An Acoustic Evening At The Vienna Opera House

4:41 AM

madein in one word... identification, because... our music and the band itself is a bit of all of us. and we are there, our influences are there, our lives are there, our thoughts are there, in the band, and that's essential. for me, for example, for me madein means...

i'm personally working hard on it, on this project, and i can feel it like a personal satisfaction. professionally, i can see i'm getting something as a result of that hard work: on the promotion, the songs... in my personal and professional life. i think it's a big step for me. emotion. music is that in general,

communicates feelings trough sound. and i think that on the basis of the music people can see in our songs our feelings written there. gay. gay, but it's ok. a little bit gay, yeah. cool, madein is cool.

carlos is cool too. what a leg you have, man! i'm cool too, nã© is also cool. you're cool too, there behind the camera. we all are cool! cool! madein in one word. i think the right word is work,

because, every week, we try to get our goals, and... and that you can only get working. i became interested in music when i listened to blink 182, a northamerican band, and i realized that they could communicate a lot to people, so i wondered: "could i do the same?" i started because of my mother, perhaps.

since i was a child, i've listened to music. at the beginning, i listened to classical music, lately i came through other styles, through rock music and that's all. i remember i was living in canarias i came to a concert with my parents. it was a concert of a girl who plays the cello. i was five years old and then i told my mother: "mum, i want to play the cello",

my mother took me to the music academy and, since then, i've always had a cello between my legs. oh... you like it, don't you? i like it, always between my legs. i was bad at eight sports, so i came into music. not, but... well, it was like that.

i started playing the guitar, when i was fourteen i started to play the drums and, when i was fifteen, i went on a iberian contest and i positioned between the twenty best drummers from portugal and spain. since then, i've kept on playing drums, later, i started playing percussion and now i play both. my first instrument was a piano. piano.

i started taking lessons... uh... and lately i came through other styles, through rock, and i started playing the guitar. the first time i composed it wasn't with them, it wasn't on my own neither. it was with a friend, when i was fourteen or fifteen...

fifteen years old. my first instrument was the drums, and since then, it has been a crazy, i've been interested in every instruments. i started composing when i was fifteen, with a band that i founded in badajoz, called "sharp strings". we were five friends who played strings at academy and we all were fans of a band called apocalyptica. we made rock, softer than apocalyptica, and i made the songs, i was good at that.

some of my songs weren't too mature, but it has been getting better. the first song i composed was called... "stain", "stain", in english. was it "purple"? no, it wasn't "purple stain", "stain" only. it was only "stain".

daniel, personally... nothing proffesionally? well... i think we have complicity, he's a friend, a great friend. and... and that makes easier the work, friendship makes easier everything. professionally speaking...

the best thing of nã© is the way he dares things, the way he faces things, he is a very optimistic person, and that's very necessary in the world of music, it is necessary to never give up. and daniel has proved that several times. he is optimistic. carlos is a good musician.

he usually brings to the rehearsals new songs, he's always creating different solos... he is a good musician, he is cool. what i like the most about fernando is his creativity, his strength and one thing that i haven't: he is not lazy. i believe the creativity that fernando puts in our songs

is too personal, he contributes with a huge part of him, and i like it so much. it's very important now that we are evolving. gao... i see in him one thing that i haven't. he's a guy who isn't afraid to make decisions and, when he makes a wrong decision, he doesn't get down.

he isn't afraid of say yes, of get into something that could be wrong. - he is a pusher.- he doesn't fear the risk. he doesn't fear the risk and we can see it at his professional life, at "gao percussion", he succeeds because he takes risks, and that inspires me a lot. the perfect quote for gao: "who never takes risks, never wins" "who never takes risks, never wins", he always says that.

An Acoustic Evening At The Vienna Opera House

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