Lay It On Down [Cars & Guitars Edition]

5:41 AM

i knew when you told me you don'twanna go home tonight and you tried to shrug it offwhen i asked why somebody hurt you,somebody hurt you but you're here by my side and i knew 'cause i can recall when i wasthe one in your seat i've still got the scars andthey occasionally bleed 'cause somebody hurt me,somebody hurt me

but i'm staying alive and i can tell whenyou get nervous you think being yourself means being unworthy and it's hard to love with a heart that's hurting but if you want togo out dancing i know a place i know a place we can go

where everyone's gonnalay down their weapon, lay down their weapon just give me trust andwatch what happens 'cause i know i know a place we can run don't you be afraidof love and affection just lay down your weapon right now it's like you're carrying allthe weight of your past

i can feel the bruises,yellow, dark blue and black but baby, a bruise isonly your body trying to keep you intact so right now i think we should go get drunkon cheap wine i think we should hop on thepurple line 'cause maybe our purpose is tonever give up when we're on the right track and i can tell

when you get nervousyou think being yourself means being unworthyand it's hard to love but if you want to go outdancing just give me trust and watchwhat happens lay down theirweapon don't you be afraid oflove and affection they will try tomake you unhappy don't let them they will try to tell youyou're not free

don't listen i know a place where you don'tneed protection even if it's only in myimagination just give me trust andanything can happen where everyone'sgonna lay down their weapon, i know a place we can stay

Lay It On Down [Cars & Guitars Edition]

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