False Accusations

5:41 AM

sup you beautiful bastards. hope you've had fantastic thursday welcome back to the philip defranco show and let's just jump into and the first thing we're to talk about today is why viewers, creators small and large are freaking out on youtube right now why is youtube obsessed with making it harder and harder for subscribers to get your content? and now being subscribed on the sub feed which is the one sacred place. you could find the content you're subscribed to in chronological order is now being "optimized". so what is ethan klein of h3h3 productions talking about? well, he and many others are incredibly concerned about a tweet that came from the official team youtube account it's in response to the question. why aren't the videos in my subscription feed in chronological order anymore?

to which team youtube responded just to clarify you're currently experimenting with how to show content in the subs feed we find that some viewers are able to more easily find the videos they want to watch when we order the subs feed in a personalized order versus always showing most recent video first. essentially youtube's response here is tis but a test. don't freak out about it it's a no big deal and following a lot of the criticism team youtube responded again this morning specifically to h3h3 productions and they wrote this is a very small experiment we're testing a new and completely optional way to sort the subs feed with a small group of people videos are still there and again people have control over the setting aka don't have to use it. and my personal response to youtube here is... it appears pretty

transparent what you're trying to do with the mention of it's just an experiment. it's a very small experiment here you're minimizing the testing but everyone knows that if you're testing something you're thinking about potentially implementing this in the future as far as youtube referring to it as an optional setting sure as of right now and personally, i want to believe youtube that they would never make this the new normal but there is a reason that there are so many creators that are concerned about this and there's so many creators that are not trusting of youtube, it's called history the best way to predict what a company or person is going to do it you look back to their past actions and you also at the same time look at what's around and what's around them

you have facebook instagram twitter all kind of abandoning chronological order so why do those companies switch over despite there being a lot of people? hating on that change because they want to increase engagement if you are more engaged with the app, you're going to use it more you're going to continue using it in the future so based on your past viewing habits your engagement you are then fed similar pieces of content or content from those creators the incredibly unfortunate part of that is it can hurt discoverability for very small creators that are trying to get a start and that's just one of several complaints in issue no, youtube's defense. i think part of the experiment potentially comes from a good place

there are some people and channels that actually do not benefit from having a chronological feed and these are usually channels that don't post that often. they might not have a dedicated schedule so potentially the change would increase the likelihood that someone would watch a video from a channel that does not have to post every day also, there are a lot of users on youtube that are subscribed to a ton of people but they only consume content regularly from a few of them and youtube's pictures essentially they want to reorganize that clutter for you so that you can get straight to the content. you normally consume but i think the simple argument against that is well that is what the home page recommended watch next has become why mess with the one and only page on your website that gives people the raw flow of videos that they subscribe for youtube. i beg you you've done enough. just just don't touch this thing

i know all the other places have done that but but be youtube different but of course that's just my personal takeaway based off of my experience with youtube and and the issues we've had sometimes with with our content and getting to our audience or not and so that's why i'm personally fearful of this change just seems like another way for our content to be suppressed or lost in the shuffle. i believe that it could be truly devastating so with that said i do want to pass a question off to you. what's your takeaway here? do you get what youtube is trying to do? do do you love it? do you hate it any feelings you have on it? let me know in those comments down below, but from that i want to share some stuff

i loved today and today in awesome the first bit of awesome today is if you're gonna snag any of our gear from shop defranco dot-com today today. we have a 20% off link for pillows which to my surprise i found out yesterday is one of our best selling product types although it turns out it has largely been carried by our let's make mistakes together pillows also, honestly who needs another pillow that's like home is where the heart is. no, snag it don't be stupid stupid pillow, reminded a stay humble hustle heart or the perfect gift for your relatives on facebook the why be informed when you can use your feelings as your facts pillows, if you want to snag one while you can with the 20% discount just click the link in the top description then in trailer. awesome. we got another trailer for won't you be my neighbor? i'm really excited for that one

even though i the likelihood of me ugly crying during the movie is pretty high then yanis game trailer for state of decay it's shawn mendes is asking the web's most searched questions life noggin asking us what if we could teleport and if you want to see the full versions of everything i just shared the secret link of the day anything at all links is always are in the description down below now let's talk about this situation with shawn king sherita dickson cole and a texas state trooper so shawn king who described himself as both an activist and a journalist. he's also a columnist for the interceptor he posts something on sunday, and it's a statement detailing allegations that state trooper officer hubbard had sexually assaulted sarita dixon cole while she was handcuffed in his vehicle he says she was kidnapped and raped by this officer as she was being held hostage

she says she was told she was being stopped because hubbard expected she was driving while intoxicated adding cole voluntarily performed and passed all dui/dwi protocol including a breathalyzer. however, hubbard decided he quote didn't like her attitude and that he was going to take her to jail anyway and saying the officer asked her if she wanted to go home as he hiked up her skirt adding he told her that she could earn her way home if she really wanted to go and then the allegations get worse. we're talking threat of a murder according to shawn kings post sherita had called her boyfriend just as she was getting pulled over he shows up allegedly the officer asks who is that and according to shawn king's post when she explained it was her fiance? he asked her was he armed when she said he was not hubbard retorted if you tell him what happened

he will be armed and his firearm will be visible when i have to shoot him just after this according to the post hubbard tells the fiance that she's going to jail alsoif you follow you will be arrested as well fiancee drives a small distance waits for the officer to take her to jail eventually he ends up just leaving but instead what happened according to the post hubbard drove the car behind the vacant dealership and told cole why don't you just give me some of that sweet pussy? you have been given your fiancee and then you can go home king riding cole begged hubbard to just take her to jail

he placed his hands back up her skirt and penetrated her vagina warning her not to be stupid he explained she could go home tonight if she just gave him what he wanted around that point cole's boyfriend had looped the highway and when the officer saw that he was coming he stopped and you know what, there are more details to this assault but i'm just going to stop there because it turns out all of it's a lie on tuesday the texas department of public safety released almost two hours of body cam footage and there is no crime committed i'm not saying like there's something that could have been misinterpreted or you know what the cuts they're sketchy officer appears to be nothing but professional sherita dix and cole seems fine her fiance seems fine in the video. it appears that she has open alcohol in the vehicle

they calls it and reads her her miranda rights lets her know about the situation offers to give her a chance to call her fiance. she said she already talked to him when he arrives he allows him to talk briefly i get to the jail he places the camera in a way so you can see everything they small talk about her fiance moving the cost of living or occupation her children he explains how the situation goes he gives her a breathalyzer even lets her know that she blew in just under the legal limit but of course he pulled her over two hours ago and that's it and so of course immediately shaun king's credibility took a massive hit in his pose going after officer hubbard he wrote this woman is a mother and a corporate professional

she didn't just make this a horrible crime was committed against her and it needs to be dealt with immediately that was shared tens of thousands of times. he went on the radio he spread this story and none of it is true in responds to the footage the department said they were appalled that anyone would make such a despicable slanderous and false accusation against a peace officer who willingly risks his life every day to protect and serve the public we saw dickson cole's lawyer apologize we also saw shawn king write a whole medium post about this and it's titled when the victim you fought for turns out to be the victimizer rita dickson : the painful consequences of a false report of sexual assault and police misconduct the claims before releasing gama then says he has now watched the body cam footage three different times and he has seen no

allegations proven true writing not one not threats not the sexual assaults none of it is one of the most bizarre things i've ever heard of he also writes to this moments rita dickson cole says all of her allegations are true thing the body camera footage must have been edited but even shaun king says it does not appear to be the case, shaun king then writing thousands of people a year are victimized by the police rita dickson cole is not one of those victims adding. she victimized us she victimized the man she falsely accused and she victimized those who stood up for her leaving that she had experienced the worst crime and since all of this came out shaun king spoke with fox news and he was asked if he would issue an apology to the officer which king reportedly said i would actually like to speak to the officer

personally to apologize and to communicate that he was actually a model example of a good cop in this situation who was patient and thorough i've actually already reached out to try to make that happen and ultimately where this story ends up for me based on all of this information i mean, obviously we should not lose sight of this rita dickson cole is a garbage person for this not only did she try to just completely destroy a person's life with with a false sexual assault claim a false murder threat claim she hurts all the real victims out there whether it be people that have spoken out already about their story or we're thinking about it but but are now worried worried that because there are stories like this that no one will believe that there will be that doubt and

so because there's really not a question that can revolve around her the question i want to pass off to you is what do you think about the shaun king situation? because the main two things i'm seeing from the shawn king fallout you have some people defending him people saying there's really no 100% way to protect yourself from someone that is lying especially when it's a situation that allegedly involved just two people at the same time you have a lot of people that are angry at shaun king many people saying that this is an example of someone wanting to push a narrative and not doing enough background work and then this is just blowing up in their face essentially arguing that because he has a bias because he maybe wanted to take down a cop he didn't do the amount of work necessary to verify everything and yet he publicly accused this officer by name of

kidnapping and raping someone but with all of that said, i want to pass the question off to you what is your takeaway from this situation, then in not really the most surprising news president trump today canceled a u.s north korea summit that was scheduled for june 12th as far as the reason for the cancellation we can look to a letter from donald trump to kim jong-un there donald trump says he's very much looking forward to being there with him, exactly based on the tremendous anger and open hostility displayed in your most recent statement i feel it isn't appropriate at this time to have this long planned meeting, later adding i felt a wonderful dialogue was building up between you and me and ultimately it is only that dialogue that matters, adding some day i look forward to meeting you

he says thank you for releasing the hostages refers to it as a beautiful gesture and he closes if you change your mind having to do with this most important summit please do not hesitate to call me or write, the world and north korea in particular has lost a great opportunity for lasting peace and great prosperity and wealth this missed opportunity is truly a sad moment in history and if you boil down that letter it's essentially donald trump saying man. i want to be a friend i want to help you out, but you're being crazy. did that really cool thing, and i appreciate it but then then you start talking crazy again. that's really not gonna work for us but let us know if things change the most recent statement from north korea that donald trump is referring to and his letter is this one in which north korea's vice foreign?

minister calls penn's a political dummy where she also added whether the us will meet us at a meeting table or encounter us at a nuclear to nuclear showdown isn't dependent upon the decision and behavior of the united states as far as the reason for donald trump doing this it's either one of two things or both of those things one it's a negotiating tactic to show north korea that at any time the united states is also willing to just kind of pull away north korea of course previously canceled on south korea threatened to cancel with the united states essentially this is president trump showing north korea that the united states is not going to grovel and that we are going to negotiate from a position of power and/or to they thought that this summit would be a failure and that's something secretary of state mike pompeo hit on today when he said

i don't believe in that sense that we were in a position to believe that there could be a successful outcome adding over the past many days we have endeavored to do what chairman kim and i had agreed which was to put teams preparation teams together to begin to work to prepare for the summit and we have received no response. we're inquiries from them personally i'm of the belief that it's both of those reasons no matter the reason. it's really not shocking that we've gotten to this point i mean, obviously a ton of us have been very skeptical since it was announced that this meeting may happen but i mean if you really look to the 29th of last month things have just been going downhill and on that day if you don't remember that was when john bolton the new national security adviser mentioned the libya model

is it a requirement that kim jong-un agree to give away those weapons before? you give any kind of concession? i think that's right. i think we're looking at the libya model of 2003-2004 the reason that's a problem is it's being misinterpreted by multiple parties bolton appears to be referencing a denuclearization process under which libya voluntarily gave up their young nuclear weapons program, right? so it appears that he's trying to say we want the complete abandonment of a nuclear program not like what we saw with the iran dealbut by specifically mentioning the libya model north korea has taken issue with that characterization because unlike libya they already have a functioning nuclear weapons program then may 15th rolls around north korea cancels a meeting with south korea at that same time they called into question

bolton's comments saying it is essentially a manifestation of awfully sinister move to impose on our dignified state the destiny of libya or iraq which had been collapsed due to? yielding the whole of their country's two big powers and on may 17 donald trump kind of tried to clear things up but then may have accidentally made it worse. you may remember he said this the libyan model isn't a model that we have at all well, we're thinking of north korea. okay, so that was helpful. but then later adding that was a total decimation we went in there to beat him now that model would take place if we don't make a deal most likely but if we make a deal, i think kim jong-un is going to be very very happy and the problem there is that it appears that donald trump's actually referring to the 2011 libya model

i was when nato carried out airstrikes against gaddafi and his forces a situation that ultimately led to gaddafi being killed in the streets whereas the 2003 libya model was just the country stopping their new nuclear weapons program for the north koreans that statement and that reminder of course could freak them out at that point most likely what they're thinking is well if we look to libya what if they did have nuclear weapons. would that have been a deterrence so that nato didn't strike them if the international community to not get involved because they were fearful of a nuclear weapon would gaddafi be alive today because at that point libya motto was just kind of out there saw trump and pence kind of try to change the narrative to you know, if they don't make this deal it will end up like the libya model that's where we are as of right now donald trump this morning was on tv saying, you know

he is willing to put things back on if and when kim jong-un chooses to engage in constructive dialogue and actions i am waiting, but as of right now it does not appear that the summit will be happening and we'll just have to wait and see what happens next that's where i'm going to end. today's show. and of course remember, this is the philip defranco show i'll give you the news sometimes my opinion and i want to hear from you whether it be the last story the first one anything in between let me know in those comments down below also, remember if you like this video hit that like button if you're new here hit that subscribe button maybe even ring that bell. sometimes it works

also if you missed yesterday's philip defranco show you want to catch up click or tap right there to watch that or if you need something lighter you can watch the news behind the scenes vlog. but that's said, of course as always my name's philip defranco you've just been phill'd in, i love yo faces and i'll see you tomorrow.

False Accusations

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