
5:41 AM

have you heard of amla before? amla or indian gooseberries have been usedfor centuries in ayurvedic medicine (an ancient natural form ofmedicine in india that's been practiced for over 5,000 years). now, amla's been used for centuries to treata wide variety of chronic health conditions,minimize chronic inflammation, and reverse chronic disease. amla has been used to treat respiratory diseases,intestinal inflammation, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, highcholesterol, liver diseases, cancer, and inflammatory

skin conditions. when you take a look at the list of healthconditions that amla can help ameliorate, you might be asking yourself a simple question:is this berry too good to be true? amla is the king of whole food antioxidants,boasting more antioxidant power than any intact whole food knownto man. these berries are an antioxidant powerhousethat modern medicine is only beginning to understand. to gain some perspective, amla 75 times theantioxidant power of goji berries, 60 times

the antioxidant powerof pomegranate, 50 times the antioxidant power of raw blueberries, 13 times the antioxidantpower of black raspberries, 2.5 times the antioxidant powerof acai, and 2 times the antioxidant power of ground turmeric. now what exactly are antioxidants? think of antioxidants as your body's freeradical defense mechanism. free radicals are formed every second of everyday - by exposing your skin to sunlight, by exercising, byexposing yourself to chemicals, and simply by breathing in oxygen.

now these free radicals are nastymolecules because they're chemically unstable. and in the search for chemical stability,they bombard themselves into structures anywhere in thecellular environment including dna, causing direct dna damage --both in the mitochondria as well as in the nucleus. they can also cause lipid peroxidation inthe plasma membrane as well as in other parts of the cell, and theycan cause oxidative stress to proteins all around the cellular environment. and that's exactly where antioxidants comeinto the picture...

antioxidants have one job and one job only,and that is to quench free radicals before they cause extensivecellular damage. now eating a low-fat, plant-based, whole-fooddiet is the single most effective way to increase the amount ofantioxidants in your diet coming from whole foods, and eating a wide variety of colorfulfruits and vegetables on a daily basis is your #1 defense mechanismat limiting the power of free radicals in your body. why? well, it'sactually quite simple.

because plant foods contain on average 64times more antioxidant content than animal foods. now whole food antioxidants are more powerfulthan antioxidants found in supplements. these whole foodantioxidants -- when found in food -- do the following: they assist in the repair of mitochondria,mitochondrial dna, nuclear dna, organelle membranes, cellmembranes, and proteins all throughout the cellular environment. now frequent exposure to whole food antioxidantsis a great thing because it improves cellular

longevity, andthat's a good thing for you because the longer your cells live, the longer you live. scientists have beenstudying these powerful berries for decades. in 1988, researchers studied the effect oftaking an amla supplement in men with normal and high cholesterolbetween the ages of 35 and 55. they fed both groups of men a raw amla supplementfor a total of 28 days, and measured their totalcholesterol, ldl cholesterol, hdl cholesterol, and triglycerides at the end of the 28 dayperiod. during this 28-day period, they found that their total cholesterol

and ldl cholesterol dropped significantly. these men were followed for another 14 dayseating a diet without amla supplementation, to determinewhether their cholesterol values would change when the supplement was withdrawn. when the men in the high cholesterol groupstopped taking amla, their cholesterol levels rose to almostbaseline levels - in half the time that it took for their cholesterol to drop in thefirst place. in a 2011, scientists investigated the effectof consuming 1, 2, or 3 grams of amla powder per day on bloodglucose and cholesterol levels vs. glimepiride,

a commonly prescribed diabetes medication. they investigatedthe effect of both daily amla powder and glimepiride in normal subjects and those living with type2 diabetes. in comparison with baseline values, dailyconsumption of amla led to a significant decrease in blood glucoseafter only 21 days. all doses significantly reduced their bloodglucose values - using only 1 gram of amla perday was just as effective as glimepiride. both fasting and post-prandial (post-meal)blood glucose values were significantly reduced within this 3 week period.

they also observed significant decreases intotal cholesterol and triglycerides in both normal and diabeticsubjects given either 2 grams or 3 grams per day. they found that ldl cholesterol was reducedby more than 40% in the first 3 weeks, and triglyceridevalues were reduced by more than 45%, while their hdl cholesterolincreased by approximately 25%. in 2012, researchers in india compared theeffects of a 500 mg daily amla capsule in a head-to-headcompetition with 20 mg of simvistatin, one of the leading statin medications.

they investigated the effect ofamla and simvistatin in sixty patients with total cholesterol greater than 240 mg/dl andldl cholesterol greater than 130 mg/dl. forty of the sixty patients were treated witha 500 mg capsule containing pure amla powder, and the remainingtwenty patients were treated with 20 mg simvistatin. all patients were followed for 6 weeks, todetermine the effect of each treatment on their blood lipidsand blood pressure. amla was found to be just as effective assimvistatin at reducing total cholesterol, reducing ldl cholesterol,and increasing hdl cholesterol.

simvistatin treatment was found to be moreeffective than amla at reducing only vldl cholesterol and triglycerides. given the results of this study, one may concludethat amla is just as effective as simvistatin. howeverprolonged use of statin medication results in a laundry list of side effects that cannotbe ignored, while amla is known to have no negative side effects (exceptfor a sour taste). in 2012, the food and drug administration(fda) warned the public that prolonged use of statin medicationscan significantly increase your risk for the of development of type 2 diabetes, and that'sa problem.

a meta-analysis published in 2010 in the journallancet that analyzed 14 clinical trials involving more than91,000 patients found that the use of statin medications to control cholesterol increaseddiabetes risk by 9%. another meta-analysis published in the journalof the american medical association (jama) in 2011 involvingmore than 32,000 subjects found that prolonged use of statin medication to control your cholesterolincreased your diabetes risk by 12%. in a paper published in 2013, indian researchersfound that statins induce a collection of unwanted side effects,including:

hemorrhagic strokeperipheral neuropathy cognitive impairmentincreased cancer risk and erectile dysfunction, to name just a few... that's exactly why we decided to make ourown amla product. we figured if the benefits of using smallamounts of amla outweigh the leading pharmaceutical medications, we better find a way to makeit delicious. otherwise, no one will consume it. now at this point you might be asking yourselfa real simple question. if the amla stuff is so good, why isn't iteverywhere?

is this just the next superfood in a longline-up of trendy natural products? the reason why thisstuff isn't everywhere is because there's many roadblocks to getting a high-qualityamla product on the shelf. problem #1: amla must be imported into theunited states. you see, amla is not grown in the united states. it's grown primarily in india so shippingcosts make it prohibitively expensive for manufacturershere in the united states to create a high-quality amla product thathas a reasonable price. problem #2: raw crop contamination

you see, amla is often contaminated with lead,fungus, and microbes. as a result, it does not meet strict usimport standards. this is a huge problem because obtaining afresh, uncontaminated crop here in the united states has been very difficult. problem #3: crop-to-crop variability due to differences in, soil conditions, geography,climate, humidity, and access water, there are large variationsin amla antioxidant content in different regions of india, resulting in large crop-to-cropvariability that decreases consumer confidence.

problem #4: not all amla is grown under organicconditions. and that's a problem because as the berriesare concentrated and ground into a powder, pesticide residue canaccumulate. now amla does have one side effect, and thatis that is has a disgustingly sour flavor, rendering it practicallyinedible for most people. product manufacturers recommend diluting theamla flavor inside of a sweet drink in order to mask the flavor almost entirely. now before i move on, i want to make a reallyimportant point here. here at mastering diabetes, we are a hugeproponent of the power of a low-fat, plant-based,

whole-food dietfor maximizing your insulin sensitivity and reversing insulin resistance. that is without question the first line ofdefense against increasing insulin requirements and increasing oral medication requirements. in addition to alow-fat, plant-based, whole-food diet, amla supplementation can significantly improveyour overall metabolic health including your diabetes health, yourcardiovascular health, and decreasing your risk for cancer at thesame time. we believe so strongly in amla that i decidedto dust off my lab coat, get back in the laboratory,

and formulate abrand new amla product that tastes great, meets all us import standards, and is completelyfree of contamination. we're working extremely hard with top tiergrowers in india to get access to high quality, contamination free, delicious, wild amla. the amla product we have created is an indiangreen tea called amla green. it meets the following requirements: amla green (tm) tastes great, with zero sourflavor and zero bitterness

amla green (tm) is a highly concentrated amlasource, containing 20 grams of berries per gram of dry powderamla green (tm) is 100% pure, free of lead, fungus, and microbial contamination confirmedby laboratory testingamla green (tm) is 100% organic, grown under pesticide-free conditionsamla green (tm) is non-gmo amla green (tm) uses culinary grade amla withextremely high antioxidant activity (orac value)amla green (tm) is as close to a whole food as possible - only water has been removedduring preparation if you're interested in getting access toamla green (tm), enter your email below to

receive 20% off of your firstorder. due to supplier constraints, we do not expectto receive a large first shipment, which means that this product islikely to sell out very quickly. in order to save 20%, put your name on thepresale list below and be the first person to enjoy indian green tea. end of mastering diabetes article humans secrete melanin, a pigment in our skinthat is responsible for darkening our skin when we go in thesun. think of melanin as natural human sunscreen,the purpose of which is to protect the dna

in your skinfrom getting damaged by direct uv radiation from the sun. in general, the more sun exposure we get,the more melanin we secrete. dark-skinned people have moreendogenous (internal) melanin production in their skin, while light-skinned individualshave less endogenous melanin production. fruits and vegetables, contain pigments calledantioxidants that do the same thing - they protect dna fromgetting damaged by direct uv radiation from the sun.

unlike melanin, antioxidants in food comein practically every color of the rainbow, which is whatgives fruits and vegetables their colorful appearance. think of antioxidants as sunscreen that fruitsand vegetables create to shield themselves from excessive uvradiation from the sun. antioxidants are front-line soldiers thatact as electron donors in your bloodstream and donate electrons toneutralize the damage caused by free radicals. the more colors you eat, the more antioxidantsyou consume, the more front line soldiers are made availableto perform complex cellular repair work.


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