Katy Perry - Rise (NBC Olympics video)

7:43 AM
Get "Rise": http://smarturl.it/KatyRisenWITNESS: The Tour tickets available now! https://www.katyperry.com/tournnThanks to NBC Olympics for footage – tune in to the 2016 Rio Olympic games August 5-21
Creative Director: Joseph Lee / Editor: Jeremy Quayhackx.n nFollow Katy Perry:nhttp://www.katyperry.comnhttp://youtube.com/katyperrynhttp://twitter.com/katyperrynhttp://facebook.com/katyperrynhttp://instagram.com/katyperryn nLYRICS:nI won’t just survivenOh, you will see me thrivenCan’t write my storynI’m beyond the archetypennnI won’t just conformnNo matter how you shake my coren‘Cause my roots they run deep, ohnnnOh, ye of so little faithnDon’t doubt it, don’t doubt itnVictory is in my veinsnI know it, I know itnAnd I will not negotiatenI’ll fight it, I’ll fight itnI will transformnnnWhen, when the fire’s at my feet againnAnd the vultures all start circlingnThey’re whispering, "You’re out of time”nBut still I risennnThis is no mistake, no accidentnWhen you think the final nail is innThink againnDon’t be surprisednI will still risennnI must stay consciousnThrough the madness and chaosnSo I call on my angelsnThey saynnnOh, ye of so little faithnDon’t doubt it, don’t doubt itnVictory is in your veinsnYou know it, you know itnAnd you will not negotiatenJust fight it, just fight itnAnd be transformednnn‘Cause when, when the fire’s at my feet againnAnd the vultures all start circlingnThey’re whispering, "You’re out of time”nBut still I risennnThis is no mistake, no accidentnWhen you think the final nail is innThink againnDon’t be surprisednI will still risennnDon’t doubt it, don’t doubt itnOh, oh, oh, ohnYou know it, you know itnStill risenJust fight it, just fight itnDon’t be surprisednI will still risennhttp://vevo.ly/k8KKoH. Download MP3 or Video Katy Perry - Rise (NBC Olympics video), published by Vevo and duration 3 Minute(s) 21 Second(s) in Music category.

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    under exclusive license to Epic Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
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