbut the the ones that come with the au5 are pretty thin might be able to dosomething that's actually compatible

with or a sink oh right my goal for mygoal for this build was to controller through one piece of software that's thereason why i have so many parts from the similar companies 100 in the that's nicesomething the keyboard and the the keyboard in the mouse to really hold theroom together you know got those cherry reds i kind of like this to be a littlemore intense mmm i might have the cpu fan in thewrong salon i might have to put it in the other one i wasn't sure which onesthe optional one which one is the main one it feels like yeah needs just alittle more light no i do have an error code yeah yeah so it seems like i mightneed to put this fan header on two on

this one instead actually that ram ispretty nice yeah new skulls though originally i had a kit early on with therising last year and you had to plug an additional cable into it you should knowpower all the lakester in the here because the shrouds gonnacover that man this is the best you want to add the second strip now no no i meanwe got it to post that's usually their end point and yeah we're only a littlebit past three hours four hours really never mind new york pizzas not bad it ain't newyork pizza yeah we're looking for hours no wonder all right well why don't youtell uh tell everyone what they can

expect next next steps for me are goingto be predominantly cleaning up those cables and then also figuring out justwhat i can do with the aura sync software i mean in theory i should beable to tie we're looking at my my cider we should be able to tietogether some macros or automated you know lights i'm not sure if i can get itto tie in to smart home stuff but if i could somehow get it to flash if a pizzadelivery guy shows up pretty awesome so yeah just more exploration seeing thatwhat i can do with it if people have suggestions for light color schemes i'mhappy to take them i am not really great with interior decoration or lights oranything like that so i'm likely just to

let this flash around like vegas and uhreal quick nathan lowry gave us a hundred more illuminati tokens thank youfor for the for the effort so thank you nathan thank you for all the people whosubscribe stuff yeah i really like those light strips i feel like it really addssomething yeah gordon yeah victory pizza thank you everyone for tuning in andcheck back shortly for uh for the follow up thanks everyonebye

Not the Same Old Blues Crap 2

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