Dr. John's Gumbo

5:41 AM

the world’s most intriguing and unique scientific research collaboration is happening right now here at florida atlantic university. the jupiter life science initiative produces the top stem graduates and researchers by combining the power of fau with two of the globes leading centers of neuroscience and biotechnology exploration. the combination of scripps, max planck and fau is a remarkable convergence of research talent infrastructure for doing the best research, and in the training of young scientist. with boundless opportunities come limitless potential. fau students are learning, training, and working alongside some of the world’s leading experts and faculty.

the scripps research institute is one of the leading and foremost biomedical research institutes in the world. we have six different scientific departments in jupiter including the department of neuroscience, the department of chemistry, and several others. we have been pleased over the last few years to provide undergraduate internships to fau students and also graduate student fellowships to fau graduate students. coming to the united states, the max planck society saw huge potential in forming a collaborative campus up here in jupiter with florida atlantic university and with scripps florida. world class environment for scientific achievement and graduate education undergraduate education

together, building the scientific community could really have impact on some of the major problems that face society today in terms of neurological and psychiatric disorders. what we had hoped for five years ago has happened we really have a tremendous environment for doing science on this campus and we are really excited about being a part of this jupiter initiative. i chose to study at the jupiter life science initiative because it gives me the opportunity that i could’t find elsewhere to collaborate with professors at prestigious institutes such as scripps and max planck florida. the opportunities to conduct research with professors of this caliber really aren’t available at any other place in the united states.

it’s now a critical mass of neuroscientist in a tri-institutional framework for neuroscience. there’s probably no place in the world with bigger, better equipment than what we have here. by joining forces with new scientific initiatives, new education initiatives and bringing the very best faculty from throughout the world to the jupiter campus we will attract the very best students from around the world together we will make a huge difference in biomedical research. jupiter is going to be fau’s bright shinning light. from undergraduates to doctoral candidates the labs and centers of max planck and scripps research institute around the world

the jupiter life science initiative at fau has created a research ecosystem like no other. the nation’s newest hub for life science is here, now.

Dr. John's Gumbo

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