On the Banks of a Lonely River

4:41 AM

isn't it great?he's getting engaged next week. i see. the bus is here. no one gives us a look.do we look so bad? i don't know about you,but we look okay. look there,the girl's hostel bus is arriving. art's college. bye. bye. nidhi, your projectpapers are with me.

poly-technique college! are you cold-hearted? poor guy's stands every dayat the bus stop for three years. why don't you look at him? he's not that bad looking. are you listening to me? i've been speaking for so long,but you haven't said a word. don't you love him? i don't.

then you should clearly tell that boy. i don't even look at him. then take my advice. and tell him that you don't love him. and he shouldn't waste his time. that's not it. - what? i am scared that if i talk to him,i will fall in love. so you want him to standthere every day like this. selfish. - you're right. i am selfish.

my father's no more.i have two younger sisters. i am my mother's only hope. she faces so manydifficulties for my education. under these conditions i cannot.. sorry, nidhi. but i don't want him to waitat the bus stop for you every day. don't give him hopes by staying quiet. for the last three years, he'sbeen waiting for you at the bus stop. and tomorrow is thelast day of college.

look, you're hero's looking at you.at least take a peek. don't look that way. why doesn't she look at me?give me some idea. take this. are you crazy? she looked at the tattoo today. but did she see you? priya, listen priya. nidhi, listen. his name is krishna.

that's enough.i cannot lend you anymore money. when will you return my money? that's her. brother, she's beautiful. what are you doing here? go away. hey..how dare you getin a lady's bus? get out. sir, please.. sir, i'll just speakto her and get off. you won't listen.. - listen to me.

i just want to talk to her. where's krishna? he died while tryingto save your life. forgive me, krishna.i made a big mistake. talk to me. i love you. i love you! i love you!i love you! i love you! i love you! don't see such shocking dreams.

as you can see,the subject's in coma.. ..and there's nohope of him waking up. according this we can say that.. i saw that dream again yesterday. don't bore me withtelling me your dream. i am fed up of listeningto your dreams. did you see his face this time? - no. it was too dark. and yet you said i love you.

i don't know what this is called. in medical terms it's called mental.- silence! i was saying, the subject is in coma.. you know, i have an idea. you can go into the worldof your dreams to meet your lover. stop joking. - what else should i do? who believes in dreamsin this modern age? crazy girl. asha, if this dream is true.. ..then you just wait and watch,he's my true love..

..and i will marry him. hey you.. this is not a real gun. look. stop it! they are my friends.- sorry, ma'am. just go away. - okay, ma'am. i am so sorry richard. really sorry.- really.. don't want your friendship. come on, let's go. this isnot the way to treat your friends. he's the person who's themastermind behind the bomb blast..

..which has happened in mumbai,delhi, hyderabad and merut. excuse me. according to the indianintelligence report.. ..this man's been staying here alongwith his gang for the past..3 months.. daddy..why am i beingbothered so much? do i need this absurd security? so what? ma'am, you must leave. right now.

dad.. sorry gentlemen. we will circulate his photograph in.. ..all the hotels,public places..and malls. ..we have to nab him immediately. hey man, how much longerto make my passport? we've already given you enough money,but you're still taking so long. when will we get our passport?our mission is getting delayed. listen to me, you willget your passport pretty soon.

your dad's life is in danger,and still you took such a step. then give him security, not me. leave me alone. terrorists can kidnapyou and blackmail your father. you have to follow the protocols.- just shut up, okay. sharmila, are these your manners? who do you think he is?he's my chief security officer. so he's more importantfor you than me. that's not it, dear.

you should explain her properly. sharmila,you're the only support i have. try to understand. why do you always explain me, daddy? excuse me, sir.it's time for your flight. sharmila, i am going to the us. i'll be back in 10 days. take care. - okay, daddy. he's made our life hell.

he's back every 2-4 monthsto make our life difficult. he thinks the jailis some tourist place. this time he beatup the minister's son. it was really tough to get bail. i am releasing himbecause i respect you. leave me.leave me. - what are you doing? leave me.. - i won't spare him. he's our child after all. leave me.- who treats his son like this?

listen to me.. forsake your anger. i will shoot him. what are you doing? he'll be here, i'll call him. are you digging for gold? everyone was looking for you,and where were you? i was in ramesh's room. you've made my life difficult. i've never seen a uselesschild like you before.

your father yells at you every day,but you still don't listen. i wonder when you'll understandthe value of time. - what happened? that's what i told him. tell him. those who get drunk and fallunconscious on the street at night.. ..must be more important than us.- correct. he's made a fool of me again. sister, i am coming. what's this?i've been looking all over for you. what are you doing here?- just sitting..

what's this crowd for? after looking at my sonography,aunt said i'll have a baby girl. i see..if it was a boy,there would've been no party? what if the boy turnsout to be useless like you? i am so lucky. she just humiliated me. i'm 22 years old..but hasanyone celebrated our birthday? and they are already celebratingfor the girl who isn't born yet. attack. - yes.

brother, why did youtake 2000 rupees from my box? did you or not? i saw your boyfriend today,in the pub. he was so close to a girl. brother,did you take the money or not? listen to what i am saying. she was more beautiful than you,sukanya. i was afraid of this. how was she looking in the mini-skirt? she was looking amazing.

did she have a tattoo? - yes. i will beat her with my shoe. aren't you ashamed ofstealing your sister's money? what will she do with the money? let's go. silence. silence. everybody keep quiet. now grandpa will speak. father, please.

yes..when i came to mumbaifor the first time..i.. stop misbehaving. is this how you treat your elders? no more sound.. father, please sit down.i'll speak to them. - fine. i am so happy that we'regoing to be blessed with a girl.. ..instead of useless boys. - papa. another good news isthat our business turnover.. ..has reached more than 50 crores.

but there's another good news.and we've gathered around for that. this isn't a gathering,it's a bothering. my friend my paris has requestedme to open a branch out there.. ..which i accepted. he's going to sponsor oneof our men to study the market. and so we've decidedto select someone.. ..from the younggeneration and send there. whoever gets selectedcan take one more person along. hand that to me. - here.

all the youngster's names are in this,except for one. why isn't my name in there? did i say your name isn't in it? you're sure your name isn't in it. then do one thing. don't laugh. disown me. i am no longer your son. oh..get the stamp paper,i'll do it right away. brother.. stop it. go fast. - what are you doing?

stop saying this. you think i will leavehome if you didn't add my name. i'll send everyoneto jail before i do. send them to jail? but why? did you forget? you're a doctor. it's illegal to determinethe sex of the fetus. what if he tells someone? - so what? do what he says? - revati. otherwise i'll be thrownout of the medical council. - okay.

the tables have turned.- don't misjudge me. listen, if you go take me along.i've never seen paris. you? never. ram! sit down. raghav. yes brother.- who does he want to take along? who else? me.. - uncle, he'smy best friend. i will go with him. nonsense.

everyone was at home..butno one knows where sharmila went. what were you all doing? sir, we asked sharmila's friends.they say they don't know. but we can't be surethey are telling the truth. if you want,i can talk to the local police. airport, railway station,we can look everywhere. no, no, she wanted freedom. she must be somewhere close. if anyone finds out about this,it will create problems.

we'll wait for her. ram, is everything alright? how does it feel there? seems like i am still flying. meaning..- hello, brother. how are you? who is speaking? - sukanya. suku..aren't you the onewho humiliated me for 2000 rupees? now do you know my importance? these foreigners carry my luggage.

i am travelling in a mercedes. come back to mumbaiand i will show you. i guess the call's disconnected. hey..ramya.. is something burning? - give me that. ram, you scoundrel. you would take me everywhere you go. and now when i had a chanceto have fun, you went alone. what should i do out here now?

no, no..some people aresupposed to stay useless. rajni's style,sachin's cricket, rehman for music.. ..and at home..it's me. he's turned so lethal. is ram on the phone? hello, ram.. i want to talk to. yes, ram.. hello. ram.i want to talk to him as well. - wait. see, destiny's been followingme around like a dog.. excuse me,sir, passport please. - yes.

thank you. like a dog..you know, puppy.- i love puppies. i told your uncle to get a puppy. hello. - get a puppy for me,won't you? yes, okay. okay. give me the phone. here, talk to puppy..i mean ram. daddy. - do you know where you are? the wine factory.

wine factory. daddy, you know i love wine.but wine factory? you're too much. now look behind you. the car that brought youthere has disappeared. - yes, and you don't have yourpassport either? - yes. now listen to me carefully.. from today you're justa porter in that wine factory. you must earn for a living yourself. if you want to come back to india..

..you must arrange formoney through hard work. after you slog like a dog,you'll understand the value of life. and yes,don't even think of running away. that isn't paris, but a prison. daddy! brother, what have you done? if he thinks he's smart,then i am smarter. he wanted to get us all locked up. daily fights..policestations..i tried hard..

..but he didn't reform. and i played this ruse,and he fell for it. brother,that paris branch..and the chit.. that was my plan.his name was on every chit. what if he had takensomeone else along? if he had, he would'vetaken this useless boy along. it would've ended another trouble. you barely escaped. brother, this isn't right.

sister-in-law would'venever let this happen. he's been taking advantage of that. now he will realize. the boss of that factoryis no ordinary person. very strict, disciplined and strong. my friend..gabbar singh. rascal, do you know whosedoing is this? - i don't know. we told you to squeezejuice from the grapes. and you ate all the grapes yourself.

don't hit me. - i shouldn't. you're blowing up like a balloon? why did you eat it? i was hungry, what could i do?- so will you ate the grapes? sir, this buffoon ate the grapes. sir, this boy's krishnadev'sson..from mumbai. your friend. - so, it's you. you look like a novice,but i've heard you're smart. those who act too smart her,their wings are clipped.

everyone who stays hereearns a living for themselves. and if he fails to do it, thenhe rots here for the rest of his life. after squeezing 25 kilos ofgrapes..you get one bottle of juice. and you get 5 rupees for a bottle. and all you get is halfa bottle of water for 5 rupees. sir, what's the costfor mumbai's ticket? 45,000 rupees. - 45? that means 9000 bottles. if i don't squeeze 25000kilos of grapes, i can't go home.

hey, take him to work with you. is gabbar your father's friend? is he your father's father too? yes, he is. his father is a friend too. they make people slaves. - no. he treats rich spoilt brats like this. so..are you rich too? - yes. what did you do?

people used to call me lover-boy. beautiful girls were crazy about me. there wasn't a singlegirl in the area, who.. it's hard to believe thatgirls were crazy about you. really? good morning, anusuya mom. what's this? he's callingthe car his mom and serving coffee? gabbar's mother anusuyadevi passed away in this car. so this car is connectedwith his sentiments.

sentiments for the dead,and punishment for the living. not just coffee,chinese during day, italian at night.. ..and world-class winefor the car during festivals. pandu, is he the new guy? bring him here. come on, son. get in the queue. you look like you'refrom a rich family. you can't get out of here. look at us, this is goingto be your condition as well.

we came here for sightseeing,and settled down here instead. don't have any doubts. there are no chancesof getting out of here. this is the worstkind of jail in paris. why did you stop? if you don't squeeze out 60buckets of juice, we won't get food. move your legs,or i'll use mine on you. listen, this isn't wine,it's my blood. start music.

swamiji, the houseseems lonely without him. no, it's just peaceful now. i sent him there to reform him,so that he becomes responsible. right, father. krishna, you shouldn'thave sent him there. his life is goingto get more confused. all will be well in the end. mummy? where's my mummy? am i running around in circles?

what's this? suicide case? hey.. stop. hey! were you talking to me? meaning? were you really talking to me? do you see anyone else here? i wonder how thiscrazy girl got to paris.

mummy.. stop, mummy. oh, god! come on. stop. stop. mummy! i should've jumped with the girl. leave me. you think you can escape us.bring him along.

stop staring.i am stuck because of you. jump. come on, jump. drown. who is he talking to? don't meet me again. hey..are you drunk? where is she? jump. get him in. i guess..he's crazy.

mummy's coming. hey..i am sparing youbecause you're my friend's son. otherwise i would've taken youapart and drowned you in the river. quiet. you're acting too smart. i'm going to shoojohnny on you tonight. who is johnny? is he scary? i am not scared of any johnny? this time,we will all escape together. .

right, loverboy. - no chance. do you know who is johnny?- must be a dog. no..he's a tiger. - tiger? sir, please save me. it's me, we met in the morning. silly girl, you scared me.i thought you're a witch. are you scared of witches? only a little. by the way, what are you doing here?

i..some goons were chasing me. i came here trying to escape them. you're so unfortunate.- why? what's wrong? in the morning when we met,i thought what a handsome guy you are. what eyes,what looks..what personality. i was floored. look..you can't impressme with this nonsense. i am quite intelligent. continue..you were floored.- yes, i was floored.

completely floored. but when those goonsstarted dragging you. i couldn't endure it. the prince of mydreams..so unfortunate. i couldn't imagine. they locked you uplike an animal here. my dad.. - what are you saying? talk respectfully for your father. what respect? he's not a human being.

i was the topper in my college. but during the last examsi couldn't study properly.. ..due to the t-20 matches,so i scored 2nd rank. but i told him that. but that man didn't show any mercy. as a punishment he made me a porter. did you have to come here for that? i would've never come here.. ..but i came here forsightseeing and got stuck.

don't get sentimental..tellme your story. cut! cut! cut! cut! be quick. start from the beginning. shoot. my name's sharmila. i am from mumbai.i am in my final year medical. i met a boy calledjohn woo on facebook. he looked really handsome. i was floored on his profile picture.

he would send me funnyjokes and make me laugh. days passed..andfriendship turned to love. this often happens,beautiful people are fools. he wanted to callme to paris and marry me. i came here..but.. was it fun? - what? why are you crying? my love.. turned out to be a 50 year old guy.

and the profile picture?- it was his young age. john woo. silly girl. yes, you're right. i am stuck in paris, like you. what? pulling my leg. you're joking about me too. go on. - my love was rich,just like he was old. when i escaped from his clutches,he sent goons after me.

please let me stay here for one night. i won't do anything. who was roaring? - it's a tiger. tiger? - yes? you want to see? look. what a silly boy. that's not a original tiger. do you know blue rays?german technology. through the blue rays technologythey create a high definition image..

..that looks like an original image. so.. - that's not a tiger. what is it? - blue ray. which is? - german technology. good boy? it's not a real tiger?how do you know? you know blue ray? you? you? - no.

bloody illiterates'. blue ray, it's a german technology.. is.. - is.. a.. - a.. it's not a tiger, it's a blue ray. blue.. i've decided,tonight whoever wants freedom.. ..can come with me. what's going on?

if you stop working thedrum's size will increase. move your legs. now i am going toteach that fake tiger.. ..made from blue rays a good lesson. buddy, i'll come along. come on, don't make a sound. tiger. run! run! run!

the tiger's coming. aashiq mastane! lie down. lie down on the ground! stand up. - boss! boss. if you guys want to die,then i will shoot you. he said the tiger isn't real,it's made of blue film. that's blue ray. - shut up. this is your doing, right?

get up, please. i am in trouble again. the same thing happened again. they were four..you knew. they were after me.it was my lover's gang. they started the projection again. that fake tiger will come out,and slowly.. eat you. get out. get out. - but..

i said get out. german technology, blue ray.you're bad luck. i always get in troublewhen i meet you. but.. - i will kill you.i will kill you. i will take your life. - but.. get out. i said get out! 'i made a big mistake.she doesn't know it's real.' 'what if she runs intohim thinking it's a fake?' sharmila.

where did she go? johnny. why do you look so weak today? when the tiger's hungry,he'll look weak. if i could get something to eat.. fine, drink your tonic. stop this charade and get to work. you come out. what are you saying? he doesn't look scared.well, i'll run away then.

you want to run. run johnny, for your life. i am dead. already less tiger is left. you tried to scare us last night,isn't it? listen..to me..please. forget what happened. let me go. on one condition. get my passport. passport? you're askingme to do the impossible.

gabbar singh keeps it in the locker.- fine. i'll go tell everyone. wait..if gabbar finds out,he will shoot me. i am there.i am the king of this area. i don't care how you do this job. just get me out of here,and i'll handle the rest. deal done. now you're on your own, i am going. 'i said get out.' i am such a big fool.

hi. hi. - hi. what are you doing here?- who is that old couple? i was saying.. oh that, that's john woo.we've decided to get married. why are you in sucha hurry to get married? so what if he's old.he looks like amitabh bachchan. everyone has their own destiny. it does make a difference to me.

look at him,look at me..and look at the old guy. you said i am a fool, silly girl.. and anyway, i can't go to india. soon i'll be his wife in 2 days. what do i do?what do i do? what do i do? should i kill him? tell me something,do you want to go to india? - yes. fine, i'll take care of it.- you're saying that now. but you'll scream at me later.- forget all that.

promise, i won't scream at you. but then i've a condition. you won't take advantageof my situation.. ..and won't make me work..or touch me. i won't touch you even in my sleep. but why won't you work?- you see if i work, i start to sweat. and i hate sweat. she thinks she's some kind of fairy. say it loudly.don't speak in your mind.

nothing, i was thinkinghow should i take you to india. so, you don't have a passport,how will you take me there? now listen to me carefully,and don't question me. okay. what are you saying, dk? she would always leave inthe morning and return late night. but this time it's beendays and she hasn't returned yet. don't worry, sir. sharmilama'am must have gone to a new place. she will be back soon. yes. - sir, someone here to see you.

he says he's the son of your friend.shall i send him in? yes, send him in. good morning uncle. so, you're sharad's son? sharad uncle was a close friend.poor guy passed away 6 months ago. so he'll get a littleemotional when he sees you. i am really sad aboutsharad's sudden demise. it was really very bad. don't over-act.

how many siblings are you?- you're the only child. correct. i last metsharad when you were born. how did you come to paris?- i went to europe with my friends. two days ago my bag was stolen,it also had my passport. i didn't know what to do,that's when i thought of you. he'll get suspicious afterhearing about your passport. i see. how will iknow you're sharad's son? don't be scared andsay it confidentially. uncle, your copied from my father'spaper at the intermediate exams.

other than that,there was a girl in college.. okay, okay, where are you staying?- at the hotel. stay at our home. - if you go home,you'll get in trouble. no, uncle,i am better with my friends. if you could arrangefor my passport soon.. - yes. give your photo anddetails to my secretary. and collect your passporttomorrow at 3 o'clock. if you still face any problems,show this card. - okay, uncle. your daughter, uncle?

yes. hey.. - bye. how could you say everythingso accurately? who is he? how do you know him?why didn't you come along? it would've been so mucheasier if you had come along. i told you not to ask questions. he's my lover's friend,how could i tell you that? passport's fine,but to get to india we need.. i'll tell you that later.

we still have two daysbefore you get your passport. until then you mustwork to make a living. how? but how. just do as i say, and earn money. 'foreign language' look, that girl. start from there. excuse me, ma'am. - yes.

excuse me, sir. okay. hey, what are you doing?- sir..move aside. what's he doing? stop. - sir.. is he alive? wonderful. superb idea. you will do that, but on the streets. bloody miser.. you see if i work, i start to sweat.and i hate sweat.

boss..who's that girl? - that girl? she's the indianambassador's daughter. what happened? you're so quiet today. where do you live?mumbai? - yes. mumbai. mumbai? jaanu? - yes, jaanu. jaanu. why are you asking about him?- nothing important. if he was young, you would've marriedhim and settled down here. right?

but he's old, that's why you left him. ram, what's wrong with you today? sharmila, if you're in love with him,then go marry him. come on. - where? to your lover's home. come on. don't come any closer. i won't go. from now we go separate ways. goodbye. ram. don't leave me alone.please ram. - bye.

hello! look at him. come on, man. come with me. help. help me! help. come on! help me! you're back. oh, you didn't want to leave me alone.

actually, you didn't understand. i really loved him. but his intentions weren't right.- you liar. who do you think i am?do i look crazy? i know the truth.you're the ambassador's daughter. if you speak about jaanu again,i will strangle you. i am fed up. - fed up, so soon. you couldn't live inthe factory for 2 days.. ..and i've been coopedup in this cage for 10 years.

security everywhere..myfriends left me. i've been through torture. i can't take it anymore.i want to live my life on my terms? is that wrong? i was scared to go to india alone,that's when i found you. i thought i could meetsavita in mumbai with your help. she's a doctor in gandhi hospital.i've studied medicine as well. i thought i'll settledown there with her help. for the next two days, if i can escapedad's security, then i will be free.

please help me, ram. you want my help, you'll get it. but for that i need 10,000 euros.- 10,000. are you joking?where will i get that kind of money? we need two flight tickets, right. you said..where wereyou supposed to get it then? ram, this is very risky. this idea won't workat the last minute. we will get stuck.- not me, you will get stuck,

since i came to paris,i am always getting in trouble. i will go meet your dad directly. but not for the passport,but to trap you permanently. think about it? deal or no deal. go to the main buildingof the university campus. as soon as you get in, take the stairson your right to the first floor. there are many idols in the hall. the third one on the rightis albert richardson's idol. my locker keys are behind it.

locker no. 1133. it's got a purse that has my atm card. where is sharmila?- she..she's with me. tell her to go home soon. otherwise..talk toher dad over the phone. the police are torturing us. daddy..daddy.. daddy.. how are you, son? all okay.

my life has turned intothe grapes of the wine. please call everyone iwant everyone to taste this wine. i'll call everyone, wait. ramya, ramesh,sukanya, gopi..come everyone. is everyone there? - yes. switch to speaker? - okay. it's done, now speak. shed your tears. cry so hard that it creates a storm. because after this call..youwill run out of all your money.

forgive me, dad. finallyi understand the value of life. isn't that what youwanted to hear, mr. dad? surprised?you got me trapped and i got out. you must be shocked. how dare you talkto your dad like that? who said that? oh..the drunkard who drinkscountry liquor in a wine bottle. uncle raghav. ram, what are you saying?

aunty. yes, son. - aunty. speak up. aunty. - hey, speak up. aunty..you joined handswith the enemy and betrayed me. if my mother had been alive,she would've never done this. look, no point in crying.just be patient few more days, son. then your dad will call you back.- why, aunty? playing games with me.

listen krushnadev amrutlal patel. you turned my life into hell,now i've lost it. now it's your turn. you've awakened a sleeping lion, dad.- why you.. i will..see you.. didn't we go sightseeing paris? it's all over.our hard work's gone to waste. you've been sleeping for 18 hours. i tried waking you up,but you didn't wake up.

you had to reach by 3 tocollect your passport, it's 4 now. the embassy willclose down in an hour. and the flight leaves at 8. we can't make it. - we will. ram..i will meet youdirectly at the airport. collect your passport and be there. if you don't find me,imagine that i got caught. don't wait for me, you leave. bye, ram. - that won't happen.we'll go to india together.

just wait and watch. it should get circulated immediately.- okay, sir. yes.. dk, he's the boy i mentioned about. hello. ask david whether the passport'sbeen issued or not. - sure, sir. hello, subbu. - david, come in. what? are you sure? damnit.

what happened, sir? money's been withdrawnfrom sharmila's account. this means she's right here. but you can't find her. sir, let me speak. hello, dk here. get me the security feedof the atm used to withdraw money. and send the footage atthe embassy's email. immediately. sir, we'll soon knowwho withdrew the money.

what do you mean by who?must have been sharmila. uncle, if the passport's ready..- what are you doing here? wait outside.- son, we're very tensed right now. collect your passport tomorrow.- but uncle.. what did i just say? i said get out. excuse me, sir. here.your passport is ready. - that's good. okay, you can go. - thanks, sir. he's hidden his face from the camera. dk..i think bothyour reasons are wrong.

he's not a thief,nor is he her friend. - then? i think she loves him. since she was a kid, all my doubtsabout sharmila have always been right. 'if you don't find me,imagine that i got caught.' 'don't wait for me, you leave.' sir, please take your seat. attention please, passengers travellingto south africa are requested to.. ..proceed for security check. ram.

listen carefully. get to gandhi hospital..dr.savita. don't forget. excuse me, dr.savita. - 1st floor, icu ward. yes, whom do you want to meet?- dr. savita? yes, that's me.- hello, i am sharmila's friend. sharmila? sharmila who?- sharmila, who lives in paris. medical student, your friend.- sorry, there's no sharmila here. you're mistaken. this is the icu,you're not allowed in here. please wait outside.

you're dr. savita. - yes. so sharmila said you.. please wait outside.. what's wrong with sharmila? her name is sharmila? you know her. i met her at the airport â½ hour ago. what's wrong with her?- it's an accident case. we admitted her 1 week ago.since then she's in coma. the problem is we don'tknow anything about her.

admitted one week ago. wait here,i'll talk to my senior about this. sir, someone's here to seethe girl we admitted last week. thank god. you're absolutely fine. then who is this girl?she looks like you. i brought you thisfar to show you this, ram. your sister? what's her story?- i wanted to enjoy life like you. but i had to stay under tightsecurity due to my dad's position.

his status took away my freedom. 2 weeks ago,dad went to america for a conference. i took advantage of this situation.. ..and outsmarted the securitywith the help of madhav uncle.. ..and went out with my friends. i was waiting at a restaurantfor my car to get fixed.. ..when i saw dad'schief security officer dk.. ..who should've beenwith dad in america. i was shocked to see indian government'smost wanted terrorist with dk.

dk has seen me there. and he startedfollowing me to kill me. i tried telling my dad aboutthis..but his number was unreachable. oh no, he's here. hello, excuse me. - any problem. he's trying to kill me.save me, please. please. what's the problem? hey man.. are you fine, dear?don't call anyone else.

because the entire securitynetwork is under his control. and don't call dad,he won't believe you. you don't know, dear.dk doubts me too. i'll get fired forgetting you out of here. tell me where you are. madhav uncle thought it'snot safe for me to stay in india. so he made arrangementsto send me to india. take this duplicate passport,it's under the name of kalpana. listen to me, dear. you must go.

the flight leaves for india in a hour. my friend peter willpick you up in a hour. you can call me from his phone. remember,don't call anyone from your phone. otherwise dk will catch you. if you face problems in immigration,our men will handle everything. kd. - hello, sir. what are you doing here?- my cousin's arriving from abroad. it's been only a week since you got outof jail..did you start a new business?

who are you fooling this time? microsoft? when did you join this?were you recruited from jail? luckily i found out on time.. ..that the guy madhavuncle sent was a criminal. i managed to slipped past him. taxi. let's go, please. otherwise i will arrest you.- yes, sir.

bloody fool,he arrived at the wrong time. get the car. stop the car. she's dead. erase all evidence. - yes, boss. here you go. check whether she's dead or not. sir, she's bleeding from the ear.she must be dead. i am not dead, i am alive.who are you?

what did you get from all this? boss, it's the police. sir..sir.. sir, she's dead. take her to the hospital. they declared me and thedriver dead on location. - stop. i am still alive. listen to me, please. doctor..doctor, please listen to me.

i am alive, doctor. please, please stop them. don't let them take me away,- giri, what's wrong with her? accident case, madam.death on the spot. you don't care about living people, atleast show some respect for the dead. oh my, god. she's alive.take her to icu immediately. and so dr. savita took meto icu and started treating me. i tried telling dad about this,but he couldn't hear me. we asked sharmila's friends,they say they don't know where she is.

dad, don't listen to him. he's a liar. she wanted freedom.she must be somewhere around. if everyone finds out about this,it can create a problem. - no. we'll wait for her. - no, dad. daddy..no..i am right here, daddy. if you had killed her right here,then we could've been caught. thank god her father thinksshe's out getting her freedom. dk and madhav uncle wereresponsible for my condition. but who could hear my voice?

i was counting my breathin india's government hospital. all my hopes were over. that's when that voicegave me a new hope. someone called out to me finally. you were the only one who saw me. not just see me, but also talk to me. that's why i thought of tellingyou everything immediately. but would you have believed me. if you hadn't believed me,then i would've lost my last hope too.

that's why i brought you this far. maybe you will believeme after seeing the truth. i had no other choice. that's me, ram. surprised. there are billionsof people in this world. why can only i see you? why can only i hear you? i don't understand that either.what can be the reason?

forgive me, krishna. i made a mistake. i see..so do you know this girl?- i do. she's my friend. and her father? don't tell them anythinguntil daddy doesn't get here. i know him. - who is her father? mr. jayasurya. - he's a cricketer? i don't know, sir. and mother's name? - mrs. mahila.

is she a cricketer too? mrs. mahila is jayasurya's wife.- i see, not jaywardhane to play cricket. i asked the right question?- yes, sir. where do they stay? - africa, sir. where in africa? - i don't know, sir. africa is not somemap hanging on the wall.. ..which we can measurewith a tape and put it back. africa is a countrymade from 56 islands..

you're like google, sir.you have so much information. but you didn't giveme any information. sir, i've an idea. let's circulateher photos all over africa. you don't have any brains,where do you get these ideas from? don't suggest me anything in future. you can go now. - sir. let me know if youremember anything. - sir. that's my pen. - sorry sir. what happened?- why did you confuse him?

confuse him? i am confused myself. are you a witch? no, women turn into witchesonly after they are dead. she's only half dead. good spirit. i mean..soul? call me whatever you like,but talk softly. - why? everyone's staring at you. everyone must be thinkingi am crazy, right? ram, we must call papaand tell him everything.

sir, the crowd is growing.we need additional force. please. okay. excuse me, sir. - yes. their leader was on ahunger strike for three days. he's in a bad condition.so we brought him here for treatment. that's why they arecreating an uproar. don't let anyone inside. hey. i want to make a call to paris.- okay, go ahead. don't take it easy,i am very serious about the decision.

sir, listen to me carefully.please don't ask who i am. i know your daughter is missing. she's in coma in agovernment hospital in india. and the person responsibleis your chief security officer dk. he's linked to aterrorist organization. your daughter knew this secret,that's why she was attacked. please come soon. we're waitingfor you at gandhi hospital. her life is in danger. who was it, dk? anything special?- it was wrong number, sir.

with your permission, i'll changeyour number for security reasons. it's dk. what are you doing there? - sir,i was making settlement of kasturi.. how can you leave that girl alive? get out. come on. what are you saying, sir?that girl was dead on spot. her body is in gandhi hospital.- you fool. she's in the icu. some boy called from there.go and kill those two.

if they don't die, we'll be dead. i've troubled you a lot. how long are you going to stay here?soon my papa will be here. you don't need to worry. you can go back. you don't need me anymore. what's wrong?why are you saying such things? nothing, you loved jaanu,but that was a lie. you were floored tosee me..that was a lie too.

similarly..our meetingwill be a lie too. oxygen. hey..where are you going? doctor! change the cylinder quickly.increase pressure, quick. hello..how did you know onthe outside that the oxygen is over? actually.. what? i had a gut feeling.

so, if anything happens inside.. ..it will affect you. i must wait until your father arrives. move back. stay back. stay back. how much longer areyou going to stay here? you haven't eatenanything since morning. go and eat something. please.

glory to.. - ranjit bhai! what happened? the guy who tried to killme is heading towards the icu. that's him, ram. this means someone elseoverheard our conversation. hey, get 10,000 rupeesand come to gandhi hospital. i need to discharge my uncle. don't ask questions. some bigwig called ranjit is dead.

if someone finds out,it will create a stir. ranjit is dead! you killed ranjit. you killed my brother ranjit. don't leave him. this place is dangerous for you.we must get you out of here. you're a fool. i gave you just one job,and you couldn't do that either. please give me two days.- fine. given.

in fact, take three days. but if you don't get the job done,you're dead. dk..i am scared,what if we get caught. if you're scared, you're dead. madam, ram's here. - ram. yes, and he's broughta patient along. - okay. admit the patient, i'll be there. do i look crazy to believe you? there's a spirit. the body's lyinghere, and the spirit's standing there.

she's right here, aunty.- that's enough, ram. what do i do to make you believe me? come here. sharmila, come here. - ram. come here, aunty.- what are you doing? you stand behind her. keep your hands back. - what? keep your hands back. and show a number with your fingers.

fine. two. - two. five. - five. three. - three. one. - one. two. - two again. she isn't changing herfingers anymore, it's still two. two, two..why aren'tyou changing your fingers? now do you believe me, aunty?

tell me, aunty, why are you quiet? she has nothing to say. my condition is such. blood has collected in my brain. they must clot that blood. it's a critical condition. chances of survival are low. and so she's scared to tell you that. why are you looking at me like that?

i am a medical student as well. i am telling you thisafter seeing my report. there's a blood clot in her brain. who told you that? she won't survive. that's not it. there areslim chances of her survival. there's a medicine that'sbeen developed in germany.. ..that needs to be injectedin the patient's body.. ..at a interval of 48 hours.

one needs to take three doses. and the chances of the patient.. ..recovering from coma gets better. but there's a risk. risk? what risk, aunty. once we start this dose.. ..the other two doses shouldbe given at the right time. if we delay..it can affectthe patient's heart, and she can die. it's already happened with a patient.

he didn't get theother two doses on time.. ..and he passed away. that's what i am afraid about. the two doses that we orderedfor the patient are right here.. ..but we must orderthe third dose from germany. but the problem is.. ..we can save her only ifwe start her treatment on time. then start right away, aunty.- we can start. but if we don't inform her family,it will be a big problem, ram.

you just start, aunty. ifthere's a problem, i will handle it. what happened, aunty? i think she can get betterin four days. - superb. great, aunty.you're the best. you're the best. don't just stand there,take aunt's blessings. no, no, let it be! aunty. let her touch your feet first.- she hasn't yet? get well soon. may you be blessedwith all the happiness.

ram, i want to see your family. aunty, can we go home? if we had met back then,i would've taught you a good lesson. and now you want to come back home. that girl..where did she go? look, dear.you two stay here and talk. let me think of a planto bring you back home. let's go, fast. fast. come. quickly. stop. is this a public place?- isn't this mr. patel's home?

yes, so?- so we're in the right place. let's go. - stop. who are you? media. the government has felicitatedyou with the best industrialist award. how do you feel? he's not the one who got the award. he's inside. - oh, he's inside. come on, quickly. - come on. krishnadev sir.look, he's having his meal.

good morning, sir. who are you guys?how did you get in? - media. don't stop, keep eating. do you eat this forbreakfast every day? how do you feel aboutgetting this award? excuse me, please sit in the gardenand take this interview comfortably. now ask your questions.what is the name of the award? gem of industry, master of business.. ..all powerful,modest, thinker, prudent.

is this one award,or a group of awards? it's like a horse race. that's why it's so long. so tell me,how do you feel on getting this award? i'll tell you. father, they are askingabout his emotions. your emotions willgive them loose motions. honestly, i am surprised.- it's been given to the wrong man. there are many otherindustrialists in our country..

..yet, i've been chosen..ifeel like i am so fortunate. sir, who's behind your success? we haven't decided yet. right, brother. there's no one, this is my hard work. how many children do you have? one daughter..and one son. revati, don't take his name. sir, can we meet your son?

he's in paris. brother sent him to paris tostudy so he can join family business. you miss him, don't you?- wouldn't a father miss his son? superb, dad. congratulations, dad. dad, i knew you willmake me proud some day. i am proud of you, dad.i am proud of you. hey..go inside and freshen up.- revati. brother, the media's here. - fine, go.

dad, can i go? can i go now? - no. are you sure? - yes, go. okay. one second. one close-up. smile, dad. hey, you're such a big ham. - yeah. hey uncle, what's up? we let you in because of the media. otherwise we would beclobbering you with a shoe.

i sent them. let darkness..prevail. you fooled your father,now you're dead. uncle. - what? if you tell him..then who will drinkthe scotch in my bag? - i am there. so go ahead. anything wrong, sir? sharmila is in mumbai. how did you find out?

that boy who took hispassport..wasn't my friend's son. he was definitely some fraud, dk. only my daughter knewabout my relation with sharad. how did he find out? that means my daughtertold him everything.. ..and sent him hereto get the passport. and after collecting the passport,he left for mumbai. but sharmila left for mumbai5 days ago on a fake passport. i just found out.

what should i do now? if this new leaks out,it will create problems. i must find my daughter first.wonder how she is. - yes, sir. what are you saying?that award was a sham? yes, father. raghav told me everythinglast night in his drunken state. me? guess my tongue slipped last night. done for.

father, look at his gait. you guys praised him so much.. ..he thinks he's reallygoing to get an award. quiet, or we'll be exposed. i think we shouldtell brother everything. tell him slowly, he shouldn'tget a shock. - no, no, let it be, let this story continue like it is. savitri, you would'vebeen so happy for me today. because i was given such a big award.

the award's called.. what's the award called? such a big award.i wish you were with me. don't cry, brother. there are so manysatellites in the sky. sister-in-law will know before we do. it's all lie. revati. - yes, brother. i saw the television last night.

also read the newspaper today. but there was no mention of my news. brother..this is no ordinary award,it's a prestigious award. they will announce it ondussera or diwali after seeing trps. correct. and when they announce it,it will be a big explosion. of happiness. - uncle. father isn't giving me money. please tell him. - i will.

brother. - yes, brother. don't give him a penny. - yes. i told him. are you happy? you're too much, uncle. i threw a party formy friends for your award. you will get humiliated,what do i care. ramesh..award party, right. if he doesn't give you money,then i will. here.

go and enjoy. brother, don't be too happy. all is not too well. - enjoy. savitri. - uncle. was that you? ..all powerful, modest, thinker,prudent. glory to krishnalal patel! he's so small,yet he remembers, but not me. uncle, i've invited myfriends for a small pizza party. if you could give me some money.

buy them cold drinks as well. glory to krishnalal patel! he could've brought areal award with that money. why? do you want one? what's the point of buyingan award with such a difficult name? 'look at him sleeping so soundlyafter troubling such a lovely family.' ram. where are you? go on. - the results are out. everyone in our group got bad results.

and yours is worse. wow. that's good news.i topped my college. - ram. what about you? you didn't top the college. your marks are worsethan the guy that comes last. your future is darker than dark. party? no, no,i would rather distribute free books.. ..to the poor than throw parties. what nonsense.

i think he's lost his mind.he's sounding absolutely absurd. must be a girl around him.- is that so? listen, we're throwinga party for failing. i've ordered everything. no need to hurry.i'll come to the college myself. don't even think of coming here, theywill drive you away from the gate. you will get entry onlywhen you bring your father. principal's orders. ram. any problem?

what? - uncle called you. why? - someone calledfrom the college? so soon. is everyone downstairs? yes, there's everyone. i am sure you're very happy. wow! what a beautiful moment. go on, i'll come. - okay. sharmila, i want you topromise me something. - what?

nothing, just don't comedownstairs for one hour. - why? when i came second, my fatherpunished me and sent me to paris. yes, so. this time i came 1st, he'llget a little emotional. sentimental. he'll start crying,it will be difficult to control him. watching my father cry..- okay. i can understand. you go, i am right here. no cheating. - i won't. this is your moment, go ahead.

uncle, don't spare him. welcome, you're awake. what were you studying all night thatyou couldn't pass even one subject? why did i let you in this house?- brother. quiet! i let him inside because of the media. but i won't go meet theprincipal of his college. tell him his father's dead for him.- mother! until now..i didn't have a mother,but now i am an orphan.

why? do you want to see me dead now? i won't fall for your tricks now.- you already have. slip of tongue. no matter what you do,i won't go to your college. i am off to school. bye. if ram doesn't study,then no one studies in this house. go upstairs. fine, i'll go. blackmailing me.

sir, you too.. are these your marks? 9..8..4..8..6..7.. this seems more likesomeone's mobile number. sir, i got 72% in economics. - sure. if you threaten the lecturerto throw acid on his face and cheat.. ..then this is bound to happen. no, papa,it wasn't acid, it was water. mineral water.

this is his 3rd year,he needs to study for 18 subjects. he's been in college for so long,but hasn't started studying yet. never even opened his book. if i get some more students like him.. ..then i'll haveto shut down my college. i can understand, sir. i was busy so..pleasegive him another chance. i didn't call himto give him a chance.. ..i called him to give his tc.- give it!

i don't care. give it. give it now. - hey, mister. he left. is he your real father? sir.. - please, sir. stop begging. get out! you're suspended. out! hi, pandu. - hi, nimmi. how are you? is your husband hereor left for dubai?

why weren't you answering your phone? what do i say?two stupid fools were sitting here. as soon as they left, i called. you said you'll giveme a flat on my birthday. i sold 5 medical seatswithout the office's knowledge. and i got 1 crore for it. it's in the dustbin. wow. so i will get my flat. of course,tomorrow..at my home apartment.

flat no.420 is yours. - thank you, pandu. meet me at park hotel tonight. we'll sit on the moonand lick honey. - okay. pandu, what about my flat? please wait, there's a long queue.your chance will come soon. pandu. are you dead? to hell with her. come on. give me a kiss. who is it?

how did you come in here? collect your tc fromthe office and leave. what is this? my dad's hurt, pandu. pandu? what is pandu?i am not your friend. pandu rangarao, principal.give respect. tell me something, what is therate of flats at my home apartment. what do i care about theflat rates at my home apartments? i have my own home.

so is this your second home? what do you care? you look like a monkey. and there's a longqueue of women behind you. one at home, one at green park,and one under the table. who are you? get out. you swindle money and keep the moneyin the dustbin to please all of them. son, give me your hand. what do you want, son?

i want to see happiness onmy dad's face? should i call him? why did you call me here? to tell you that your boy is a gem. forget about the marks. behavior is important. you're lucky to have a son like him. real gold doesn't need a gold medal. even scrap dealers don't buy it. stop it.will he stay in college or not?

i want to stay in college, sir? so i am buttering him. i want to see you happy. if he stays in collegewon't make me happy. you're so smart. college topper? one needs to study andattend college for that. if you had been in college, iwould've made college my second home. move.

restaurant. come. soup. fish. watch a film? film. - come on. wow. here? wasn't that nice?- it was mind blowing.

out of the world. how about a milkshake? - of course. you know, actually.. come, come.. wasn't the film nice?- actually, it wasn't that bad. did you eat properly? - yes. this is for you. and 2 minutes. you want to kill me? - no.

then why did yougo meet kalia anthony? why will i meet that fool, boss?- do you know what this is? it's a magic capsule.it was in your scooter's trunk. it tells us where you went,understood. so you went to kalia anthony'shome at 11pm yesterday. then you went to urvashi bar. it tells everything. i don't believe you, but this gadget. there's blood when you operate,and even when we do it.

sit, madam. you treated that girl in the hospital,right? - yes. can that girl be treatedin some home or hotel room? not possible, sir. the patient needs ventilator. sheneeds to be on a life support system. she needs regular mri as well.- yes, okay. how many such cases in this city?- 10-5 cases. that's all. so she can be found.

go and check in all hospitals. what will you do now? your move. i'll use the bishop. nice move. check. check and mate. you're very smart. i understand..say it on my face. don't bother me, go make coffee. you think i am a servant. make coffee.

make it yourself. ram. your family membersrespect you a lot, don't they? you didn't get it. whenever she says anything,i don't feel angry. - why? when i was small,we went to vrindavan. she was wrapped in a clothand crying on the steps of yamuna. i saw her and saidi want her as my sister. i was adamant. uncle picked up that delicate girl,and brought her home as her daughter.

she's that girl. did you tell her that? who says such things, sharmila? ram, you're so great. but did you see? they don't value me anymore. hey, come, come.i've ordered pizza today. let's go to my room. my orphan sister's friends,today is sunday.

they are all poor. i'm very hungry. they look nice. what's wrong with you?you didn't even look at them. if i look at them,they will look back. they would be flooredby this cute face. sms, mms, love letters..suicide. i've quite a bit of experience,of enduring all this. i see..did so many girlspropose to you? - of course.

okay, okay, sorry. tell me who proposedto you first. please. the first was..sarita. what have you written in this?i am your teacher. please say yes, teacher.please, teacher. that was the limit of romance. second? malvika. malvika!

malvika! malvika! you're leaving? - yes. i am going to my granny'splace for the vacations. i'll be back in a week.- i can't wait that long. sorry, ram. - it's okay. but you must do one thing for me. will you talk to usha for me? there was too much violence?- violence? see..even you are scared.

brother.. listen, brother. my friends are here. they don't know about you.they are my new friends. i had a fight with myold friends because of you. and sukanya's friends left the area. i beg you, don't come to my room. i beg you. - get up. get up. don't come there. - i said go.

ram, call her. - why? call her. ramya. - louder. ramya. what is it? ask her how did youharm sukanya and her friends what is it? speak up? your friends and.. what? - loudly.

how did i harm sukanyaand her friends? you're asking me? sukanya. tell him how he hasharmed our friends. he's asking us. don't you know what you did? what's going on?- what's all this commotion? why are you tormenting the poor boy? he's no poor boy, papa.

he asked me to introducehim to naidu uncle's daughter. hey, shut up, when did i say that?- you shut up. when i didn't introduce him,he met with my friend and told him.. ..that i am an orphan. and you found meon the steps of yamuna. he's making me an orphan. you don't know..i had to face somany difficulties when she was born. i had to spend 200,000 rupeeson her birth. right? - yes, right. that's not it, uncle.she misunderstands my story.

stop lying. i know you too well. what are you all doing here?stop troubling him. come on, go away.he's a nice boy. come on, leave. calling me a niceboy after humiliating me. sharmila.. ram. - yes. i am going to the hospital.will you come along? hello, what's wrong? hey, who are you? - quiet.

hurry up. come on. we need to give her thesecond injection after 5 hours. do you want to die? bobby. - ram. i need your help. - but what happened? check the cameranear my aunt's hospital. follow this ambulance.which signals did he cross? juhu lane. vile parle.

santacruz. khar road. i can't see him afterkhar road signal. meaning..they are somewhere in khar. thanks, bobby. finish his entire family. first tell me. - yes, boss. where is the girl's body? let's decide on the payment first.

what? but i already paid you. if the girl survives, you will die. the price for your lifeis only 2.5 million rupees? how much do you want? - 20 million. i think i should increase the price. how about 200 million.- don't try to act smart with me. because the girl is dead,there's nothing you can do. sir, if you're dk ,then even i am kd.. the girl isn't dead, she's alive.

why did you go? you should've told me. i thought someone's taking me away,so i couldn't tell you. these goons.. who are you? how did you get here? what are you looking at? sir, don't think too hard.you don't have a choice. sir, there's just 10 of us.we know where the girl is. just give us one million,and we'll do your job. we will kill her, sir.

given. that girl shouldn't survive. two minutes, sir. just two minutes. why weren't you picking up the phone? boss, someone's beatingus up really badly. take that girl's oxygen mask off.kill her. what's her condition now? is she fine? she isn't? she isn't fine? is she in danger?- no, not her. it's about you.

i shouldn't have listened to you. what's the point of runningafter someone who doesn't exist, ram? i am tensed thinking about your life. do you care about yourself or not? tell me. will you give your life for her? aunty, she can hear you. let her hear.she should know our pain too. where is she? where?

listen..i beg you. leave him. if anything happens to him,i will die. i can give my life to save yours. but don't play with my child's life. aunty, please. sharmila. sharmila. don't worry, she will be fine. ram, it's dangerous to stay here. we should go someplace else.

not just the place,we'll change vehicles. aunty? - bring himto your dad's warehouse. listen, take us tothe warehouse. - okay. idiots. he beat everyoneup and took the body. and we're chasing after him. sir, don't worry. no matter where they go,they can't escape us. there's a transmitter in that car. no matter where they go,we'll use this to catch them.

yes. go! come ahead, sir. how much? - rs 500. rs. 500? - yes. come on move fast. ram. ram. there's a problem, come here. keep moving. okay, okay. let's go.

i beg you. leave him. okay, okay. that's a navigator! someonefollowing is! throw it outside! hey..are you mocking me? the thought of yourwife is making me laugh. she can't harm us. darling, good days are upon us. yeah! what's this? pandu, did your wife send them?

my wife's not a don. who is she? is she your wife? she's a wife. but not mine. she's my life. oh, you're having an affair. you're right, are you an astrologer. pandu, you're too much. where's the body? this is the body?this drum that you see.

not this.the girl's body. - here she is. not this woman, that girl's body. what is your business, sir? don't hit me. - tell me quietly,otherwise i'll shoot you. tell me, where did you hide that girl? i don't know any girl?- then what is this? this is a led light. if you don't know the girl.. ..then how did this transmitter,which was on her body get in your car?

how can i say that, car? for example,she is someone else' wife. but she was found in my car.how do i know how she got there? that's not my responsibility. sir, i'll treat herlike my sister now. useless guy. go! what did i say? do i look useless? run away. - i get it. you all do as you please. .

why is the warehouse gate open? what if somethingwould've been stolen? dad! tell me..who opened the gate? sir, ram made us open the gate. he said he'll stay here for 2 days. dad. what are you hiding here for now? what trouble will you get me in now?

dad. - brother. brother? what happened, brother? dad. - what happened, brother? it's all your fault. we must take brother to the hospitalimmediately. - open your eyes. but where? there areno hospital for 20 kilometers. revati. - dad! dad! - brother. be strong, revati will be here soon.

there's no time, ram. make uncle lie downstraight on the ground. do it. keep your palm on his chest. is it swollen? get a sharp knife andsomething like a spirit. uncle, there's a medicalkit in the car, get it. and the vodka in the trunk.- why do you need those here? just do as i said. - are you coming?

where did you send him?revati's on her way. there's no time, uncle.- what can we do? this is tension nemothorax.- this is tension nemothorax. the air in the lungshas stopped in the chest. open his shirt. while breathing during tension.. ..if the lungs don't open properly,the air gets stuck. we must immediately get the air out. hurry up. - here.

first clean the place with vodka. yes..now make a smallhole with the knife. please, ram. believe me. we must make a smallhole to get the air out. take the bottle cap. keep it here. press it. brother, what happened? revati, ram was amazing.he saved brother's life.

brother was sufferingfrom tension nemothorax. ram got the air outof his lungs and saved him. aunty doesn't like me. but i can't see anyone dying,and so i did this. i am sorry, ram. 'sir, madhav's gone to indiabecause his mother passed away.' 'he'll be back in a week.' 'with your permission i'll changeyour number for security reasons.' 'so it's all his doing.'

this is the doctor's house.should i bring her out? i don't want that doctor. i want the patient.she might not be here. let's wait. today's the lastdose of that injection. the medicine is arrivingby morning flight. go and collect it fromthe courier service.. ..so that we don't delayfrom giving her that medicine. go back, we've to go left.

find him. he's somewhere around. go that way. - come on. it's urgent, do something.- i can't do it so quickly. it will take around 30 minutes. there's an important medicine in thatcourier. don't you understand urgency? look, this is the questionof someone's life and death. if she doesn't get thatmedicine on time, she will die. please, try to understand.- i get it, sir. sir, that boy isin the courier office.

ram, what happened to you? leave it. go! what happened? - here. what have you done to yourself?- inject her quickly. where's ram? ram! - stop. move.. - leave her. no!

you rascal. arrest him. we must shift my daughterto the hospital first. and put him behind bars.- no, don't do that. he's the reason yourdaughter is still alive. commissioner sir,i thought we're in danger.. ..that's why i called you. no, no, he and dktogether planned all this. no, that's not true.believe me. i am not lying.

i don't know how to assure you.but this is true. dear, are you..okay? sharmila, ram! who are they, daddy? arrest him. come on. - let him go. don't do this. - come on! let him go. let's go back. sir, they were right.

they gave a new life to your daughter. excuse me. - yes. dr. revati. - she is in the operation.and you are? i am chakradhar from paris. she will be in there for another hour.please wait. i've to catch a flight. tell him, i'll call her later.- okay, sir. sorry, son.i misunderstood you back then. but i know the truth now.

i am grateful to you. what happened?sharmila's papa was here. why? to say thanks. thanks? who does he think he is? did we go through allthis trouble for his thanks? what would've happen tosharmila if it wasn't for you? i'll go tell him..

no, aunty.she refused to recognize me. so how can i face her? she might not be in my life,but at least she's alive. eternal love won today. dad..i am very sorry. in my effort to get freedom,i troubled you a lot. please forgive me if you can. it's a flat tire, sir. 'if this dream is true..'

'..then at any cost..i love him,and i will marry him.'

On the Banks of a Lonely River

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