Blues After Hours

4:41 AM

hello everyone and thanks for yourtuning in to the financial investor channel my name is brent and today we'regoing to be talking about yesterday's market monday and the mishap that tookplace after hours now in the early morning hours everything was going greatfree market most of the markets were doing really well the pre marketnasdaq's had an increase of 0.1 7 the s&p 500 and the dow jones were up i knowmy portfolio was up throughout the entire day and then something took placein the after hours that really knocked everything down that was gained throughthe day and then some more so the nasdaq during market hours had anincrease of 0.28% today the russell 200

followed right behind with an increaseof 0.35 percent today the smp had an increase of point zero five percenttoday so it started off really nicely strong and then struggled to keep aboveand then in the after-hours all that all the markets went down about 0.5% todaythe dow jones had a really nice day as well my my portfolio is basically sortof a mixture in between the dow jones the sp500 i believe mine had a reallynice market day compared to both of these but then during the end of the dayeverything tumbled here i mean what caused at the tumble well here we go inthe after-hours you can see that the us stocks s&p 500 fell 0.4 9% today thenasdaq fell point 5 9 % today and the

dow jones had another you know had anincrease of 0.37% falling down so there was you know the hurricane harvey that'sbeen taking place across we're not across texas but in certain parts oftexas that has caused some damage which has affected some stock so you can seethe excellent here i believe it went down point-three 3% today and that's youknow it's not anything anything terrible the main reason that a lot of the stocksand markets had gone down was it really that the stock market good so here is anarticle the stock market closes little changed as hurricane harvey hits theenergy side so this basically the article isbasically saying that even after a huge

hit to the energy sector you know exxonand a few other energy stocks the the stocks were not hit very hard butsomething did happen today in the after hours and throughout the day that causedthe markets that kind of tumble and here we go again another huge and exxon oilrefinery damaged by heavy rain from harvey you can see the inside of here isjust completely tore out you know it's been flooded in and kind of ripped apartthere now the main thing that took place today was that the markets all sort ofwent down under in the ne after hours so here cramer's remix from cnbc is here'show you know north korea launched a missile this morning or in the future iwould say because i believe north

korea's 19 hours ahead of the us or atleast where i'm at anyways they launched a missile this morning that was aimedtowards japan now there was a big big worrisome that took place in japan asthe missile had flew over and broke up in several pieces and then crashed somemiles away from any of the land so it didn't actually hit anything there butpeople were so asked the same side look out for the debris that was falling andthat caused a bit of a market you know it did affect the market now there's abreak-in here the asian market sink and let's go ahead and just take a look atthe article real quick so asian markets sink after north korea missile launchdemands for safe haven assets rises so

north korea fired a missile that flewover japan on tuesday prices of your traditional safe haven assets includinggold in the yen were supported early on tuesday so here it just talks about howmany of the different currencies fell so talks about how that cope sea tumbledone point one point zero three percent the aussie index fell point seven fivepercent today and the japan's nicky the drop point two two point seventy twopercent today so many of these markets in thein the asian markets foul along with i believe this is that australian marketasx that would make sense but let's go ahead and take a look here at the worldmap and we can see that china probably

took the biggest hit today just as thearticle saying china you can see here that the baidu took a negative two pointfour six so these are just during market hoursthis isn't after hours i'm not sure if this includes after hours i'm sure if wetake a look at baba after hours right there i don't believe this is going totell me any of the after hours oh yeah here he goes so in the after hours thatwent down in additional 1.4 1.4 1% today so quite a bit that happened there inthe after hours along with canada and columbia and the us and many of theseother markets just in the in the us or in the in the world so something elsethat was talked about here in an article

is who well the fed pop the stock marketbubble and basically we've been in like what a nine-year pattern where stockshave just grown faster than the enemy economy has been able to handle andwe're at a position now where we can't really calculate the valuation of or themarket for the long term so this article kind of goes through and talks about howthe current stock market bubble will pop and what has caused it to pop and howdid the bubble get created well it talks about how the concentrated policy by thecentral banks which are all owned by you know mainly a couple people the centralbanks are in every single country in the world besides for and that's north korearussia syria i believe and like one

others so not very many central banksare not very many countries countries remaining without central banks so thethose who control the central banks around the world decided to begininvesting in riskier investment and that cause in a common economic growththat we're not sure what the you know the full effective it will beso all these central banks are putting this money into riskier investmentswhich may or may not pop and it will because we all know that the marketalways takes a dive and this is probably something that is pretty much planned ifyou take a look at the investors with billions of dollars they've actuallytaken their money out of the us and

moved it over to the european economy sothat is something fun i think i'll have this article here and the descriptionbelow if you guys would like to take a read at it and i'll leave kramer'sarticle in the description below and i believe that's about it so just a prettyheavy day in the markets today during the actual market hours it wascompletely fine and then everything just sort of tumbled in the after-hours sohopefully everyone didn't lose too much you know you made some and then you lostsome but think of it in the long term right so that is it for the that is itfor it today i want to thank everyone for watching up into this point if youdid like the video hit the like button

please remember to subscribe by hittingthe subscribe button below and if you have any questions or want to say helloplease leave a comment and i will always reply thanks for tuning in and i willsee you next time bye

Blues After Hours

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