461 Ocean Boulevard

4:41 AM

welcome to the gracie and mommy show. gracieis not here right now because gracie is helping daddy get the christmas tree out of the box.we got a new christmas tree this year and i'm trying to get us caught up on reviewsbecause it's christmas time and it's crunch time if you're a toy reviewer. and we justhave so many cool things that we want to share with you that we think might be really coolto have on your christmas or hanukah list this year. this is from the folks at playmobil. hugethanks to the folks at playmobil for sending this to us. this is part of the playmobil city life set.and this is amazing. this is a really sort

of funky, cool townhouse looking, has a reallymodernistic, modern looking house. i really liked it because i love the sortof clean lines of this. a lot of times dollhouses are kind of a little bit more froo-froo-y.this has just these really modern clean lines. it reminds me a little bit of miami vice honestly.but it's super cool. now i'm going to tell you that we totallycheated and i had daddy build it for me. (laughs) let me not mess it up. ta-da! here it is all built. thank you daddy. i'm going to move the camera in. wheeeee.

so you guys can get a better look. so thereyou go. thank you so much to my honey for decoratingthis...for decorating...thank you so much to my honey for assembling this for us. daddy wanted to let you know that it tookhim just about maybe a little bit over an hour. it was his first playmobil build. it's 375 pieces. it's for ages 4-10. so thereare small pieces that could potentially be choking hazards. it is so cool and definitely just has this...ithink it's the palm trees that are really giving me the miami vice vibe. (laughs)

it is so awesome. the door opens. there'sa little mail slot that actually opens over here. the attention to detail is really impressive. like i said, this is our first playmobil dollhouse.our first playmobil set really. we are just...(doorbell rings) how cool is that? (doorbell rings) ding dong. somebody's here. and it stays together really well. some dollhouses...(laughs)it's just a random littlest pet hanging out here. obviously gracie's been playing withthis dollhouse. but this is actually like the kind of housethat daddy and i would really really like.

we like really modern stuff. and it does sort of remind us of our housebecause our house is a split-level house, which means that it's on all different levels.there's stairs that go...we've got stairs everywhere, which seemed like a good ideauntil i got ms and then it seemed like a really bad idea. so let me set this up. i'm going to keep thispalm tree outside. where do you want to go? i'm going to sit in the middle of the table.i'm going to be like the thanksgiving turkey. let me get the other stuff out of the boxbecause daddy left us some stuff. he left us lots of stuff.

so you get your playmobil people. so this is a playmobil dude. hi, i'm a playmobil dude, how are you? where is playmobil dudette? she's in here.here we go. this is who i am calling playmobil dudette.there you go. she's very cool. she's going to hang out with playmobil dude. they're goingto go stand over here on the steps and do like a family portrait. family portrait time? sure! a family portrait sounds great. yay!

playmobil gives you this cool little toolto help assemble your playmobil thing, which was really kind of neat. daddy said that waspretty helpful. then he left me all of the decorating. sothere are more little frans. so these little frans that you can just keep putting all overthe place. you can just frans yourself stupid. oops. look at that. i'm not even doing itright. and of course your looking at my arm pretty much right now aren't you? so you can like put more frans. here's a littlevase. these are books? yes, these are books. sothese books can go on the bookshelf over here. see we never film like this. this is why wedon't do faceless toy reviews because i'm

not good at it. i'm much better on camerathan i am off camera. oh look. this is like a little stack of magazinesor something. what else do we have? there's so many cute little things. i lovedollhouses by the way. do you guys know that about me and my dollhouse issues? there isa very sad dollhouse story that someday we will tell you. here's more stuff. more stuff. i'm not surewhat that is. this looks like a planter. wow. this looks like...this actually looks likea radar gun. i'm pretty sure it's not a radar gun.

what is all this stuff daddy? those are akoocher monts. akoocher monts. thank you. oh here we go. here's the planter. right. so we can put our little frans in here andsome plants. yea. that's what i did, was i built a bigstructure because they gave you a whole bunch of different types of buds and flowers touse. there's red buds... yea, there are all different colored flowers.these are very tropical.

yea. wait let me get this. there we go. here are some tropical lookingflowers that come with this set. you can even use something like this. well yea, that's what i was going to do. lookat you! oh wait i want that. i like that. that's pretty. where'd you get that from? i've got two of them over here. oh those are pretty. i love those. yea. and so we can just put like these youcan just stick on here. there you go.

there you go. and you can make these be all pretty and colorfuland stuff. and we can do that over here on this one. there's a whole bunch of different... yea, there's no right or wrong way to do it. nope. nope. and you can just decorate them. there'spurple ones. i got that thing down there. yea. that one's over there.

so you can put them in the front here. whoops. yea. and then we've got like...theseare cool. oh did you hear this? i did! i rang the doorbell. yea. that is prettycool. whoops! oops! we knocked over playmobil dudette! dudette's down! dudette down! yea, i mean there are just tons and tons ofdifferent flower type things. there's even a laptop.

look at how cute this is with the little laptop!awe! that is adorable! so they can be sitting at the table here with their fake turkey anddoing that. this is a telescope. oh it's a telescope. oh well that's true becausethey live sort of on the...i'm assuming they live on the water. this looks maybe like it goes with the telescope. yes. the telescope goes here. yea. over here in the bedroom area there'sthis little vanity shelf thing. then over

here there's this thing. i think that's just...whatis that? is that the kitchen? no. what? what is the thing by the front door? it's usually the living room. okay. so is that the t.v.? could be. okay. but there's all sorts of doo-dads and gee-ga's. doo-dads and gee-ga's.

that's a technical term folks. technical terms! so this is so awesomely cool. and then youcan buy...so like it has the dining room set that it comes with but you can buy additionalplaymobil furniture sets so that you can then decorate your awesome cool, miami vice lookinghouse, which i think i want to do. (laughing) is the plant coming to town? the plant man. the plant man is coming to town. i think this is just so totally cool thati'm able to put this up on the roof. we'll

have a roof party! roof party! there's a light beacon here. uh-huh. i don't know what that's all about. so that, you know, people from the ocean...becauseif they lived on the ocean then it would be like a lighthouse. well yea, again the address here is 461 oceanboulevard. oh! well. okay viewers, what's that from?

i don't know. comment if you know. let me turn it around again so we can showeverybody the outside again. want me to spin that around? i just think this is so cool. oh look daddy decorated the flowers out frontnow. nice. and there she is standing outside. ding-dong. and he's going to look out the window in hismiami vice house. oops! well he's not going to do that. well maybe would in miami vice.i don't know. so there we go. look out the window dude.

so there it is. there's our awesome, coolplaymobil dollhouse, which it is part of the city life series. i will put pricing and informationdown below. it is super cool and now i want to get the rest of the...that's the tool. that's the tool. i was telling them about the tool. good. the tree by the way has coconuts on it. that's very cool. a lovely bunch of coconuts.

so thank you again so much to playmobil forsending us this awesome cool dollhouse. this is really just funky, fun, and cool. now ihave to go get all of the other furniture to...i have a dollhouse situation. i havea dollhouse addiction. (laughs) so this was really cool. i will put a link to where you can get itand pricing and information and everything down below. thank you again so much. thank you all somuch for watching. remember to follow us on facebook, instagram, periscope, and twitter.follow us those places and do not be a hater. and we will see you again real soon. we loveyou! bye!

461 Ocean Boulevard

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